Daily Updates

From: "Lisa Spodak" <lisa@clark.net>
Subject: PC:  Update 5/5
Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 13:24:58 -0400

Port Charles
Update for May 5, 1998

Ellen officially welcomes Eve back to GH as Chris, Karen, Jake and Joe
cheer.  Eve responds with "I'm glad I can add spice to your otherwise very
dull lives--just kidding."  She says she appreciates all their help and
support.  Ellen also tells the interns that Julie made bail and will be
back.  The Board met and decided she could come back to work while she's
under investigation.  Matt (I guess he's there all along, but was kind of
behind Eve, so you didn't see him until now) says "It's about time people
started coming to their senses around here."  Ellen also tells them she's
decided to leave GH and accept the post in San Diego.  Scene ends with a
close up of Matt looking thoughtful/sad.

Scott goes over to meet with Julie.  She's got something to show him--her
pen.  Julie explains she doesn't know whose pen the police have but hers has
been in the house the whole time and couldn't be the murder weapon.  Scott
points out that she remembered using the pen the day her father died, but
Julie says she must have used it and brought it home that night.  Scott asks
why she told the police the pen they showed her was hers and she says it
looked exactly like hers.  Scott asks if she's seen others like it and Julie
says it was a gift of choice for Bennett.  He gave them to stand-out
students--specially ordered from a company in Switzerland.  Julie has no
idea why her prints were on the murder weapon.  Maybe the pen was lying
around in the hospital and she used it.  Then she wonders if someone is
trying to set her up.

Ellen is explaining to the interns how difficult her decision was to make.
[My personal fave line:  "You each bring such a unique quality to the
practice of medicine."]  She says she has no doubt they'll all make fine
doctors.  She introduces the new supervisor of the intern program--Dr. May,
the pediatric doctor.  Dr. May says she's delighted to take over the
program.  Close up of Matt again as the scene ends.

Someone's picking up clothes (for dry-cleaning, I guess) from Kevin and
Victor.  Kevin finds an envelope in the pocket of one of Victor's jackets.
There are pictures inside--of Kevin and Ryan, and one of a woman at a
picnic.  When Kevin asks Victor about them, he tells him not to pry in his
father's things.  Kevin looks at the picture of the woman again--and we hear
carousel music and kids laughing.  There are flashbacks/images of a clown, a
carousel and an amusement park or fair.  Then alternating images of the
clown's face (scary... like Pennywise from Stephen King's "It") and the same
flashback from other days of someone slashing with a knife... then what
looks like some kind of large cat... a lion?

Dr. May and Karen are discussing a pediatric patient they're about to meet.
He's not responding to standard treatment and isn't eating.  Karen asks if
he's terminal and Dr. May says she prefers not to use that word--especially
about children.  Karen says she's had some difficulty with pediatrics.  Dr.
May says she's found that Karen holds back a bit.  Karen asks how to treat
suffering children without letting it get to you.  Dr. May says she knows if
she's feeling really sad, she's not maintaining the objectivity needed to
provide the patient with the best care.  She reminds herself that that's her
priority and admits that if that doesn't work, she cries her eyes out for a
half an hour and then gets back to work.

Karen goes in to see the little boy, Neal.  He's resting in his bed, wearing
a baseball cap.  He opens his eyes and she says "Hi."    She introduces
herself and asks him about the picture of his cat on the night table.
That's Jimbo, Neal's best friend.  He's worried about him being alone and
not having anyone to play with.  Karen says she hopes he'll get home soon.
Karen says she'll come back later to check on him again.

She leaves, obviously shaken up from seeing the sick boy.  She runs into
Joe, who says she looks like she's been hit by a truck.  She says "it's a
truck called cancer, and that little boy in there has it."

Kevin is telling Gail about the memories--and the music, which made the
flashes even more vivid.  Gail asks what sparked it, and Kevin tells her
about the photos.  He says he didn't recognize the woman, but felt like he
should have.  He says he heard calliope music, like at the circus, and
remembers that the same day they went on the picnic (which Victor recognized
in General Homicide), they also went to the circus.  Gail asks if the circus
has special meaning, and Kevin says the second murder in General Homicide
happens at the circus.  He's bothered that his subconscious pushed all this
into the book.  Gail wonders if his subconscious was sending him a message.
Kevin says the memories were very frightening.  Very dark.  He says he
intends to keep after them until he figures them out.

Karen and Joe are talking about Neal.  Pretty much every treatment out there
has been tried.  Joe wonders if they should try treating him less like a
patient--and more like a little boy.  He gets a grin on his face and pulls
Karen off... for a surprise.

Scott asks Eve about her lost pen--and Eve realizes he wants to know when
she saw it last.  He asks her to describe it.  Sounding irritated, she tells
him it's a black fountain pen with gold trim.  Scott says it sounds like
Julie's pen and Eve says "what a surprise.  Because Devlin gave a lot of
people pens.  And I can't speak for Julie, but I use my pen for writing--not
stabbing."  Scott tells Eve that Devlin wasn't killed with Julie's pen, that
Julie found her pen at home.  He points out the obvious--that someone else's
pen was used to kill Devlin.  Eve is upset that Scott thinks it was her pen.
He says he didn't say that, but she points out that he's "hinting pretty
strongly."  He says he's just asking what happened to her pen.  Eve points
out there are thousands of pens like that out there--probably more than
there are of size 12 Bruno Magli shoes.  Scott tells her how Devlin had the
pens flown in from Switzerland.  When she asks how they know the pen Julie
has isn't Eve's, he tells her it's got Julie's tooth marks.  Eve points out
that she was always leaving her pen around the house and anyone could have
taken it--maybe Lark... or Joe... or Frank... or Mary Scanlon.  Eve points
out a bunch of possible scenarios-- Julie killing with Eve's pen, Julie
found Eve's pen and bit it, someone returned the gift--lethally, etc.  Julie
comes in and wonders what Scott's doing at the hospital.  She asks if Eve's
heard the good news about her finding her pen.  Eve says "So I heard.  The
plot thickens."

Joe and Karen go to see Neal. They've brought him a surprise in a
backpack--Fred the Ferret.  Neal is thrilled.  Joe says ferrets are a lot
like cats--they even play with cat toys.  Dr. May comes in as Karen tries to
hide Fred.  She says Neal's got more energy than she's seen in days.  As
she's leaving, she says "Visiting hours for animals are over at 1:00."  Joe
and Karen are psyched that she seemed to approve of their medication.  [I
had horrible visions through this scene that Fred was going to attack Neal.
They did use the experimental drug on him, didn't they?  The one that's
making Frank so violent?  And making the other test animals attack each
other? Oh, and made Fred bite Chris?]

Victor apologizes to Kevin for walking out when they argued earlier.  Kevin
points out that everyone important to him, before Lucy, has walked out on
him.  Victor says that's ridiculous; nobody has abandoned Kevin.  Kevin
ticks off the list:  Mother, Ryan, Victor.  Victor says he's never abandoned
Kevin, and Kevin says he knows it wasn't on purpose, but when Victor got
sick, Kevin was left all alone.  Victor says "But I'm here now."  So Kevin
asks him to help him and give him answers.  Victor says Kevin has no idea
what he's asking.  Kevin says if he cared about him, Victor would tell
him--starting with everything about the picnic.  Victor agrees to tell him
everything he remembers about that horrible day.

Eve says to Scott that Julie seems to think the pen will clear her.  Scott
says that's a step.  Eve says she is happy for Julie.  Scott asks if she's
afraid the police will start looking at her if Julie's cleared and Eve tells
him not to hold his breath if he's waiting for her to confess.  Scott says
he doesn't like feeling this way and Eve points out there's an easy
fix--"Just stop it."  When he starts talking about his DA instincts, she
says "If you care about me, you will drop this."  He's worried that his
feelings for her are clouding his objectivity.  With tears in her eyes, Eve
says "Either you trust me, or you don't.  And until you figure it out, I
don't want to see you anymore."  Then she walks away.

The End.
