Daily Updates

Author: NovaScotiaFan
Posting date: Mon, 26-Oct-98 7:16:54 PM PST

Today on PC, Lucy, Scott, and Serena are having a cozy "family" breakfast, and Serena asks Lucy to move in with them. Lucy and Scott look at each other and don't answer. After a tense moment or so, Lucy declines.

Victor tells Kevin he's working too hard. Kevin says he has to find the GH Killer. Victor says he's working to stop thinking of Lucy. Kevin tells him he tried to call Lucy late in the night, and she wasn't home. He can guess when she was. He states he is inviting Eve to a seminar by a doctor to get a profile of the killer.

Mary Scanlon arrives for dinner with Victor, and Victor decides he needs to set Kevin and Lucy up. They make up an invitation for Lucy to come for a tete a tete, but unfortunately Kevin picks up Lucy's invitation, in error, and delivers it to the hospital for Eve.

Courtney tells Joe that John wants to take Neil to Disneyland for 2 weeks, and Joe says she can't let him go. When she points out that John has custody, he says at least she has to go with them. Courtney leaves, and Frank walks in, and Joe tells him that Neil is his (Joe's) son. When Frank questions Joe about how long he can keep this a secret, Joe informs Frank that he plans to tell Karen tonight.

Lucy is at the hotel, and can't get ahold of "either" friend, and Serena calls and invites her for a picnic. She agrees.

Eve gets the mysterious invitation to Kevin's house for dinner.

Frank confronts Courtney at the hospital, and questions her about the possibility that he is Neil's father. She says she knows that Joe is his father. Karen then walks in and overhears them talking about Joe being Neil's father !!

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