Daily Updates

From: rika1@mindspring.com (Rika)
Subject: PC: Update, Thursday, 6/11/98
Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 18:37:58 GMT
X-Server-Date: 12 Jun 1998 18:39:32 GMT

                          PORT CHARLES UPDATE
                         Thursday, June 11, 1998

* Vengeance is Mine
* Lucy Wiggles Out of a Tight Spot
* Frank Generates Business for Another Drywall Contractor
* Vengeance is Mine, Part II

Eve (who has all *sorts* of hidden talents) is slaving over a hot
sewing machine.  Chris isn't sure about having a sweatshop on the
premises.  Eve explains that she is altering Lucy's Nurses' Ball
dresses.  Every year the dresses are supposed to be a secret.  Chris
remarks, "Ah, so you're planning on 'outing' the dresses."  Eve
explains further - when Lucy finds the dresses are too small, she will
think the General Homicide killer is after her.  Chris finds it hard
to believe that the dresses could get any smaller.  Eve makes fun of
Lucy's "tacky" fashion sense.  Chris thinks Eve is being too hard on
Lucy; she puts on a good show at the Nurses' Ball.  This year's will
be even better since he'll be getting his "just rewards" (i.e., the
Quartermaine residency) at the ball.  Eve tells him that she's heard
Matt has it all sewn up (pun intended).

Eve packs up the dresses; now she needs to return them all to the
cleaners and explain that she got the wrong dresses.  Chris has his
own business to attend to - he's going after Matt.  She asks why he
doesn't trust his abilities and earn the Quartermaine on his own
merits.  Chris thinks only suckers think that way.  Besides, if she's
so sure people get what they deserve, why is she going after Lucy?
Eve already "gassed" Lucy in the locked conference room; why not let
the Fates punish her now?  Eve thinks Lucy deserves punishment because
of what Lucy did to her; Matt, on the other hand, doesn't deserve such
treatment.  Chris disagrees - anyone who gets in his way deserves to
be punished.

At the hospital, Matt is in the OCR and Ellen comes in.  She breaches
professional ethics in an almost unbelievable way by telling him that
the board just voted to give Matt the Quartermaine residency.  He is
thrilled, and she is thrilled for him.  He thanks her for helping him
to earn it by "kicking his butt" every step of the way."

Kevin and Lucy are eating breakfast; Lucy is flipping through a
bride's magazine, planning the wardrobe for the double wedding.  Kevin
isn't sure Mac and Felicia will think it's such a good idea.  Lucy
reminds him that Mac and Felicia are their best friends; besides,
it'll mean twice the love, romance, flowers, and people... ("and just
one catering bill," Kevin quips).  Kevin is surprised she'd want to
share their day with anyone, especially since they've waited so long
for it.  Lucy points out that she's done that "lone bride thing"
several times before; Kevin retorts that he feels SO much better now.
Lucy wants it to be different from the other times - bigger, better,
more magical - and she wants to show the world how proud she is to be
marrying Kevin.

The phone rings, and Kevin decides Lucy needs a "pause to reflect"
while he answers the phone.  The call is from Mac, who gives Kevin
some bad news:  the discovery of the clown suit in Kevin's drawer has
been leaked to the newspapers.

Kevin is upset to see himself prominently featured on page 1 of the
Port Charles Herald ("Shrink Linked to Serial Murders").  Lucy wants
to sue the paper; then she decides to tell the society editor that if
she doesn't print something positive about Kevin, she'll withhold
information about the upcoming double wedding.  Kevin figures the
double wedding probably won't happen - why would Mac and Felicia want
to "share the bill with Jack the Ripper"?  Lucy tries to reassure him
that Mac and Felicia know he's not a murderer; he retorts, "No,
stalking is my specialty."  She reminds him that they all realize that
when the stalking happened, he was sick.  He tells Lucy that, although
she hasn't asked, he needs to reassure her - he isn't having
black-outs, and he didn't kill Grace.  Lucy tells him she knows he
isn't capable of that.  He is the finest man she's ever known.  He
figures, as long as she's on the jury, he's fine; she insists that he
shouldn't say such things, because he may give the words power and
might actually wind up on trial.  Kevin is sure there is a reason the
killer is using the book as a guide - he or she wants people to think
Kevin is a murderer.

A delivery guy brings Lucy's dresses from the dry cleaner's.  Lucy
wonders why they didn't arrive last night as agreed upon.  The
delivery dude recognizes Kevin, calling him "the serial killer, the
one who writes."  Lucy defends Kevin's honor and then throws the
delivery dude out.  She has an idea to cheer Kevin up:  "Unzip me."
Kevin jumps to his feet with alacrity, but she explains *that* wasn't
what she meant.  She offers him a fashion show of everything she'll be
wearing ("Or not wearing, as the case may be," Kevin comments) at the
Nurses' Ball.  Kevin seems to like her underwear best, but she starts
to put on the first dress - except she can't zip it up.  Kevin wonders
if they've been eating too much take-out.  Lucy assures him that her
designer just makes the dresses very form-fitting ("I hadn't noticed,"
Kevin replies).  She needs Kevin's help getting into the dress - he
tries to help her, but he can only get the zipper partway closed.
Kevin figures that her designer made a mistake, or maybe the cleaners
shrank it.  She tries another one - a rainbow-colored tube of fabric.
As she tries to slide it over her head and down her body, she gets
stuck.  Lucy and Kevin struggle with the dress, while she feels as
though the dress is strangling her - and then she remembers that her
character was strangled by one of her dresses at the Nurses' Ball in
"General Homicide."  She concludes that the killer is after her.

Later, Lucy visits the dry cleaner's.  Lucy learns that a woman
matching Eve's description picked up the dresses "by mistake," but
returned them later.

Scott is at the hospital, talking to Julie about the discovery of the
clown suit at the Lighthouse.  She thinks this proves that Victor lied
when he said he saw Julie murder Grace - he was protecting Kevin.
Scott tries to focus her on "reasonable doubt," which will get her off
without pointing fingers at others.  Besides, he reminds her that she
has been indicted for Bennett's murder, not Grace's.  Julie insists
that "everybody knows" it was the same murderer, so the clown suit
proves Kevin is guilty.  Scott reminds her that Chris's stethoscope
was the murder weapon.  Scott figures that means that the murderer is
trying to implicate a lot of people with circumstantial evidence.

Julie snottily accuses Scott of taking Kevin's side because he's
friends with Lucy.  (Your updater can't help but note the essential
difference between Julie and Kevin, both of whom are in some trouble
right now regarding these murders.  Julie can't WAIT to pin the
murders on someone - anyone - else, so as to save her own butt.  Kevin
wants to find the real killer - in fact, he wanted to do that long
before any significant suspicion was directed his way - but he's not
going to fling blame around without a good reason.)  Scott plans to go
see Dara; he figures the publicity alone might be enough to get the
charges against Julie dropped.

Scott's conversation with Dara doesn't go well.  She reminds Scott of
the same thing he pointed out to Julie earlier - Julie was indicted
for Bennett's murder, not Grace's.  Scott tries Julie's
counter-argument - the same person committed both murders.  Dara
points out that, in that case, since Julie's fingerprints were on
Bennett's murder weapon, doesn't that suggest that *Julie* committed
both murders?  Not only that, but they have an eyewitness who says
Julie strangled Grace.  Scott doesn't think Victor is a reliable
witness ("He doesn't have the sense God gave a goose to come in from
the rain" - gee, Scott, I think that describes *you* a lot of the
time).  Besides, Victor didn't ID Julie - he just described her to a
sketch artist.  Dara is unimpressed with his arguments.

Back at the hospital, Frank tries to placate Julie, who is upset with
his recent behavior.  He apologizes and begs for a chance to explain.
She walks over to sit on the sofa, and Frank gazes at a vial of DL56
in one hand.  He sits beside Julie, who asks him for the truth.  He
appears to be on the verge of telling her about the drug, but instead
he tells her that the murder charge against her has driven him nuts.
He never knew he could care about someone so much, and it's driving
him crazy that he can't protect her.  Julie never asked for his
protection - what she needs is to be able to count on him like she
used to be able to do.  He assures her that he'll do whatever she
asks, and they hug each other.

Ellen sees the two of them embracing, and tears into Julie for the
display of PDA (which, in Julie and Frank's defense, is fairly rare,
unlike Karen and Joe.  And at least they haven't been passing sexy
love notes in patient charts).  Frank starts to defend Julie, but she
apologizes and assures Ellen it won't happen again.

Later, after Scott gives Julie the bad news (her indictment stands),
she passes it on to Frank, who demonstrates his support for her by
putting his fist through a wall while Julie looks on, frightened.

Over at the nurses' station, Matt remarks that Julie is in trouble
with Ellen.  Chris figures it doesn't matter - Julie is out of the
running for the Quartermaine anyhow, because she's a murder suspect.
Matt says that's not true, since Chris is still in the running for the
Quartermaine.  Chris points out that the police haven't arrested him;
Matt thinks that's just because they don't know Chris the way Matt
does.  They snort and paw a little more, and finally Matt says that
where the Quartermaine is concerned, "Let the best man win."  Chris
thinks that sounds fine; Matt smugly agrees.  (Don't count your
chickens, Matty-boy.)

Ellen comes into the OCR and finds Matt there.  He calls her
"gorgeous," and she tells him to watch out.  She's feeling a bit like
a hypocrite (and well she should) because she dressed Julie down for
her PDA with Frank.  Matt assures her they aren't like that (no, Ellen
just shares private work-related information with you.  That's MUCH
better than an occasional hug in the hospital lobby.  Sheesh).
They're both off duty, so they decide to head off to work on the
"grandiose plans" Ellen has.

After they leave the room, Chris comes out from the back, fresh from a
shower (that boy does look fetching in a towel).  He obviously
overheard Matt and Ellen; he licks his chops in anticipation of
bringing Matt down for "fraternizing with the boss."

by Rika, Thursday updater