Daily Updates

From: mtczajka@aol.com (MTCzajka)
Subject: PC: Monday Update 6/8
Date: 9 Jun 1998 02:38:02 GMT

Kevin comes in to the bedroom where Lucy is holding a clown suit.  Kevin
is surprised to see it.  Lucy wants an explanation of how it got there - so
does Kevin!  The next morning, they are still wondering where it came from.
They wonder about Victor and if he is, why would he want to frame Kevin?
While they discuss the fact that if Victor is guilty, he'd have to be either
completely crazy or brilliant.  Victor overhears - Kevin asks if he recognizes
the clown suit.  Victor does - it looks like the one the killer wore.  Victor
asks if Monk is sure that he didn't kill anyone.  Kevin seems most offended
that Victor would think he'd be dumb enough to put evidence in his own
drawer.  Kevin calls the security company to come and check the place out.
Kevin wonders about calling the police.  Victor thinks who ever is setting
him up might have already called the cops.  Kevin thinks the suit might be
evidence and calls Garcia.  Victor and Lucy aren't happy about his decision.

Ellen and Matt are in bed - Ellen says she has to be up early for work.  Matt
wonders if that means they can't make love - no, it means they better get

Julie is upset about the "Cooper" letter - Frank wants to fool around.  Julie
also has to be up early for work - but she means sleep.  Frank is not happy.
Julie wants to give it her best for the Quartermaine award.  Frank sweet talks
her by saying she doesn't have a shot in hell of winning.  He gets even more
romantic by telling her that they don't give awards to accused murderers and
that she's pathetic - Daddy is cold in the grave and she's still trying to
him.  It goes downhill from there.  Julie actually tries to explain at first,
finally gets mad and leaves.  (This scene proves she's not the killer - Frank
really needed killin' in this scene!)

The next morning, all are at the on-call room.  Chris and Eve are wearing suits
and Eve's skirt is slit all the way up the thigh (I just thought that was
Lorraine and Angi...oops!  Dr. May(?) and Ellen come in the room and Ellen's
return is announced.  She tells them she returned for personal reasons and she
needs to meet with each of them to get caught up.  She leaves and everyone
points out that she seemed almost giddy.  Matt says she's always been tough
but fair.  Chris calls him teacher's pet and Eve smirks.  Ellen comes back in
scolds Matt for an incomplete patient report.  This convinces the others that
Matt is no longer teacher's pet.  Later, Chris wonders to Eve if Ellen's return
will hurt his chances at the Q award.  Eve doesn't think so.  Later, as Chris
talking to Ellen, Matt wheels up.  He hands her his recommendations for the
patient they were discussing earlier.  She opens the folder and reads the note,
saying she sees he wants to follow an aggressive path - he tells her he
in being thorough.  She wonders how many treatments will be needed, he thinks
several a day.  Chris looks perplexed.  Matt wants to meet with her later to go
over some new ideas - she says she's looking forward to it and walks away
Chris offers to help Matt with the report, Matt declines.  Chris asks what Matt
did "Burgess has been riding you all day" - Matt says he's just lucky.  Later,
Eve and Matt are in the on-call room, Ellen comes in acting pissed off.  Eve
leaves and Matt and Ellen start kissing.  Outside, Eve stops Chris from going
in and interrupting Matt's scolding.  Meanwhile, Ellen laughingly tells Matt to
not pass any more notes.

Frank meets with the guy who makes drugs, and gets another batch.  The guy
wants to go into business - Frank punches him and threatens him unless all is
forgotten about the drug.

Julie is snippy towards Jake and admits that Franks is behaving bizarrely.
thinks Frank has post-traumatic-stress-syndrome.  They share scary Frank
Frank comes up and gets nasty with the two of them, accusing them of flirting.
Frank gives Julie to Jake and leaves.

