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From: rika1@mindspring.com (Rika)
Subject: PC: Update, Thursday, 5/14/98
Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 17:52:06 GMT
X-Server-Date: 15 May 1998 17:52:20 GMT

                          PORT CHARLES UPDATE
                         Thursday, May 14, 1998

* "Do you remember Tuesdays?"
* Brother vs. Brother
* "That Best-Selling Piece of Garbage"

Julie arrives at the Lighthouse to visit Lucy.  Julie asks about
Victor, and Lucy explains that Kevin is out looking for him - so they
are alone in the house.  Julie explains that at first she couldn't
accept Lucy's theory that Eve killed Devlin; however, she has thought
about it more.  She would do anything to get the charges against her
dropped; more importantly, she wants to find her father's murderer.
Lucy assures her that Eve is the murderer.  Julie hands over Eve's
address book.

Later, Lucy is on the phone going through Eve's address book,
pretending to be a reporter (she uses the name "Nancy Cole," which is
her character's name in Kevin's book).  She is supposedly doing a
human-interest story on people who "pulled themselves up by their
bootstraps" (though in Eve's case, I suppose you might say Lucy thinks
she pulled herself up by her bra straps....)  She asks for information
about Eve.

Later, Lucy is on the phone with someone else featured in Eve's
address book.  She is describing Eve (a brunette, "sort of" good
looking, with a smart mouth).  The person apparently denies knowing
Eve.  Lucy asks, "Well, how about Thursdays?  Does that mean anything
to you?"  The person on the phone hangs up, leading Lucy to suspect
that she touched a nerve.  Lucy flips through the book and notices a
large number of scratched-out names and phone numbers.  Beneath each
name is the word "Tuesday" or "Thursday"; the names are all men's
names.  "Appointments with men!!!"  Lucy figures she's on to
something.  (I don't suppose she believes that Eve was a female

Lucy dials another number and intones in a sultry voice (which I guess
was her best effort - and not a good one - at imitating Eve), "Hello,
it's me, remember?"  Apparently not, because she tries again.  "How
about Tuesdays?  Do you remember Tuesdays?"  Apparently so.  Lucy
strikes gold - the man asks her how long it has been since she left
the Enchanted Escort Service.  The guy evidently propositions Lucy;
she explains, "I don't do that anymore...... nope, I don't do that by
phone either there, pal.  Ta."  She hangs up, looking very pleased
with herself.

Later, we see Lucy outside the door of "Enchanted Escorts,
Incorporated."  She looks nervous, but then she says to herself, "All
right, Eve - you can run from the past but you can't hide from the
present."  She opens the door and walks in.  (Your updater is
experiencing some geographic confusion here - we had no indication
that Eve was ever in Port Charles before coming to GH, and we have no
indication that Lucy has left town for this meeting - but that's a
topic for another post.)

It's breakfast time in the Scanlon kitchen, and Frank is poking Joe,
teasing him, and generally behaving like a ten-year-old brat.  Joe is
not amused - he's still seething over their fight the night before
last.  Frank tries to justify it - he's the older brother so it's his
"divine right" to annoy Joe.

Eve comes downstairs looking for her address book.  She glares
suspiciously at Lark, who emphatically assures Eve that the *last*
thing she would want to do is mess with Eve's stuff.  Eve asks where
Julie is.  Frank's secretarial reply:  "She's gone to work.  I have
that number if you want it."  Eve is not amused (Frank isn't scoring
too well as a stand-up comic).  Frank can't see why Julie would want
Eve's address book; Eve intends to find out.  Frank thinks Eve should
get off Julie's back; Eve thinks Julie can handle a couple of
questions.  She flounces off to the hospital.

Joe prepares to follow Eve, but Frank stops him:  "Don't leave before
we kiss and make up, honey!"  Frank continues to try his
bratty-big-brother routine, and Joe just gets madder.  Joe tells Frank
what a jerk he can be; Frank thinks he deserves some respect for
looking out for Joe.  Joe is tired of hearing that; he refuses to
grovel to Frank anymore.  The guys snort and paw the ground a bit
more, and a fight nearly breaks out.  Finally Joe stomps out.

Lark, who was a silent witness to all this nastiness (and who is
probably starting to yearn for the good old days when all she had to
deal with was her insane, violent mother), can't believe that Joe and
Frank acted like they wanted to kill each other.  Frank explains that
after Joe called Julie a killer, he needed to be taught a lesson.
Besides, they're brothers - they've been ready to kill each other many
times before.  "If you had a sibling," he tells her, "you'd

Frank is out of DL56.  Lark volunteers to get him more, but Frank says
he'll go to the lab himself.  He can patch things up with Joe and also
get some more of the drug.

Eve finds Julie at the hospital and asks about her address book.  Eve
explains that it always stays in the same place at home - and Julie
was in Eve's room last night.  Eve asks point-blank if Julie took the
address book, and Julie evades the question.  She was in Eve's room
looking for an aspirin (that's her story, and she's sticking to it).
Eve asks again - "So you didn't see it?"  This time, Julie lies,
denying that she saw the address book.

Frank arrives at the lab and waves a white handkerchief at Joe, who is
STILL not amused.  Frank falls to one knee, imitating their parish
priest discussing the divine nature of forgiveness; Joe asks about the
divine nature of apologies.  Frank flagellates himself with the white
handkerchief, scolding himself:  "Bad brother!  Bad brother!"  Joe's
funnybone remains resolutely un-tickled.  Frank finally gives up on
the attempts at levity and offers a sincere apology.  He's been under
stress - his injury, Lark, Julie's arrest, yadda, yadda - and Joe says
he understands.  They hug; over Joe's shoulder, Frank scans the room
looking for the drug.  Joe conveniently needs to go down the hall for
a moment; Frank doesn't even bother to disguise his glee as he agrees
to wait.  While Joe is gone, Frank grabs several vials of DL56 from
the refrigerator.

Later, Joe tells Karen about his situation with Frank.  Karen doesn't
remember them fighting that much as kids.  Joe explains that their
father insisted on outward appearances of family solidarity; they did
their fighting in private.  Karen is glad Frank "at least" apologized;
Joe defends Frank, reminding Karen of the stress he's been under.

Jake arrives; he asks if either Karen or Joe has been at the lab doing
any experiments.  Karen reminds Jake that they agreed to wait and try
to figure out what was causing the increased aggression.  Jake was
going to "run the isolation process," but when he went to the
refrigerator to remove the formula, he found that several vials were
missing.  He asks who has been in the lab.  Joe explains that he was
there to sterilize some equipment; he didn't move the formula.  Jake
figures that either their inventory counts are wrong, or some vials
have been stolen.  (It's easy to see that he's the brains of this

Frank arrives home; Lark is studying at the kitchen table.  He is
impressed with the way she's putting her life back together.  Most of
all, he is thankful for the way she has helped him since his accident.
Lark couldn't live with herself if she couldn't help him.  Frank finds
that interesting - he got hurt trying to save her, and now she feels
obligated to help him (and right about there my skin starts to crawl).

Frank moves in for the kill - he needs something from her.  She agrees
to do whatever he wants.  Frank's response is scary:  "I wish more
people would say that to me."  (Run, Lark, run back to the Juvenile
Center as fast as you can!!!)  He wants Lark to resume her
relationship with Jake.  She is confused - she already straightened
things out with Jake by being honest.  Yes, Frank agrees, and that was
good, but now he wants her to do something different - he wants her to
figure out how "to make that work for us."  Lark is uneasy and
confused.  Frank insisted on honesty before, but now he wants her to
use Jake?  (Exactly, Lark, you've got it.)  Frank explains - he can't
keep stealing the DL56, because at some point he'll get caught.  If
they can't steal it, they have to learn to make it.  Lark points out
the obvious - they're not doctors - and Frank reminds her that Jake
*is* a doctor.  Lark just has to get Jake to tell her how to make the

Lark reminds Frank that Jake won't want anything to do with her, after
nearly being prosecuted for statutory rape.  Frank figures she can
"make Jake come around," since she did it once before.  Lark is
stunned.  She asks, "What if he wants to sleep with me?"  All hope (on
Lark's part and your updater's) that Frank was just talking about a
friendship goes out the window with the following ICKY remark:
"Doesn't somebody have a birthday coming up soon?  Once you're legal,
what's the matter with you and Jake being together?"  (Ladies and
gentlemen, meet Frank Scanlon:  paramedic, ex-high school teacher, and
pimp.)  Lark doesn't like Jake that way anymore; Frank points out
(redundantly) that she used to.  Lark is extremely upset (and who can
blame her); she insists that she can't do it.  Frank can't see why; he
reminds her that she's already shown she can do something like this,
or he wouldn't have asked.  Lark argues that what she has done up till
now was only because she cares about Frank; he replies, "Well, don't
stop now."  Lark looks at him in disbelief, and then runs from the

Kevin comes off the elevator and sees Karen.  He asks if she has seen
Victor, who is still missing.  Karen hasn't seen him, though she has
made a few phone calls.  Kevin is very worried - he has looked
everywhere, and nobody has seen Victor.  Karen wonders if Victor might
have returned to somewhere he used to live.  Kevin has already checked
everywhere local Victor ever stayed, and he doesn't think Victor has
the resources to get back to Europe.

Boardman walks up to Kevin and asks to speak to him (ah, it must be
time for someone to be snarky to Kevin).  Kevin wonders if Boardman
got his phone message.  Boardman snaps back, "Oh, you mean the one
stating that I should run for my life."  Kevin's face falls and he
apologizes, but Boardman isn't interested in apologies.  He reams
Kevin out for writing his roman a clef.  At best it's an invasion of
privacy, at worst it's libelous, and the people he ridiculed have no
recourse.  Kevin has looked pretty unhappy during this diatribe, but
here he gets defensive.  He thinks "ridiculed" is an unfair term, and
he goes back to his frequent refrain, "It's a work of fiction."
Boardman points out that two people are dead because of Kevin's book,
while the money keeps rolling in on "your best-selling piece of
garbage."  Kevin insists that he didn't write the book for the money.
Boardman doesn't care; the point is that Kevin has caused a lot of
suffering.  He can't believe Kevin would even show his face in public.
Boardman turns and leaves.

Kevin turns back to Karen, who witnessed the confrontation.  She
assures Kevin that not everyone feels that way.  Kevin thanks her for
the support, but "the fact remains, I *am* responsible for that
best-selling piece of garbage."  Later, we see him in an angry
telephone conversation with his publisher.  The publisher is evidently
crowing about the money the book is making.  Kevin doesn't care - it's
blood money, and he wants the book removed from the shelves.  The
publisher obviously refuses, and Kevin hangs up angrily.

Eve overheard the end of this conversation; he explains that the
publisher thinks his book might make #1 on the best seller list.  Eve
can't believe there is nothing Kevin can do to get the book off the
shelves - after all, he's the author.  Kevin explains that first-time
authors have no leverage in contract negotiations; the publisher has
all the control.  Eve assures him that people have been writing murder
mysteries for years, and so Kevin isn't at fault for the fact that
these murders happened.  Kevin isn't sure she's right, but he thanks
her for her kindness.  Besides, Eve remarks, not everyone blames
Kevin's book - Lucy is having "a high old time pointing the finger at
me."  Kevin assures her that Lucy is just protective of Scott and

Eve begins to swear that she had nothing to do with the murders, but
Kevin cuts her off.  She doesn't need to convince him of her
innocence.  He's seen her in action.  ("Like a train wreck, I know,"
she retorts.)  He admits that she sometimes rubs people the wrong way,
but he likes that about her.  Besides, Eve doesn't have the heart of a
killer - and Kevin assures her that he knows something about that
subject.  In addition, she risked her life to help Serena, and he will
always be grateful to her for that.  Eve wishes Lucy's memory were as
good.  Kevin sums up 'Lucy logic' very succinctly:  "Lucy lives by her
own truth."

Eve has a question for Kevin, but she's afraid she might be
overstepping.  Victor disappeared the day Grace died; she wonders if
Kevin is afraid something happened to Victor.  Kevin admits that he is

concerned about that.

Kevin arrives home later, looking grim.  He calls for Lucy, and then
finds a note from her explaining that she has gone out for a while.
There is a knock at the door - it's Garcia.  Kevin asks if Victor has
been found, and Garcia, who seems uncomfortable, simply asks to come
in.  Kevin noting Garcia's unease, repeats his question warily.
Garcia answers - Victor hasn't been found.  Garcia is here for a
different reason - he has a warrant to search the Lighthouse.  Kevin
can't believe Garcia is buying into what the newspapers say.  Just
because he wrote a murder mystery doesn't mean he's a murderer.
Garcia asks, "What about your father?"  He explains that Victor was
seen near the crime scene shortly before Grace was found dead.  Kevin
just stares at Garcia.

by Rika, Thursday updater