Daily Updates

From: maclatch <maclatch@unbsj.ca>
Subject: PC: Update, Wednesday, 25 March 1998
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 08:38:48 -0400

Port Charles
Dateline: 25 March 1998

Today in Port Charles, Matt struggles with survival guilt, Lark with her
"keepers", and Lucy to save her business without sacrificing herself or
her friends.

At the hospital chapel, Matt talks out loud to whomever he thinks of as
Îhis greater power'.  He is a little pissed off about the direction his
life has taken lately.  He thought that getting shot by his brother and
ending up in a wheelchair was the worse thing that could happen.  But
God's outdone himself this time.  Ellen enters.  She is sorry that Matt
is feeling so bad ÷ but tells him that what has happened is not his
fault.  She wants to know what she can do.  Matt takes her hand and asks
her to sit with him for awhile.

Lark comes home to the Scanlons', and figures that she is "home safe".
However, Frank enters and demands to know where she's been.  She says
she went to the movies and didn't tell anyone ÷ which, she claims,
anywhere else would not be a crime.  Frank is mad, as Lark was grounded
and Julie waited for her at the hospital to bring her home.  Lark claims
that she didn't know that was the plan.  She wants Frank off her back.
Frank threatens her ÷ more attitude like this and she's back at the
juvenile detention centre.  If she is to live in this house she is to
play by his rules, including accounting for all of her hours.

Grace is in a hospital bed.  She teases Joe and Karen about the bedside
manner of certain doctors.  Karen and Joe have a gift for her, a new
sweater to replace her old blue one.

At the lighthouse, on the couch, Lucy is torturing Kevin with seductive
touches and innuendos.  She wants Kevin to give her "permission" to go
into business with Scott.  He won't ÷ but wonders why she's bothering to
get it, as she always does what she wants anyway.  Other options he
suggests, like getting dollars from Jax or tracking down the money Rex
stole from her, she counters by saying that Jax's money is tied up in
other projects and she is working on finding her money, but so far, no
good.  She says she's going to make Scott an offer.  Kevin acquiesces ÷
and she administers to his "wounds" from losing yet another round with
her.  They joke about Victor being upstairs as the mutual seduction

Matt tells Ellen that he hasn't been in a church for years.  Matt's
mother kept the faith ÷ mostly by praying that the rest of her family
wouldn't be go to hell for being in their line of work.  Ellen tells him
that it's not his fault that all of this has happened.  Matt counters
that he could have left town to keep others out of the line of fire.
Ellen points out he would have been hunted down.  Matt thinks this might
have been better than being the hunter.  Matt feels ties to his
brother.  He is going to call his father and tell him what happened and
to try and end this once and for all.  Ellen points out that it seems
that he hasn't given up hope after all.

Joe and Julie tease Jake about his new "friend" he's been dating.  He
tells them her name is Chlo‘ and she's a pre-med student who can cook.
They want details and surmise that he more than kissed her.  Jake hasn't
heard about the shooting and they give him the low down.

Eve and Lark, in the Scanlon kitchen, do their usual sparring.  Lark
doesn't want a lecture, and Eve doesn't want to give one.  Eve tells a
story about a man who buys a stubborn mule that he can't get to move
when he wants it to.  The previous owner smacks it with a 2X4 board to
get it to move.  When the new owner asks why, the previous owner says
sometimes you have to go to extremes to get its attention.  The moral of
the story: Lark's as stubborn as a mule ÷ sooner or later she is going
to get whacked and Eve hopes that it's not so serious that she can't
recover from it.

Matt talks to a patient about the patient's daughter and loses his own
patience (ha!ha!).  The other interns diffuse the situation and offer to
cover some shifts to help him out and give him some time off.  Jake
tells him he's sorry about what happened.  Matt tells him he can't sleep
÷ he sees his brother dying in his arms when he tries.  He says it's
supposed to be him on the slab in the morgue, not his brother.

At the lighthouse, Victor is reading Lucy's accounts and clippings about
Rex.  Kevin and Lucy try to dissuade him from spending time doing this
(methinks this is foreshadowing the mathematical genius that Victor is
finding Lucy's money).  Kevin offers to buy him some books, magazines,
etc.  Lucy receives a letter from Rex ÷ he's heard about her plans to
partner with Scott, and makes loosely veiled threats about another
product tampering and ruining both Scott and her.

Lark calls Jake and tells him she can't get together with him during the
evening, as she's switched her classes to night classes so she can study
during the day.  Jake says he'll change some shifts to get his days free
so they can meet.

Matt is back in the chapel, and says to God that he and Bobby deserved
another kind of life, one without danger and guns.  He leaves and goes
to the phone.  He calls his father and tells him that Bobbie's been shot
and that he's dead.

Scott comes over to the lighthouse, with the cheque for Lucy.  She turns
it down without looking at it.  He jokes about the number of zeroes on
the cheque.  She shows him Rex's letter.  Rex would be thrilled to ruin
them both.  Scott wants to get an earring and his old yellow suit and go
back into the cosmetics business.  Lucy says her involvement in the
business is over ÷ it's finished.

The end.