Daily Updates

Author: TammyR
Posting date: Fri, 18-Sep-98 10:27:52 AM PDT

This was a terrific day in Port Charles land!!! I loved every nail biting moment - and just wait until you hear about mirror Ryan's escape :)

Our episode begins with Joe and Karen debating the merits of elopememt. One thing they are sure of, they are absolutely in love and can't wait to be man and wife. Meanwhile, back on Jasmine Island Kevin is obsessing about the newfound memories of the baby. Kevin remembers that while both Melanie and Marsha (friends) were at the picnic, Melanie was the one who actually took care of the baby. Mutt and Jeff (also known as the drug dealers and certainly not meant as disrespect to our great host) handcuff Scott and Lucy together and thru a bed post. Scott considers this pure torture. Mutt and Jeff wonder what to do with our not so palsy duo.

Joe is ready to be Karen's husband, even if the wedding ceremony takes place in a bowling alley. Unfortunately for our very much in love duo, Courtney overhears their discussion. Karen can't resist those charms (oh, who could what with Joe's puppy dog eyes staring into yours) and says yes to the quick getaway wedding. Courtney looks like she has been kicked hard in the stomach (not that she wouldn't deserve such a fate). Kevin is upset when he can't reach Victor by phone (how dare Victor be unavailable when Kevy needs him). Eve tries to calm Kevin down (and thank goodness she does not touch him while doing so) but Kevin is angry that after all they have been through his father is still deceiving him. Lucy tells Mutt and Jeff she is a very important person with very important friends (such as Mac) and as Scott is an attorney he could prosecute both of them and on and on until Scott convinces her this is not the right strategy to keep them alive. Mutt and Jeff fix the plane and then decide that two such important people need their mouths permanently shut and pulls out a gun.

Scott goes into his best lawyer mode and explains the death penalty to the not quite brain surgeon material pair. Mutt and Jeff decide to torch their truck and leave Scott and Lucy to the fates, miles away from civilization (like there's a spot in Florida not overrun with tourists looking for Mickey). Courtney innocently discusses wedding dresses with Karen and then (what a coincidence here) tells her that she eloped, it was a mistake (for the groom's part anyway) and that her mother in law never forgave her. To ensure that gullible Karen gets her point, Courtney emphasises that Mary would never forgive Karen if she missed out on seeing her son get married (you got to give it to Courtney- she knows how to drive home a point)

Ryan taunts Kevin with a cute little nursey rhyme (if you want to read it check out my LOW post tomorrow - mini ad!) about the mystery baby. Eve interrupts their conversation. Kevin (not so brightly himself) insists that Ryan is indeed conversing with him through the looking glass. Ryan taunts his "bro" about his dangerously short trip to the looney bin. When Kevin tries once more to get rid of Ryan, Ryan insists he is Kevin's only hope to find out the truth about his past and Jasmine Island. And then RYAN BREAKS FREE OF THE MIRRORS (my prayers have been answered) and makes himself at home on the couch.

Kevin tells Eve that no, he no longer is seeing Ryan in the mirror as Ryan cheerfully waves at Kevin. Victor shows up and immediately has a "strange feeling" about his old home that he could never quite bring himself to sell (I'm pretty sure noone would buy it until it was exorcised anyway). When Kevin insists that Victor tell him about the baby, Victor insists the baby's was Marsha's and Marsha's alone - not Victor's and in no way related to Kevin. When Kevin wonders why then the need for secrecy, Victor reveals that Marsha was holding the baby when Kevin and Ryan began their knife throwing game.

Joe admits that Mary wouldn't be happy about them eloping, so Karen changes her mind about the elopment (score one round to Courtney). As smoke from the truck fire fills the cabin, Scott and Lucy find themselves in an interesting (and probably slighly familiar) position as they try to free themselves from the bed post. Outside the truck explodes and the curtains in the house catch fire!

Will Scott and Lucy escape? Is Victor now telling the whole truth? Now that Ryan is free where will he roam? Will Karen and Joe ever see through Miss Courtney? Tune in next week guys I think we are in for a heck of a ride!

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