Daily Updates

From: tntmur@aol.com (Tntmur)
Subject: PC:  Friday Update - 4/10/98
Date: 04 May 1998 05:53:02 GMT

Port Charles - Friday Update - April 10th 1998
(posted and e-mail)


(This month we've asked Felicia to help us out with our updates,
by doing a little investigating.  Here's her report, and if you'd
like to see it as a web page, complete with pictures and sounds
go to http://members.aol.com/ninOtchka/felicia.htm.)

On the request of my new clients I did a preliminary investigation
of Bennett Devlin's murder.  I started by tracing the events leading
up to the murder, and gathered evidence by talking to witnesses and
watching my magic television that shows me what's going on in PC.
I've decided to keep my findings from the police because... because
I promised I would and that's that.

I'm a single mother of two, I run my business, the Outback, with
Mac, my partner, and since he's becoming Police Commissioner, I'm
left with all the work as usual. Not to mention the other P.I.
cases I have going on, but don't usually mention.  In any case,
I could only devote myself to observing what happened on Friday's,
starting with...

Friday April 10th 1998

Rex Stanton was in a dingy disgusting prison cell.  His lawyer
came into the room and told him that the D.A. wants to discuss
a plea bargain.  But Rex only wanted to talk about the book,
General Homicide.  The lawyer had read some of it, but
didn't like it.  Rex, on the other hand, enjoyed the book, because
of the "macabre killings and salacious goings on". The lawyer tried
to get Rex back on the subject of a plea bargain, but instead Rex
asked about Lucy.  Lawyer Byron told him that Lucy had broken his
computer code.  Rex didn't seem shocked, but thought it was time
to give Lucy the "very special present" he'd been saving for her.
(I'm starting here because Lucy told me Rex might be a good suspect.
Now on the surface that might seem a little nutty, but Ryan used
to be able to do things from prison, like murder people, with no
one the wiser. So the above events show that Rex has read the
book that the murder method was taken from. )

In the hospital lounge Dr. Ellen Burgess asked Mary Scanlon about
donating Frank's organs if he died. Mary said that Frank would
have wanted that. Dr. Joe Scanlon overheard their conversation.
(What a hot head. Reminds me of Mac.) Then he accused Ellen of
being a ghoul. He shouted that Frank isn't dead yet. Mary told Joe
that she'd rather be dead herself than making these kinds of
decisions about her child, but donating his organs is what
Frank would have wanted. (Oh, boy, can I ever relate to this!)
Joe looked a little sorry. (Ellen and Mary aren't really suspects
but, as later events show, Joe threatens Devlin a lot.)

In the Lab Dr. Devlin told Chris Ramsey that the research is going
too slowly. Devlin told him they should use bigger animals... like
humans. (Sheesh, insert evil laughter here) Chris told him that
they're a long way from human experimentation. Bennett suggested
that they give the drug to terminally ill patients and then do
autopsies.  Chris was shocked. Devlin told him there are precedents
and Chris listed a few medical atrocities as examples of precedents.
"Neither General Hospital nor the American public is ready for human
experimentation no matter how close they are to dying."  Bennett gave
his opinion that this was Eve's fault. Chris scoffed at that. Then
Devlin said he wanted Eve stopped.  He pulled out a little bag
of white powder and gave it Chris.  It was cocaine and Devlin
wanted Chris to plant it on Eve. Chris was angry that he
even suggested it. Devlin thought Chris would do anything for
the Quartermaine residency.  Chris flatly refused to do it.
(This Chris guy is a good suspect, but you'd think that if
he balked at planting drugs, he wouldn't commit murder, but
you never know.)

At the sixth floor nurses' station Eve, with Scotty Baldwin,
told Jake Marshak that she was going to see the board about
the sexual harassment suit against Bennett Devlin.  Scott was
confident they'd win. Jake asked if they'd seen Frank. Frank
wasn't doing any better.  Jake told them he thought it was
his fault for sleeping with Lark.  Scotty disagreed.  Jake
asked about Lark, but no one had seen her. Eve said she thought
Lark would show up to clear him of the statutory rape charges.
Jake was worried about Lark. (Eve's a great suspect, though
Scotty's not bad either.)

In the Lighthouse Lucy was talking on the phone.  She was
angry about something going on at Jack's cosmetics and told
them to just get the job done.  Kevin came in with a special
delivery letter.  It was the annulment papers from Rex.  Lucy
was kind of pleased until she read Rex's reason for the action.
Rex claimed it was her inability to have sexual intercourse.
(Ha! If it were an Olympic event she'd have twelve gold medals.)
Lucy worried that everyone would think that about her.
Kevin assured her that no one would think that. He would
attest that she's not frigid. Lucy still wasn't happy, and
of course went running right out to see her soon to be
annulled husband, Rex Stanton, and give him a piece of her
mind. (Lucy isn't a suspect. I know I've thought some pretty
nasty things about her, but she hasn't got a good motive,
and she's just not the type. Still I'll put her down on the
maybe list. Kevin we'll get to later.)

Devlin was in the lab, fooling around with some test tube
when his daughter Julie came in. She told him that Frank
wasn't doing good. Devlin told her that he'd done everything
he could. She suggested a pacemaker.  He let her know that
was out of the question because Frank wouldn't survive another
operation. Bennett said he was sorry he couldn't do more.
Then she went back to be with Frank. The medical student,
Devlin's assistant, told Devlin that the test tube he
prepared had too large a dose, big enough for 160 pound rat.
Devlin thanked him for catching the error and then sent him
off on errand. Devlin started talking to himself. "Well,
Frank, we're just going to have to think of this as your
contribution to the scientific process."

Devlin walked into Frank Scanlon's hospital room. Mary
and Julie were hovering over the patient. Mary asked if
there's anything new and he claimed he was dropping by
to see how Frank was doing. Devlin went back outside and
asked the nurse to let him know when the family wasn't

At the prison, Lucy sat down across from Rex. She thanked
him for the annulment. She was glad to be rid of him.
Rex wanted to know why she keeps coming to see him. They
sparred for a little while as she tried to convince him
that she's beaten him in every way. He asked if the grounds
for annulment bothered her. She said they didn't because
no one would believe them.  Then he asked her to tell Kevin
how much he enjoyed his book.  Lucy tried to deny Kevin
wrote it, but Rex wasn't fooled. He went on saying how much
he admired the way the victims we're disposed of.  Lucy was
angry and told him that Kevin had pegged his character, a
raging lunatic.  Rex's witty comeback was, "take's one to
know one." Rex told Lucy she should take a good hard look
at Kevin and read the book again. (Yeah, maybe we should
take a good hard look at Kevin. We all know he can suddenly
start doing things, that people wouldn't think he could, but
he sure can.)

At the Nurses' station again, Matt asked Joe how Frank was
doing.  No change.  Matt asked Joe how he was.  Joe snapped
that he was fine. Joe flew off the handle upset that everyone
was acting like Frank was already dead.  Eve came up and
asked about Frank and Joe bit her head off too. He snarled
and went off to work. Matt asked why Eve was there and
she told him she had to meet with the board. Devlin came
up behind her and asked if she'd like him to accompany
her to the boardroom. While she was telling him to get lost,
Devlin slipped the packet of cocaine into her purse. After
she left, he went to the phone and made an anonymous
report to the police. (What a pig.  If I were Eve I'd be
tempted to kill him.)

The nurse entered Frank's room and tried to shoo out Mary
and Julie so she could give Frank a sponge bath. Mary
asked the nurse to let her do it. Julie left to get a cup
of coffee. Mary talked to Frank about how long it was
since she'd given him a bath, and how she used to sing
to him.  She begins singing to him and cleaning his hand
with the washcloth.

Outside the room Bennett asked the nurse if the family
was still in there.  She told him that the mother was
still in there giving Frank a sponge bath.  Devlin sighed
impatiently as the nurse walked away.

Lucy came into the lighthouse and immediately started
ranting about Rex knowing Kevin wrote the book and
she was sure he would use it against them. Kevin told
her not to worry about it, because Rex probably read
it in the paper. The news had been leaked to the press.

Eve stopped her car, with police lights flashing behind
her. She fretted over whether or not she'd done anything
wrong. The cop comes up and asks to see her license
and registration.  She looks for it and finds the
little packet of cocaine.  She wondered, "What the hell
is this?"

Joe dragged Karen over to the lounge where Julie and
Jake were waiting.  Joe told them he'd though of a way
to save Frank.  He suggested they give Frank the nerve
regeneration drug they've been working on.  Julie also
thought it might be a good idea.  But Jake and Karen
nixed the idea.  The drug was too experimental, they hadn't
been having good results lately, and it would be
unethical. Joe gave in and admits they can't endanger
the dying Frank that way. (Well, this reduces the motives
of the lab rats.  If they think the drug might not work
they shouldn't be as ready to kill Devlin for stealing

Bennett opened the door to Frank's room.  Mary was still
there.  She thanked him again for helping her son. He
apologized for not being able to do more. She left and
he finally got his chance.  He injected Frank's IV with
the drug. "This is going to be our little secret," he told
Frank. What he didn't know was that Lark was hiding in the
closet and saw the whole thing. (Two more suspects Frank
and Lark.  We'll see.)
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  | |"It's that twin thing."-Ryan Chamberlain"| |
  |_| twinsofevil@geocities.com*tntmur@aol.com|_|
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