Daily Updates

From: mtczajka@aol.com (MTCzajka)
Subject: PC: Update Monday 5/4
Date: 4 May 1998 23:16:02 GMT

Julie finds out that Lark was the one who told the police she killed her dad,
and Julie vows to kill Lark.  Sheās in the courtroom with Scott and Frank
and rants a little before court begins.  Scott asks for bail, given Larkās
accusation.  The judge sets bail at $1 million.  Julie protests she doesnāt
it - just then Nicole comes in and offers to pay.  Julie is very happy to see
her.  Later, at home, Julie and Nicole talk about their love/hate feelings
for Bennett.  Lark comes in with a big bunch of flowers to welcome Julie
home and apologize.  Julie says Lark must really have hated her to do what
she did and says things are going to be different from now on.  Lark looks
apprehensive.  Later, after dark, Frank comes home and after looking around,
shoots up in the kitchen.  Julie and Nicole come in right after he finishes.
They talk about dinner and Julie says how she wonāt have any more dinners
or holidays with her Dad.  Lark comes in and asks about dinner.  Lark offers
to run to the store for what they need.  Nicole wants a pen to make a list,
and Julie finds hers from her dad - it wasnāt the murder weapon after all!

Lucy comes in with Bennettās mail - Kevin asks about it.  Lucy claims she
took the mail as part of her civic duty.  Kevin asks if thatās according to
Lucy Logic.  She retorts that someone has to get Julie out of jail.  The mail
shows that Devlin had hired a PI to dig up dirt on Eve.  Kevin thinks thatās
natural since Eve was suing Devlin.  They argue about Eve - Kevin defends
Eve, Lucy says sheās trying to save Scott.  Kevin concludes that Lucy is just
jealous.  Ellen arrives and Lucy takes her purloined mail off to another
room.  Ellen tells Kevin about the job offer and admits sheās afraid of making
a mistake.  She asks if heās ever been attracted to someone heās supervised.
He thinks it happens to everyone and guesses that sheās talking about Matt.
She admits she is and that sheās afraid of losing someone she loves again -
like she did her husband.  Kevin points out that by leaving, sheās losing
anyway.  Kevin gets her to think about what would be worse - losing Matt
or the job.  Ellen decides she knows what she wants and leaves to go see
Matt.  Lucy gets the PI to come over.  He didnāt find much dirt on her
except some unsubstantiated rumours about Eve working for an escort
service.  Lucy leaps on this bit of news.  Kevin questions whether Lucy
really wants to be the bearer of bad news to Scott.

Matt, posing as Chris, calls about getting his credit report.  Grace arrives
and he hangs up.  She notices heās distracted and he says itās because of
the murder.  He thinks Chris was involved somehow with Devlin.  Grace
is dishing out Chinese food and spills it on herself - she goes to jump in the
shower.  Matt tells her to feel free to wear some of his clothes.  (Okay all
you psychic viewers - can you guess where this is going??)  Ellen arrives
and just then Grace comes out wearing only a shirt and complaining she
couldnāt find any sweat pants.  Ellen apologizes for intruding and they tell
her what happened and invite her in.  She declines, saying she just came by
to tell him that sheās taking the job.  She leaves.

Scott and Eve talk to Lee about Eveās dismissal.  The hospital is willing to
reinstate her (with back pay) in return for dropping the harassment suit.
Eve hugs Lee, then Scott, then Chris (the last making Scott look perturbed).
Eve signs some papers about the deal with a cheap pen.  Chris asks Eve
where the expensive one Devlin gave her is - she doesnāt know.  Scott looks
suspicious about the pen.

