Daily Updates

From: "Lisa Spodak" <lisa@clark.net>
Subject: PC:  Update Tuesday 4/28
Date: Sat, 2 May 1998 02:12:04 -0400

Port Charles
Update:  Tuesday, 4/28

Grace is going over the schedule with Matt, Chris, Joe and Karen.  They're
saying how everyone is freaking out about the murder, not to mention Tony
Jones getting shot.  The interns, except Matt, are getting ready for
Devlin's memorial (Matt has to work).  Jake comes in and tells Joe and Karen
that the pharmacy company that was dealing with Devlin has agreed to deal
with them now.  Karen is able to keep her grief in check (/sarcasm) long
enough to get excited.  Jake doesn't make any excuses for seeing some
justice in Devlin's demise; Chris agrees.  Chris also wonders who, besides
Julie, could be upset about his murder.  Matt points out that Devlin was a
great surgeon, but Jake argues that doesn't make up for the rotten things he
did.  "Devlin got what he asked for," he says as he leaves.  Karen says
she's never seen anyone so happy that someone is dead.  Joe points out that
doesn't mean Jake did it.  Grace says there's too close a resemblance to
Kevin's book to just be a coincidence--whoever killed Devlin must have read
the book.

Garcia meets with Kevin at the light house.  Kevin, once again, finds
himself insisting that his book is a work of fiction.  Garcia wonders who
would go how far to increase publicity for the book.  Garcia asks Kevin for
an alibi--he admits he doesn't have a firm one, as he was wandering around
GH looking for Victor at the time of the murder.

Julie and Frank are getting ready for the memorial, which will take place at
the chapel in the hospital.

Eve is telling Scott she feels like a hypocrite going to the service, since
she hated Devlin, but Scott insists they go.

Karen is disturbed that the murderer could be one of the interns--she's
really shaken up by Jake's attitude.  Karen thinks Chris is capable of
murder.  She and Joe also recall Jake's almost killing Rex after Danielle's
death.  Karen continues with her list with "And don't forget..."

And we cut to Scott and Eve.  Scott insists they have to go to the service:
Scott because he's Julie's lawyer, Eve because she's Julie's friend--and so
she won't look suspicious.  She looks him straight in the eye and says
"Scott, I am not guilty."  Scott insists he didn't say she was.

Kevin and Lucy are accosted by reporters outside the chapel.  They want to
know about similarities between Devlin and the character in Kevin's book.
They reporters finally move onto Scott and Eve.  They want a comment from
Eve, but all she'll say is "My heart goes out to the family."  (Which I
thought was a bit of an ironic statement, seeing how Devlin was killed.)

Julie decides to wait a little longer to start the service, hoping more
people will show up.  But she realizes nobody else is probably coming, so
they start.  Julie explains her mom's absence--she's overseas.  Chris
notices that Eve has found her bracelet.  Scott wonders why he made that
comment and Lucy overhears him asking Eve if she thinks Chris knows Scott
found the bracelet next to Devlin's body.

Lucy insists on talking to Scott about Serena, and Scott (after protesting
that it can wait) finally asks Eve to excuse them for a few minutes.  Eve
goes over to chat with Kevin and mentions the lack of mourners.  Kevin says
there's probably a good number of people in the room who are glad Devlin's
dead.  Eve admits that she's relieved about it and that it's eliminated a
few problems for her.  She figures the gossips are having a field day and
says there's probably at least one finger already pointing at her.

Cut to Lucy... telling Scott she wants more info on what she overheard.
Scott tells her to butt out.  He tells her Eve lost her bracelet and he
found it.  Lucy tells him to be straight with her--that she knows he's
fallen for Eve, though she doesn't know why, and maybe it's none of her
business... and Scott agrees that it's none of her business.  Lucy reminds
that that helping Eve, if she's the murderer, makes him an accessory after
the fact.  He says Lucy watches too much TV and it's affecting her brain.
Eve comes back.

(Gotta say, Lucy is pissing me off this week... I can understand what's
driving her a little bit [feeling replaced in Scott and Serena's lives,
feeling threatened by Eve, jealousy, etc], but I think she's got an awfully
short memory.  Eve put herself on the line to help Lucy in the whole Rex
fiasco and this is a shoddy way to thank her.  'Course, I don't expect her
to be sending Katherine a thank-you card anytime soon, either.  I guess
Lucy's grateful when it suits her.)

Mr. Seeger, a private investigator, comes to Matt with a report on Chris.
Seems Chris is a suspect in an insurance scam and has a record of passing
bad checks.  Matt concludes "Dr. Moneybags is broke."

Julie gives a eulogy for Devlin.  Basically she knows not all his sides were
positive--"the empty seats here are mute testimony to that."  But she goes
on to say she wants to remember what was best about him.  She pauses as
Garcia comes into the chapel and takes a seat.

Julie praises Devlin's surgical expertise and says she's made up her mind to
bury his faults with him--and to remember him as the man who held her during
thunder storms and saved people's lives.

Matt asks Mike to look into Chris a bit more.  Wants to know where a recent
deposit of $20,000 came from.

After everyone has offered their condolences to Julie, Garcia brings up the
rear... and places Julie under arrest for the murder of Bennett Devlin.  He
puts her in cuffs and reads her her rights.  Lark looks smug.

The End :)