Daily Updates

From: "Lisa Spodak" <lisa@clark.net>
Subject: PC:  Update 4/7/98
Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 12:43:15 -0400

Port Charles
Update for April 7, 1998

Mary rushes into the hospital and Joe fills her and Karen in on what
happened to Frank.  He fell from the roof, but the fire department had an
inflatable bag set up which broke his fall, but didn't absorb the full
impact.  Frank is in surgery, in critical condition.

Lark is dragged into a hospital room by two orderlies to talk to Gail. Lark
is screaming that she wants to see Frank, she wants to apologize.  Gail
assures her that nobody is going to hurt her.

Dr. Devlin is working on Frank; Jake and Matt are assisting.

Ellen has called in residents to help the interns with their patient loads.
Mary is glad Dr. Devlin is heading up the surgical team.  Eve comes in with
coffee for everyone and an update on Lark. Gail's got her in isolation.
Mary wonders what's wrong with that girl and when Eve says she's got
problems, Julie says she doesn't want to hear any sympathy for Lark.

Chris overhears Eve telling Karen about Jake and Chloe/Lark.

Joe tries to convince Julie that Frank's going to be okay.  She's angry that
he's always risking himself, but Joe says he couldn't be any other way.
Julie sees Lark as a threat to everything she's come to care about in Port
Charles and is furious she might have killed Frank.  Joe insists that Frank
isn't going to die.  Julie isn't convinced that Lark was ever really going
to jump--she says Lark only went out on that ledge because she knew Frank
would go after her.

Kevin comes to the hospital to try to lend a hand.  Eve tells him that  Lark
needs someone and asks him to go check on her.

Grace is rushing to the operating room with blood--Frank's hemorrhaging.
Mary is getting a bit hysterical and Joe and Julie say they're going into
the ER.  Eve convinces Julie to stay put, but Joe goes to scrub up.  Joe
goes into the ER... and Devlin promptly throws him out.

Kevin goes to see Lark.  She's quieter now, just laying on her bed.  Kevin
gives her an update on Frank's condition.  She says if he dies, it'll be her
fault.  Kevin marvels at her power, being able to control life or death like
that.  Lark stops him, saying she's been to shrinks before and knows what
he's going to say--that she didn't make Frank go out there.  She says it's
bull.  He admits that was what he was going to say, but he also says we're
all responsible for knowing our actions can affect others.  While no one
made Frank go on the ledge, no one made Lark say she was going to hurt
herself either.  Kevin says he realizes Lark didn't want Frank hurt and that
she had reasons for doing what she did--because she's been hurt over and
over again.  He asks her if she wants another way to get rid of the hurt.

A police officer is getting a statement from Eve.

Joe gives Mary an update.  Frank is still hemorrhaging.  They agree he
couldn't ask for better doctors.

Chris overhears them saying how well Jake is doing in the operating room and
goes to talk to the police officer.  He tells him that Lark was having an
affair with one of the interns.  He says they had a fight and that's why she
was on the roof.  The police officer goes to take care of it while Chris
gloats.  "Another one bites the dust."

Lark is less than convinced that Kevin can help her.  Kevin tells her that
coming up with a new view of the world and how you fit into it is hard work.
She tells him that he doesn't have a clue how screwed up she really is.  He
says he knows her mother is mentally ill and how hard that is.  She says her
earliest memories are of her mother going after her with a knife because she
thought Lark put glass in her food.  Kevin tells her his mother was mentally
ill and hurt his twin Ryan.  He says Ryan never got over it and Lark says
she's scared that's what will happen to her.  Kevin tells her to "go where
the love is."  Lark says she wants to be left alone.

Kevin tells Gail it's amazing what kids can survive.  Gail thanks him for
coming.  As he's leaving, he has another vision of the knife coming down in
the woods that he saw another day in the glass globe at home.  He wonders
aloud "Where did that come from?"

Jake and Matt come out of surgery and Jake is confronted by two police
officers who want to take him to the station to ask him questions about his
relationship with Lark.  He asks if he'll need a lawyer.  One cop says "I
don't know.  Do you?"  Jake goes with them.  Chris sees them getting in the
elevator and gloats a bit more.  "And they all fall down."

Matt gives everyone an update on Frank.  He's hanging in there, but he's
still critical.  Devlin comes out and says Frank is stabilized.  But there
were massive internal injuries and he's worried about Frank's heart.  He's
on an isopro (sp?) drip that's keeping him alive.  There was an effort to
wean him off the drip, but it didn't work.  And they can't keep him on the
isopro forever.  Devlin says they'll try to wean him off it again later.
Mary asks what if they can't and Devlin apologizes, saying he's not a
miracle worker.  "I truly wish I was," he adds.  Joe throws a chart against
the wall and Karen tries to comfort him.  Eve and Julie support each other
and Mary.

The End
