Daily Updates

From: kbeale@gwis2.circ.gwu.edu (Kristina Beale)
Subject: PC:  Wednesday, May 13 1998 Update
Date: 14 May 1998 00:00:38 GMT

Port Charles Update

Wednesday, May 13, 1998

This is my first update, so please be kind!  I'm subbing for Deborah.  Let
me say that I have a lot of respect for all the updaters - this was a lot
more work than I thought it would be!  Well, I hope this is good enough -
let's start with the show!

Suspicious Scotty

Scott hangs up after listening to Grace's message (the one she left on
Monday).  He turns around and gives Eve "that look" and then tells Eve
about the message, insinuating Eve knows someting about Grace's death.
Eve explains about what Grace heard.  Scott then says that makes Eve and
Chris the most logical suspects in Grace's murder.  Eve protests, claiming
innocence.  Scott asks if she's holding something back about Devlin's
murder - there's then a flashback to Devlin accusing Eve of being a
hooker.  She claims that she's not holding anything back.

The next day, Scott finds Eve at the hospital (she just finished talking
with Chris [see below - Let's Accuse Chris], he just finished talking with
Lucy [see below - Where's Victor?]).  Scott asks Eve why she was kissing
"that peacock in a lab coat".  Eve says this has Lucy Coe written all over
it.  He says that Lucy caught them together in the lab.  Eve explains that
she and Chris were playing around in the lab, no big deal, he went in to
kiss her, "it was fast, it was Chris".  Scott gets mad - "where does he
get off thinking he can just grab you and kiss you?"  Eve says that if the
cops find out about their fake alibi, they'll go after her for Devlin's
murder.  She swears that she didn't kill anyone.  Scott says that with all
the lies floating around, he doesn't know who to believe.

Where's Victor?

Scene opens with Kevin talking with his publisher.  He wants to call
everyone he killed off in his book, but the publisher protests (maybe too
much?).  Lucy comes out and says that maybe the murders aren't related to
the books.  Kevin asks about Victor - no one has seen him since the
therapy session with Gail.  Kevin then starts to call people on the list,
starting with Alan Quartermaine.  Lucy then says that calling them is the
right thing to do, although they'll probably never be invited to another

Next morning, Kevin comes out in his bathrobe.  There is still no sign of
Victor.  Lucy comes in with the mail - she was wrong.  There's an
invitation to Stefan & Katherine's engagement party.  The doorbell rings -
Kevin rushes to the door, hoping it's Victor.  It's Scott.  He came over
to offer the services of his security team.  Kevin wants to accept, while
Lucy says they don't need the security team.  She knows who the real
killer is.  Scott gets annoyed at Lucy.  She says she won't stop until
Scott starts thinking with his brain.  Lucy tells Scott that Devlin was
already investigating Eve - goes on to state all the evidence against Eve.
She says it's more than the cops have against Julie (true).  Scott claims
it's circumstantial.  Lucy says that she saw Eve and Grace together at the
hospital at the circus right before Grace was murdered.  Scott decides he
wants to leave.  Kevin tries to stop her, but Lucy goes ahead and tells
Scott that she saw Eve and Chris kissing and talking about Eve getting
Scott's money and then marrying Chris.  Scott says they were probably
joking (duh - I hope Lucy doesn't honestly believe they were being
serious, because otherwise I have greatly overestimated her intelligence).
Lucy says something is just not right, that she can feel it.  Scott wants
to know why it's so important for her to break them up - she says it's
because she cares about Scott and Serena and doesn't want to see them
hurt.  Scott says he thinks Lucy is jealous of Eve.  Kevin stops them,
saying that if they continue they'll both say something they can't take
back.  Lucy then leaves to pass out flyers for Victor.  She says that it's
not because she's jealous but because she doesn't want to see Serena hurt
by a cold hearted killer.  Kevin apologizes to Scott after Lucy leaves and
tries to explain her actions.  He then says that he doesn't think Eve is a
killer.  Scott then says that Kevin is the brains in that house, then
leaves to find out what really happened between Chris and Eve (see above).

We then see Lucy run into Julie at the hospital.  Lucy asks Julie to help
her get evidence against Eve, to which Julie agrees.  Next we see Lucy
come home - there's still no word on Victor.  Lucy asks about Scott, and
claims she will prove that she's right about Eve.  She says she feels
she's right, down in her bones.  It's not just jealousy.  Kevin brings up
the possibility that Victor is the killer.

Then we see Julie sneaking around Eve's bedroom.  She finds Eve's address
book and manages to hide it on her right before Eve walks in.  Julie makes
up a lame story about looking for aspirin that Eve seems to buy.  Julie
then leaves, with a satisfied grin on her face.

Let's Accuse Chris

Chris walks out of the on call room and runs into Matt, who was waiting
for him.  Matt accuses Chris of killing Grace, saying that he's sick of
Chris weaseling out of every rotten thing he does around the hospital and
says that this time he's going to pay.  Chris proclaims his innocence,
saying why would he kill Grace - she was a terrific person.  Matt accuses
Chris of bringing the Mancusis to Port Charles - Chris still maintains his
innocence.  Matt then says that Chris gets off on destroying others'
lives.  Chris then goes on to say that Grace was a great person and that
he's sorry, but that he had nothing to do with her death.  Matt says he's
going to nail Chris for this, to which Chris responds, "You want my head?
Fine!  You come and get it if you can.  For now I'm taking you at your
word.  Meaning if your big thing is being treated like everyone else, then
the next time you get in my face I'm going to knock you out!"  Matt then
says that payback is an art in his family, but he's never enjoyed it until

The next day, Chris is paged to the patient room where Grace was murdered.
When he gets there, it's Eve.  She makes a remark about killers wanting to
return to the scene of the crime.  Chris doesn't know what she's talking
about.  Eve then accuses Chris of killing Grace - he denies it, saying he
had no reason.  She says that Chris freaked out about Grace overhearing
them.  Chris says that Eve is out of her mind - he made up that alibi to
cover her butt as well.  She says that he did it because he killed Devlin,
too.  Chris grabs Eve's arms and says that she isn't going to pin a murder
on him.  He then lets go and starts laughing - says she's better than he
thought.  He accuses her of acting, saying she was pretending to be all
emotional and scared because she's all alone with a murderer (as he says
this, he casually drapes his stethoscope around his neck - a thinly-veiled
threat, and kind of spooky).  He says it's a terrific act.  Eve then says
it's not an act - he responds by saying if she really thought he was a
killer she would be too afraid to confront him like that (true).  He
thinks that she did it and the only way for her to stay out of jail is for
her to keep her mouth shut.  Says that if anything happens to him, a
letter will be found that says that he wasn't with Eve Lambert the night
that she killed Bennett Devlin.  Eve counters by saying if anything
happens to her everyone will know that he lied.  They're back where they
started - keeping this between the two of them - she'll keep their secret.
Eve then says if she finds out he had anything to do with Grace or
Devlin's murder she will throw him in the frying pan.  His response -


Karen walks in and finds Matt in the on call room alone.  He tells her
that Grace's parents rented the Recovery Room for Grace's wake, and that
her father made a special point to call him and invite him.  Matt blames
himself - he thinks that if he had kept his mouth shut and not broken up
with her, he and Grace would have gone to the circus together and it
wouldn't have happened.  Karen says that he doesn't know that - the killer
might have been waiting for Grace.  Matt says that intellectually he knows
that but not in his heart.  He wishes he had done something differently.



"Keep a scalpel in your laboratory, a shredder near your files, and don't
tell the Feds your data caught fire"

B.A. 1996          The George Washington University            M.F.S. 1999

My home page:  http://gwis2.circ.gwu.edu/~kbeale