Daily Updates

From: tntmur@aol.com (Tntmur)
Subject: PC: Friday Update - 7/10/98
Date: 13 Jul 1998 05:50:14 GMT

Port Charles - Friday Update - July 10th 1998

Garcia tells Julie that they found her prints on the death
threat in Lark's backpack.  Julie denies writing the note.
Garcia tells her the handwriting was a match.

Frank and Lark are being searched by the police.  Frank says
they just stopped to ask for directions and they don't know
anything about any drug deal.  The cops don't find anything.
They let Frank and Lark go and take away the chemist.  Lark
is scared, but Frank is just concerned about where he's going
to get more DL56.

Kevin returns to the Lighthouse where Victor and Lucy immediately
notice something is wrong.  He tells them there has been another
murder.  Lucy wants to know who and unexpectedly gets the answer
from Victor. "Dr. May." Kevin wants to know how he knew that.
Victor says it was just a lucky guess.  Kevin demands a better
answer. Victor is evasive as usual.  Lucy says that Victor must
be a better psychic than she is.  Kevin is in no mood for Victor's
games.  He demands a straight answer, but doesn't get one.  Lucy
tries to calm Kevin, but he angrily asks Victor to tell him what
his connection is to the murders.  Victor says he just wants to
help Kevin. Lucy supports Victor and sys they both want to help him.
Kevin says it may be too late since he was the only one with Dr. May
when she died.

Scott and Karen are at the Hospital discussing Dr. May's death.
Karen wants to know if he's worried about Serena being at GH.  He
is but, "this is the best hospital in the state".  They discuss
Serena's condition as Eve eavesdrop at the nurses' station.  Eve
has a bright idea and she immediately runs it by Chris.  Why not
use Dr. May's corneas for Serena.

Frank wonders what he's going to do now that his dealer has been
busted.  Lark proposes that he go to Joe and try to get off the
stuff.  Frank says he's not addicted.  He just needs the DL56 to
survive.  And anyway, it's all Lark's fault so she should cut him
some slack and save the lectures.  He'll handle it without Joe.

Julie tells Garcia that it couldn't have been her handwriting.
Garcia tells her there's no mistake.  Julie admits that she wrote
the note.  She says that she did it after the murderer was
identified so she wasn't interfering with a murder investigation.
Lark tried to framer her for her father's killing, so she had
to do something to get Lark away from her. Garcia doesn't think
that's a good answer.  Julie says it was a stupid thing to do, but
she wanted Lark out of her life and this was a way to do it.
Garcia asks what else Julie is lying about.

Frank and Lark get home.  Garcia says he has some good news, or
is that mixed news, for them.  Julie tells them she's the one who
wrote the death threat.  Frank says she's a sick and twisted
piece of work.  Julie says she's sorry.  She was only trying to
scare Lark.  Frank doesn't think an apology is sufficient.

Eve comforts Dr. May's husband in a wonderfully dramatic scene
with some fine acting.  Eve delicately approaches the subject of
organ donation.  Mr. May's all for using his wife corneas for
Serena.  It's what she would have wanted.  He signs the consent
form and leaves.  Scott arrives and Eve explains the good news
to him.  Scott is eager to go ahead.

At the Lighthouse Lucy is trying to comfort Kevin and Victor
brings in tea.  Kevin apologizes to Victor for accusing him
earlier. (Even though he has yet to explain how he knew Dr.
May was the victim.)  Victor calmly discusses the General
Homicide murders as he serves up tea.  Victor says he knows
who the killer in the book was modeled after.  Kevin says
the murderer was fictitious.  But Victor says he knows who
it really is and then he turns the conversation into a parlor
game, trying to get them to guess it too.  Kevin grows impatient,
but Victor continues going over the clues, including the final
one.  The killer was a coffin maker. Kevin says he doesn't
know any.  Yes he does, Victor tells him.  When Kevin was
little, Victor used to work at a funeral parlor.

Joe returns home and Frank fills him in on Julie's little
prank.  Joe is astonished.  Julie says it was a "mistake".
Garcia puts away his cell phone and delightedly imparts more
"news".  Frank was involved in a drug bust and the chemist is
singing like a bird downtown.  Joe says Frank would never do
drugs, but the cats out of the bag and Lark urges Frank to
tell the truth.  Frank says he's been taking "medication".
After some encouragement, Frank admits it was DL-56.  Scott
and Eve comfort Serena before she goes in for the cornea
transplant.  Eve tentatively hugs Scott.

Director - Jill Ackles

T 'n' T