Daily Updates

From: maclatch <maclatch@unbsj.ca>
Subject: PC: Update, Wednesday, 06 May 1998
Date: Thu, 07 May 1998 13:53:08 -0300

Port Charles Update
Wednesday, 06 May 1998

The Circus is Coming to Town

At the Lighthouse, Victor tells Kevin he had an affair with his mother's
best friend.  Melanie found out at the picnic.  The woman was killed at
the picnic, Victor says.  Kevin flashes to the knife and the fair

Scott and Dara are at the Firehouse; Scott is trying to persuade Dara
that Julie didn't kill her father.  Dara has Julie's fingerprints on the
murder weapon, her hair on the victim, and motive.  Lucy walks in.
Scott tells Dara that a person is innocent until proven guilty.  Dara
wants to know who Scott thinks did it if Julie didn't.  Scott says
that's not his job ÷ but his client's not guilty.

Kevin wants to know how Marsha (the "other woman") died.  They were
planning to break it off, Victor says, but then Melanie found out and
confronted them at the picnic.  Next thing Victor remembers, the knife
is in Melanie's hand, Marsha backs up and falls over a cliff into rapids
below, and drowns.  Kevin and Ryan saw the whole thing.  The adults told
them it was a dream. Kevin is very upset ÷ how could they do that?  The
memories been there for years, it's ruined his life.  Victor is upset as
well ÷ Kevin's anger shows him that he was justified in thinking the
past is better left alone.  Kevin may have been helped by this process,
but he (Victor) surely hasn't been.

Nicole and Julie are in the Scanlon kitchen.  Nicole wants to know if
Julie's sure about having Scott as her lawyer.  Julie is.  Nicole,
winning the mother of the year award, says she has to go back to Chicago
to deal with Devlin's estate.  Julie is upset at first, but quickly
gives her mother permission to go.  Nicole promises to come back if
Julie needs her.  Frank comes in and promises to look after Julie.
Nicole leaves.  Julie is upset ÷ her mom is leaving, her dad is murdered
and everyone thinks she did it, and meanwhile the monster who did it is
walking away scot free.

Dara is convinced that Julie is the killer.  Her case is water tight.
She leaves Scott's house.  Lucy wants Scott to face facts.  Eve is the
killer, and he's covering up for her.  Sacrificing everything for her.
Scott shuts Lucy up by telling her that he and Eve broke up.  Lucy's not
so happy, thought, when Scott admits to still liking her.  Lucy draws a
comparison between Eve and Katie Bell ÷ they both like(d) him because of
his money.  What money, Scott says, it's Serena's.  Lucy says he's got
to tell the police about Eve's bracelet.  Scott says he hasn't felt this
way about anyone since Dominique.  He tells Lucy about the dream where
Dominique told him to rejoin the living.  Lucy reminds Scott that by
protecting Eve he may be destroying another.  He tells Lucy he can't
protect Eve ÷ she won't even see him.

Dr. May is talking to a woman who doesn't want "that murderer" (Julie)
anywhere near her family.  Dr. May tells Julie it's been happening a lot
÷ she'll look for something less visible for Julie.  Eve tells Julie to
try not giving a damn about what other people think.  Scott comes in.
Tells Julie that her finding the pen did nothing to change Dara's mind.
Still going to the grand jury.  Eve pipes in that she doesn't think the
grand jury will indict.  Julie gets beeped.  Eve sarcastically jokes to
Scott about using her pen to kill the mailman.  They argue, again, about
the pen.  Eve stomps off.

Dr. May is in with Joe and Karen's pet cancer patient.  The circus is
coming to the hospital.  Joe and Karen, outside the room, joke about Joe
dressing as a clown.  They discuss the grand jury.  Joe can empathise
with Julie if she did kill her dad ÷ he remembers when his dad used to
beat on him and Frank.  A person can only take so much before they fight

Lucy is home at the Lighthouse.  She's excited to tell Kevin that Scott
and Eve split.  Lucy didn't even have to tell Scott anything about the
escort service or seeing Eve kiss Chris.  It finally dawns on the
self-centred Lucy that Kevin is upset.  He tells Lucy about Victor's
picnic story and the brainwashing of the memory.  He called the Jasmine
Island police department.  Marsha's death was not an accident.  It was
murder, and the case is still open.

Karen, Joe, Frank and Eve discuss circus acts for the hospital show.
Karen suggests a magic act, but Julie wants to know if she can make a
murder charge disappear.  They again do a chorus of "Julie could never
have done it".  Scott comes in.  Apparently the grand jury thinks
otherwise, as they have handed down a second degree murder indictment.
Trial date set.  Julie thought she could handle it, but it hits her

Kevin thinks maybe he should leave it all to rest.  Lucy wants him to
try piecing it all together.  Kevin remembers that at the same time as
the picnic, there was a circus.  He sees the hand holding the knife, but
he can't see who is holding it or who is getting stabbed.  Maybe Victor
didn't see everything.  Maybe his mother did kill Marsha.  If he went
forward with the information he has, maybe he could bring peace to the
woman's family.  But he could also get Victor in trouble.  He's upset ÷
why do so many people have to suffer so that he can be free of his
past?  Kevin likes Lucy's logic that he's incapable of doing anything
wrong once he knows the right thing to do.  He thanks her for having
faith in him.  Calliope music that plays in his dreams about the circus
is the dam music that was playing in the funhouse the night that Ryan
died.  It's all tied together ÷ books, picnic, funhouse.