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Author: spilledmilk
Posting date: Tue, 15-Sep-98 3:30:28 PM PDT

Update for Tuesday, September 15 by spilledmilk.

This is our first Port Charles update, so we hope you'll bear with us.

Scene 1: The Lighthouse
Victor is "floating" through the room. Scott storms in and demands to know where Eve is. Seconds later, Lucy also barges in and demands the same thing. Victor claims he does not know, while Scott asks Lucy disdainfully why she's there. Lucy says she followed him: "And by the way, pal, you ran two red lights". To which Scott replies: "They were yellow." Lucy tries to be compassionate to Victor and hugs him, then asks for information. But Victor continues to say that he knows nothing of her whereabouts. For all he knows, she could be on the moon. Scott and Lucy end the scene looking distraught.
Scene 2: Chris' apartment
Garcia has arrived with the burnt remnants of the murder trophies that Chris "destroyed" on Friday. Garcia tells Chris that Matt found the bag, which Chris of course dismisses as being caused by Matt's dislike for him.
Chris: "Since when is it a felony to throw out trash?"
Garcia (the most wise one): "A pizza box isn't a medical contaminant."
Chris: "Apparently you've never had a pizza from Banelli's."
The trophies that Garcia shows Chris include Grace's keychain, Jake's ID and a gold comb with Dr. Mae's initials on it. Chris claims bafflement. Garcia also shows Chris a post-mortem picture of Grace, but Chris says that Garcia should forget about him and talk to Matt since Chris has never found anything but pizza in a pizza box.
Garcia pulls out a search warrant and Chris appears distraught.
Scene 3: The lighthouse
Scott tells Victor that the cops are looking for Eve with a warrant for her arrest, but Victor continues to say that he knows nothing. Scott says that he wants to help Eve, and that he knows that she was at the lighthouse because of the phone call that he had traced. Lucy, however, says that she isn't interested in Eve but just wants to make sure that Kevin has not gotten himself into any trouble. Victor, however, was too busy at the karaoke bar the previous night to notice Eve's presence. He knows, though, that Kevin packed and left for Rochester to go to a symposium on alternative psychotropic medicine. Lucy decides that Eve is with him since Kevin booked the conference just the night before.
Scene 4: Jasmine Island cabin
**the Jasmine Island cabin looks strikingly like the Scanlon living room with a cleverly disguised dˇcor**
Eve marvels over the cabin and the "coooool phone", but Kevin admits that he recalls very little of the cabin because he was so young but that all he remembers is unpleasant. Eve sympathizes by saying that she is constantly reliving her moments in the morgue freezer. Kevin promises that she will be safe at Jasmine Island because nobody who knows him will look for him there. Kevin can't handle another death.
Eve points out that Kevin could be in danger because of her, to which Kevin cleverly responds: "You mean Lucy was right and you're the killer after all?" Eve, not amused, says that Kevin could be charged with aiding a fugitive but Kevin says that he has no knowledge of a warrant, so Eve promises that she will lie about how she found out about the cabin if asked. Kevin heads to his conference and Eve goes to sleep after thanking him again.
Scene 5: Chris' apartment
Garcia, now wearing sexy latex gloves, searches Eve's closet which is now full of Chris' clothes. He finds putty on the floor and asks if Chris has been doing home improvements. Chris says that he was putting in shelves. Garcia points out that the lab found putty and drywall on the pizza box, while Chris cops a nervously confident attitude. Garcia rips open the drywall that we know Chris has recently replaced. Chris looks anxious. Garcia, the all-knowing, informs us that "water based paint will completely conceal oil-based paint", and claims that he sees writing on the wall, which Chris says he marked, but Garcia insists that he sees the names of the victims. Chris acts innocent.
Garcia: "I've got enough to arrest you."
Chris: "For what, felony home repair?" Chris says he is supposed to assist on a procedure at General Hospital but Garcia forces him to go to the station.
Scene 6: Interrogation Room
Chris wonders over his charge, which is tampering with evidence.
Chris: "Because I re-did a closet?"
Garcia: "This isn't amateur night at the comedy club."
Chris: "Ooh, tough crowd."
Garcia says Chris could be charged as an accessory to murder (Eve being the murderer), but Chris says he is innocent. Garcia informs Chris that "felons don't get to practice medicine". Chris says that he wants to talk to an attorney.
Scene 7: the lighthouse
Scott calls the conference place asking for Kevin, who is at the seminar and can't be disturbed, so he leaves a message for Kevin to call home.
Scott (to Victor): "Your story checks out."
Victor (obviously related to Kevin): "Well, duh!"
Victor claims he wouldn't lie, but Scott believes otherwise. Scott gets a call and announced that he must go the station to be Chris' attorney. Lucy becomes smug because she believes that Chris' arrest indicates that Eve is the killer. Scott tells Victor to call him if he hears anything, and Victor sarcastically salutes him.
Victor: "That man is terminally socially challenged."
Lucy wants Victor to confide in her, but Victor asks her if the green-eyed monster has gotten the better of her again. She assures him that she is not jealous but that Eve could be the killer. Victor insists that he saw the killer: Julie Devlin. Victor promises that he will tell Lucy if Kevin calls.
Scene 8: Jasmine Island
Kevin comes in from the seminar and calls for Eve, who doesn't respond. He hears a loon and shivers nervously. He calls Victor, who instantly asks if Kevin is on the lam with Eve. Kevin denies it until Victor tells him about the phone call that Eve made. Kevin makes Victor promise that he won't tell anyone, especially Lucy and Scott that he has heard from Kevin. Victor identifies the sound of the loons with Jasmine Island and tells Kevin to get away from that dangerous place. Kevin says he needs a father he can count on. After he hangs up, Eve is walking towards him, but he becomes delusional and sees instead his mother, who then breaks a plate.
Scene 9: Interrogation Room
Throughout the entire scene, Chris looks stoic.
Scott arrives and asks for the charges against Chris.
Garcia (disgustedly and in shock upon seeing that Scott is Chris' attorney): "You?!? Man, this is beautiful."
Garcia tells Chris the whole story. Scott says that sometimes people collect and dump and hoard, but that it is not a crime. Garcia says that the trophies, plus the other evidence against Eve pretty well condemns her and that he thinks they have the wrong person on trial. Scott decides that Garcia's attitude towards Eve is because the case against Julie is falling apart. Garcia leaves. Scott asks Chris if Eve collected those things and Chris says yes and that he tried to get rid of them because he cares about her. Scott asks Chris if he thinks Eve is the killer, and Chris tries to deny it but is ultimately unable to answer.
Scene 10: the lighthouse
Victor worries about which promise he should keep, his promise to Kevin not to tell Lucy and Scott where he is, or his promise to Lucy to call her if he finds out where Kevin is. He has flashbacks of what everyone said to him. He hugs a pillow in despair. He finally decides that he must get help for "Monk" and calls Lucy and says that Kevin has called.
Scene 11: Jasmine Island Cabin
Eve gives Kevin water and asks why he called her "mother". "Do I look like your mother?", says Eve. Kevin explains that her position triggered a childhood memory. He has been haunted by visions. Eve tactfully refrains at this point from telling him that he is insane. Kevin tells Eve that his evil mother abused and molested Ryan. Eve, being sappy says: "Oh, I'm sooooo soooorrrry." (What happened to Eve? She never used to be like this!!!). Kevin says that he pretended to be Ryan once and found out what his mother was doing. When Victor found out, he took Kevin to Europe to protect him, and Kevin never spoke to Ryan until they were adults and Ryan had become a serious serial psycho. Eve continues to act sappy.
Kevin has come to terms with his past, but Ryan was never able to handle it (hence his serious serial psycho tendencies). Kevin explains that one of the scenes in his book turned out to be true and he had to talk to Gail about it to return his memories. (We assume everyone is familiar with this story, however, a brief overview: Kevin and Ryan went to the circus, then had a picnic with their parents and the woman Victor had an affair with, Ryan encouraged Kevin to throw knives at the woman, who then fell into the river and died).

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