Daily Updates

Author: tamre
Posting date: Tue, 01-Sep-98 4:18:41 PM PDT

The kindler, gentler version of Cooper proved that his vocal powers are still intact by letting Lucy (still in her fashionable restraints and classy PJs) know he recognized her. Lucy panicked when Cooper reached out to touch her and began screaming. Cooper covered her mouth and asked her please not to scream (yeah like that would work).

After Lucy calmed down, Cooper the Boy Scout offers to remove the restraints but an orderly stops him. Lucy tries to explain to Mr. Orderly that she doesn't belong in the institution, about her exhusbands, her exfiance the psychiatrist, and her poor pet duck who is stranded all alone in the hotel, but at the end of her babbles he decides Lucy is well, a little cuckoo. Left stranded herself Lucy pages Kevin with her mind (gosh what if she reached Ryan instead?)

Kevin ushers the ugliest woman alive (aka Victor) to the hospital. Kevin asks Karen for her help and explains the pretend game that became real. Karen agrees to be Victor's only doctor and he is admitted under a false name (Victoria perhaps?).

Scott (in a nifty blue shirt) confronts Lee about the subpoena. They argue about using Eve as Julie's fall girl. Lee begs Scott to do the right thing. Chris and Eve interrupt the one on one and Lee leaves. Scott calls Chris an idiot (isn't it amazing what I consider important enough to write) and tells the undynamic duo that Eve is now in the hotseat. Scott explains the concept of perjury to an uncaring Chris. Scott questions Eve's choice of friends.

Eve is willing to be honest, but Scott doesn't want her to - he is worried that Eve will be the next jailbird. After "Mr. Miller" is settled in the hospital, Kevin tells Karen he's worried about Lucy (YES!) and heads back to the institution. Lucy is still trying to convince anyone that will listen that she's sane but nobody's buying. Cooper tries to be helpful as Lucy is forcefed Victor's pills, but probably fortunately for her she spits them out. Kevin comes to Lucy's rescue (my hero!) and Lucy explains to Kevin how she and Cooper are now best buds. Lucy throws her arms around Kevin and he smiles (Yes! Yes! Yes!)

Kevin pretends to be Lucy's doctor but a smarty pants nurse decides to call the police so Kevy and Lucy decide to go on the lam so to speak. Chris is aghast to hear Eve was even considering telling the truth (what a foreign concept) and finally (it's about time) Eve wonders what Chris is hiding. Scott and Lee argue once more. Scott promises Lee he will be a hostile, emphasis on hostile, witness!

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