Daily Updates

From: bv143@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (T.A. Murray)
Subject: PC: Friday Update - 4/17/98
Date: 4 May 1998 07:06:22 GMT

Port Charles - Friday Update - April 17th 1998
(posted and e-mailed)


(This month we've asked Felicia to help us out with our updates,
by doing a little investigating.  Here's her report, and if you'd
like to see it as a web page, complete with pictures and sounds
go to http://members.aol.com/ninOtchka/felicia.htm.)

I don't think it's at all relevant to the case, but on the
day of the 17th Lucy had Serena over to the Lighthouse for
"The Year of The Duck"  celebration. She asked Scott if she
could take Serena to the Mall to shop for a duck gift. Serena
and Lucy went out to feed the ducks while Scott took a phone
call from Eve.  She jokingly asked him if she could sue Devlin
for giving her dirty looks.  He dismissed that because everyone
gives her dirty looks. He asked if she was still coming over
that night.  Lucy had come back in and was listening very
carefully to Scott's side of the conversation. Eve and Scott
both hung up.  Eve and Chris and Scott and Lucy then had
parallel conversations on the advisability of Scott and Eve
having a relationship. Both of them said they want to take
it slow.  They didn't seem to mean it. Lucy was very suspicious
of Eve.

In his hospital room Frank was being examined by Julie. He told
her and Joe and Karen that he felt great and just wanted to be
released.  He asked about Lark.  Joe told him that Devlin caught
her in the lab and she was sent back to Juvie.  That upset Frank.
He didn't want Lark sent back there. Neither Joe or Julie wanted
to take responsibility for Lark. Frank got out of  bed, ready
to go get Lark. Julie objected that Lark almost got him killed.
Frank got angry. He told Julie that she was selfish and had always
had things handed to her. "God forbid some crumbs fall off of your
table for Lark to catch, if she's lucky." Frank accused Julie
of hating Lark from the moment she met her. Julie said she judged
Lark based on her behavior. Frank said Julie had no right to judge
Lark at all. Joe agreed with Julie. Frank said this was all their
fault for not showing Lark any kind of kindness.

Eve went over to Scott's firehouse  She had brought along a video,
for them to watch, "Babes in Toyland". But Serena wasn't back from
shopping with Lucy yet. Eve and Scott were alone, but they agreed
they were going to take it slow. They discussed what games they
might like to play. But they ended up kissing.  There was a
knock on the door.  It was Lucy returning with Serena. They had
gone to the mall and shopped and had their nails done and not
gotten around to buying a present for the duck. Serena wanted to
go home with Lucy.  When Eve and Scott both agreed, Lucy asked
them to come over to the Lighthouse too. But Scott didn't want
their corny dogs to go to waste so he and Eve were going to stay

When Lucy and Serena got to the Lighthouse they had a tea party.
Kevin walked up just as Serena was cutting into a strawberry tart
with a butter knife.  The hold she had on it brought back Kevin's
memory of that knife being held by a gloved hand in black and
white. Lucy was concerned about Kevin. He said he was fine and
was going to lay down for awhile.  Serena asked if she can
spend the night.  Lucy called Scott to ask if it was okay. Scott
is all for it. Lucy warned him that she'd be bringing Serena home
"bright and early". Scott talked to Serena briefly and  then hung
up. Eve had an idea of what they could do now that they were alone.

Devlin came into Frank's room and asked him if he was ready for
another "pub crawl." Frank objected to Devlin's part in Lark's
arrest. Frank wondered what was so top secret in the lab. Frank
asked Devlin what he was doing and what it had to do with the
injections he's giving him. Devlin said that he was giving him
vitamins. Frank didn't believe him. He told Devlin he was on to
him.  Devlin left. (Frank Scanlon has a good motive to kill Devlin,
the guy was experimenting on him... but then that would mean
no more medication, wouldn't it?)

Back at the Firehouse, the game Eve had chosen for them to play
was Scrabble. The two of them then put together a suggestive little
sentence. "I want to touch you."  (I think for the sake of privacy
and good taste I have to edit out this bit.  It's enough to say
that their relationship was enthusiastically consummated.)

Frank snuck over to Devlin's lab and broke in. (No finesse about
it either, just a towel-wrapped hand through the glass.) He
searched the lab and found the tape Devlin made about the
experiment.  He deduced that he was Subject X.  Devlin came
in and Frank demanded to know what Devlin shot him up with.
Devlin tried the vitamin line again, but Frank wasn't buying.
Frank asked what  was such a big secret. "No secret," said Devlin,
"Just look in that microscope." Frank did, and while he was doing
it, Devlin burned the tape Frank had found. Frank looked up and
saw him doing it. Devlin said that Frank had no evidence now and
to go back to bed.

Kevin was feeling better and came downstairs.  Lucy wondered what
was going on and he told her the tea party brought on this
"tremendous jolt" He was frustrated because he couldn't remember.
Lucy suggested meditation. Kevin didn't think that would work.
He blamed the book; the part in the book about the picnic.  Victor
remembers what happened but he's lying. The knife that he kept
seeing had something to with that picnic.  Someone got hurt.
(Ohmigod, is this just Kevin working out more of his demons?)

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  | |"It's that twin thing."-Ryan Chamberlain"| |
  |_| twinsofevil@geocities.com*tntmur@aol.com|_|
bv143@freenet.carleton.ca * ui220@freenet.victoria.bc.ca