Daily Updates

Author: NovaScotiaFan
Posting date: Mon, 28-Sep-98 7:59:09 PM PDT

Today on PC, as Lucy and Scott try to get out of the tunnels that they landed in, Eve and Kevin are mourning them. They both want to go home, but they are fogged in.

Chris invites Courtney back to his apartment for a martini, and whatever come next. Courtney says how eeiry it is to be in the apartment where Eve left the victims shrine.

Scott and Lucy are stuck in a tunnel and they remember when Serena was born. They realize they have been in worse situations, and at last they get free, only to find out they have been walking in circles.

Kevin convinces Eve to stay on Jasmine Island as there is still a killer after her, and Serena can't take any more loss of people she loves. Eve agrees to stay there, and Kevin and Victor leave to head back to Port Charles.

Eve calls Chris and tells him she is OK, and tells him that she did not pur the victim's shrine in her closet. She warns him to change the locks, and the killer can get into his apartment.

Garcia has tapped Chris' phone, and traces the call. Kevin calls Eve and warns her to get out now as he just saw police cars headed her way, and Garcia was in one. As she opens the door to leave, she comes face to face with .... Frank.

Lucy and Scott realize that they aren't alone in the tunnels, and as the flashlight dies, they see ... snakes.

Stay tuned tomorrow for the Snakes, the ones in the tunnels, and the one at Eve's door !!!

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