Daily Updates

From: bv143@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (T.A. Murray)
Subject: PC: Friday Update - 5/1/98
Date: 4 May 1998 07:11:18 GMT

Port Charles - Friday Update - April 24th 1998
(posted and e-mail)


(This month we've asked Felicia to help us out with our updates,
by doing a little investigating.  Here's her report, and if you'd
like to see it as a web page, complete with pictures and sounds
go to http://members.aol.com/ninOtchka/felicia.htm.)

Scott, Frank and Julie discussed her situation in the court
room after bail had been denied.  Julie was still reeling
from the verdict.  She told Scott she couldn't stay in
jail. "I feel like I'm suffocating in there."  Scott told her
not to panic and that they had plenty of options.  He had
decided to talk to Dara. Frank was irate.  He was not going
to let them railroad Julie.  Scott left to look for Dara and
ran into Eve.  Eve asked how Julie was.  Scott told her Julie
was panicky.  "I'd do anything to stay out of jail," Eve
sympathized. He looked at her with suspicion and then went
off to find Dara.  She was in the hall. Scott asked her to
go easy on Julie.  Dara was adamant.  Julie wasn't going
anywhere.  She was a flight risk.  Dara had her reasons.
Scott could guess what they might be.  "Perhaps because you
blew the Tony Jones' case and you don't want anyone to think
you've gone soft?"  Dara said he could believe whatever he
wanted.  She had an eyewitness.

Julie kissed Frank goodbye as Scott walked into the courtroom
after his talk with Dara.  Scott told Julie the bad news. There
was a witness.  Scott wanted to know if Julie had really told
him everything.  Julie was mystified.  Whoever the witness was
must have lied.  Scott said that as her attorney he'd defend her
no matter what.  Julie was not filled with confidence by his
attitude.  If her lawyer thought she did it then everyone else
would too and no one would look for the real killer.

Chris walked in on Eve in the Lab and asked the question of the
day, "How's Julie doing?" Eve told him Julie had been denied
bail.  "Last time I saw her she looked like a deer caught in
the headlights, wondering how the hell she got there." Chris
thought it was too bad Julie didn't have an alibi.  Eve agreed,
"Alibis are good things."  Eve asked what Chris was doing there.
Chris missed her at the hospital and came over for some banter.
She told him that was all he was getting.  "Hope springs
eternal," he said.  "So does your ego," she teased. He said the
only reason she had dumped him for Baldwin was Scott's money.
Lucy  lurked in the doorway.  As Lucy eavesdropped Eve told Chris
he was just jealous.  They continued flirting.  Eve said Chris
was cute in a sleazy way, but he'd never have enough money to
get her. Chris proposed that Eve marry Scott and then keep him
on the side.  "The enormity of your ego is just over-whelming,"
Eve told Chris.  "You should try the rest of me," he said and
kissed her playfully.  Lucy walked in at this point, cleared
her throat and got a reaction from Chris.  Lucy asked if Scott
knew he was paying her to kiss a man on company time.  "This
is not a man," said Eve.  "It's just Chris." Lucy told Eve
she was there to pick up her keys.  Eve gave them to her.
Chris said he had to get back to the hospital.  Lucy asked
if Chris would give her a lift. He agreed. Eve told Lucy to
knock next time.  Lucy advised her to keep the door closed
since next time it might be Scott.

Dara and Garcia had Frank come into the police station.  Garcia
said that he thought Frank would volunteer any information he
had on the case willingly. All Frank volunteered was that Julie
hadn't done it.  Dara told him they needed his permission to
interview an eyewitness.  Frank wanted to know why they needed
his permission.  Garcia had Lark brought in. "I'm so sorry,
Frank" she told him.  "You're the witness?"  said Frank.

At the Hospital Nurses' Station, Lucy asked Chris if he
thought Julie committed the murder.  Chris said he'd wait
for the jury verdict.  She advised him to be careful because
there was a murderer roaming around.  "I don't know that," he
told her. Lucy said she knew it wasn't Julie.  She mentioned
how lucky it was for Eve that she had Chris for an alibi.
Without the alibi anyone would believe Eve had done it.
Chris pointed out that Eve had been with him. Lucy asked if
Chris had ever noticed that Eve had a bad temper during the
time they lived together.  Chris never noticed it. "You're
awfully curious, Miss Coe.  You don't like Eve much do you?"
Lucy didn't admit to that.  She said she was just concerned
that there was a killer on the loose.  "You better watch your
back Dr. Ramsey.  Ta."  She walked away. A nurse told Chris
he had a phone call.  It was the police. They wanted to
question him.

Scott went to the lab to tell Eve that she'd been cleared of
all suspicion of murder. Eve pointed out that he was the only
one who suspected her.  He thought he'd had evidence.  Eve
asked what changed his mind.  The eyewitness that saw Julie do
it. Eve was stunned.  Scott told her Julie would get the best
defense.  Eve asked why he had come over in person to tell her
this.  Scott tried to kiss her, but she pulled away.  He had
been suspecting her of something very terrible.  Scott offered
to make it up to her and she let him kiss her, etc.

Lark sat in the interrogation room as Dara explained to Frank
that she was the eyewitness.  Frank asked to speak to Lark
privately.  After Garcia and Dara left, Frank had a heart to
heart with his ward.   He asked her to tell him again what
had happened.  She described Julie murdering her father and
told Frank how scared she had been.  Frank believed she was
still scared that Julie would throw her out.  Frank assured
Lark that would never happen.  He knew she was lying about
Julie.  He instructed her to tell Garcia that so they could go

Lucy discussed the Nurses' Ball with Audrey at the Nurses'
Station as Grace stood near by.  Audrey agreed absently to
all Lucy suggestions.  After Lucy had gotten a promise from
them both to appear at the Ball, she went on to her new
favorite subject.  Did they think Julie did  it?  Grace said
she wasn't qualified to second guess the cops and changed
the subject.  What did Audrey think she should do with
Dr. Devlin's pile of mail?  Audrey advised her to send it to
Garcia.  Lucy had other ideas.  Once Audrey and Grace had
left her alone she grabbed the stack of letters.

Frank and Lark have just informed Dara that she no longer
has a star witness. Dara couldn't believe that Lark would
lie about it.  Frank told them that Lark had been under a
lot of stress.  Dara suggested that Lark should be put in
jail.  Frank explained further.  Lark had realized her
mistake ant wanted to clear things up.  Garcia wanted
to hear Lark say so.  She said Frank had told the truth
and sometimes she became confused.  "You put her up to
this," Dara said to Frank. "Not true," Frank answered
and now it's a matter of public record that Lark has recanted
and they can't use her in court.  Frank told them to leave
his ward alone and he and Lark left.

In the lab the phone rang, interrupting Scott and Eve in
mid-frolic.  Scott answered it.  "Hello.  You're kidding.
All right," he said and hung up. Good news for Julie; bad news
for Eve.  No eyewitness.

At the police station Garcia questioned Chris.  Why had Devlin
deposited $20,000 into Chris' account on the day of the murder?
Chris thought for a moment.  "Oh, that." Chris said.
"A painting."  Chris told Garcia that he was an art collector
and that Devlin was buying a painting from him. Chris had no
receipt because it was an informal arrangement.  Garcia asked
why Chris hadn't mentioned this before.  Dr. Devlin had died
before he took possession of the painting.  Chris claimed he
had intended to give it to Julie but when she was arrested
thought to keep both. Garcia told him to reconsider.  "I will.
I'm sorry.  I'll take your advice.  Have a good day, "Chris said
and left worried.

In the hospital hallway Lucy perused Devlin's mail.  "Oh me oh
my oh.  Bingo!" said Lucy as she read one of the letter.  (Lucy
is not on my suspect list, but sometimes I wish she were.)

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