Daily Updates

Author: TMM
Posting date: Sun, 18-Oct-98 8:37:25 PM PDT

Okay, this is my first attempt at writing an update, but here goes!


The episode begins where Monday's left off. Eve hangs up the phone after being called by Kevin, who has warned her that Garcia and the PCPD are on the way to the house. Eve grabs her coat and purse and opens the door to see Frank standing in the doorway. He heard the police on his scanner and decided to get there first. Eve asks why he's there, he asks her the same question. She tells him she came to Jasmine Island to think and that she was terrified after being pushed into the morgue cooler. Frank accuses Eve of skipping town to avoid testifying at Julie's trial. He grabs her arm as she stares at him with terror.

"You really thought you could get away from me?"


Scott and Lucy are trapped in the cave. Lucy freaks out, she thinks she saw snakes in the cave before Scott's flashlight went out. Scott stands back up after checking the ground. It's snakes. The flashlight comes back on to reveal a mass of squirming snakes on the ground. Lucy begs Scott to turn the lights back off so she doesn't have to look at them. Scott tries to reassure Lucy that snakes are lethargic in cool surroundings, the cave is cool, so they won't be moving around much as long as they aren't antagonized. Lucy panics and steps on a snake.

Scott: "Now that would be antagonizing them. Don't move, otherwise you're gonna be dinner."


Eve begs Frank to let go of her arm, he's hurting her. Frank refuses. "Not a chance. You are not getting away from me again."
Eve breaks loose and backs away from Frank, she tells him the police are on their way to the house. Frank throws her against an end table, knocking over a lamp (is it me, or does he like breaking lamps?). "Is that supposed to scare me?" Eve asks Frank if he's going to kill her too. Frank laughs, "Yeah, I figured you'd try to pin the murders on me." Eve tries to reason with him. If he turns himself in, he can plead that he was messed up mentally by DL-56, which Devlin himself had hooked Frank onto it. Eve tells him the cops would go easy on him. Frank gives Eve a chilling look. "You know, that is a pretty good defense for murder, so if you give me any trouble, I'll just kill you." He grabs Eve and shoves her towards the door and towards his car.


Karen and Joe sit on the couch in the firehouse. Karen is trying to write Scott's eulogy, but is having a difficult time of it. She doesn't know how to put into words what her father meant to her. Joe suggests that she try and write Scott a goodbye letter. He did that when his father died and he was able to say everything he wanted to say to his father when he was alive. Karen agrees that it's a good idea.


Scott holds a snake up with a stick and examines it as Lucy begs him to put it down.

Lucy: "That think is going to bite you and then I'm gonna be lugging your corpse around to a locksmith's to get rid of you."

Scott tries to tell her that the snake is harmless and not poisonous, but Lucy isn't listening. He finally puts the snake down and tries to get her to start moving. Lucy refuses to move. Scott tries his best to convince her, "You've dealt with a lot worse snakes than than, the two-legged kind, and if my memory serves me correctly, the last time we were handcuffed together, you enjoyed it!" (I love it when he gives that trademark Baldwin grin!) Lucy says she's not moving, she can't do this anymore. Scott continues to try and reason with her, he wants to dig out of the cave but he can't without her help. Lucy is confused, she wants to sit and collect her thoughts as Scott pleads with her to trust him.


On Jasmine Island, Garcia and Co. kick in the door to the Collins home. Garcia notices Eve's missing, he also notices signs of a struggle. Kevin and Victor enter and innocently ask why Garcia's there. Garcia tells them they know why he's there.

Victor: "This is preposterous. We just came here for a brief vacation. We know nothing whatsoever about Eve Lambert!" Victor realizes his mistake and exchanges "BUSTED!" looks with Kevin. Kevin admits he was hiding Eve, but that he doesn't know where she is now. Officer Rick comes from downstairs and tells Garcia the place is empty. Garcia notices Eve's purse on the ground and theorizes that wherever Eve went, it wasn't willingly. Kevin and Victor exchange worried looks.

We return from a commercial to find Garcia putting a APB on Eve as Kevin and Victor wonder where Eve is. Victor ask Kevin if Eve sounded strange when he talked to her or if she tried to send him a message in code. Kevin doesn't think so. Victor wonders how Eve was even found on Jasmine Island. Garcia tells them that Eve called Chris and they tapped Chris' phone.

Victor: "You traced the call?"
Garcia: "Our equipment is almost as good as yours Professor!"

Officer Rick comes into the living room after looking for evidence outside. He says he found a man's footprints and a woman's leading to fresh tire tracks. Garcia rounds up his men and heads off in search of Eve. Victor and Kevin decide to track her down on their own.


A tearful Karen reads her finished letter to Joe.

"The older I got, the less I wanted to meet my real father, because I never throught he could live up to my imaginary dad. But then I met you and you surpassed all of my dreams. I didn't have you in my life for very long, but you've changed me forever. You taught me to stand up for my beliefs, follow my heard and to love apples. Knowing you made me a better person. Being loved by you has brought me a joy I'd never known. I love you, Dad, and I am proud to be your daughter" Karen begins to sob and Joe comforts her as Serena comes downstairs. She's had a dream about her daddy and she can't sleep. She approaches the telescope ad wishes she could see her mother's star. Joe tells her that he saw an extra bright light in the window that night and looks into the telescope. He tells Serena that he sees a new bright star next to Dominique's, he bets it's Scott. Serena wishes she could see the star and Joe and Karen reassure her that Scott and Dominique are watching ver her. Serena begins to cry for her Daddy.


Scott continues to plead with Lucy to not give up, to not let snakes get in the way of their freedom. Scott begs her to trust him and herself. He asks her to please help he get out. He finally convinces her to help by reminding her that Serena and Kevin are waiting for them in Port Charles. Lucy finds her resolve and agrees to help Scott get out.

Scott: "Now come on, let's get your shapely, tattooed little fanny going!" They start digging.


Frank speeds down the highway, with a terrified Eve in the passenger seat.

Eve: "Did anyone ever tell you you drive like a maniac Frank?"
Frank: "Driving fast is part of my job."
Eve: "Oh, that's right, you're a professional. I feel so much better now."
Frank: "Why don't you give that mouth a rest until you're in the courtroom?"
Eve: "Why don't you slow down Frank?" (She's really getting scared)
Frank: "This is my party, deal with it!"
Eve is watching Frank and you can tell she's getting an idea. "Oh yeah, big tough guy, huh? No brakes, no seatbelt, no fear."
Frank: "Shut your mouth, Lambert!" He shifts gears and Eve watched him. Suddenly, she grabs the stick shift, changes gears and the car wrecks. Frank is knocked unconscious, but Eve is unhurt.

Eve: "Party's over!" She climbs out of the car. "Next time, buckle up!" She runs away.


Scott climbs out of the hole and starts to pull Lucy out when she tells him her foot is caught on a wire. Scott asks about the wire as she pulls her foot free and climbs out. Realizing it's a boobie-trap, Scott jumps to the side, pulling Lucy with him as a bomb goes off!


Karen thanks Joe for his help with Serena and for getting her back to sleep. They discuss the possibility of adopting and raising Serena. Joe wants to love Serena and give her everything Scott would have. He tells Karen that sooner or later, they'll have to broach the subject to Serena about who she wants to live with. Will it be Joe and Karen or Lee and Gail? Karen thinks Serena is too young to make a decision like that. They hug as Serena is revealed, standing on the balcony, listening to Joe and Karen.


Kevin and Victor find Frank in his car as he comes to. They argue with Frank about taking Eve as he argues with them about hiding her in the first place. Kevin finally realizes that Frank is a lost cause and he turns away, deciding to search for her elsewhere. Frank grabs his arm, "Listen you bastard, I won't let you hide her again!" Kevin turns and punches Frank, knocking him to the ground as Victor looks on.


Eve hides in some bushes by the side of the road. She flags down a car and is momentarily relieved to see Garcia walk up. She's relieved, until he slaps handcuffs on her (Whoooo! Lucky girl!) and arrests her.


Scott and Lucy sit up, unhurt from the bomb blast. Lucy compliments Scott on his quick thinking and compares him to Indiana Jones. After some "Aw Shucks"-ing from Scott, they decide to start looking for civilization. They find a sign that reads:



Well, that's all! Tune in tomorrow boys and girls!


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