Daily Updates

Author: RamseyFan
Posting date: Fri, 30-Oct-98 4:58:48 PM PST

Today on Port Charles (which was NOT a Chris day, and I for one am totally depressed over this {ALL days should be Chris days}, but I will try to overcome my grief and give you kind folks a good update anyhoo ). . . .

Kevin and Victor are at the Lighthouse . . . Victor is trying to put back together his call-tracing thingamajig, since the killer has decided to once again reach out and touch someone. Garcia comes over to the lighthouse (looking MIGHTY FINE, I might add -- I guess that *kinda* makes up for the lack of Dr. Ramsey) to find out what's going on and is kinda ticked with himself that he didn't keep a trace on Kevin's phone.

Joe, Courtney, Neil & Karen are at Motel 6 (aka the Scanlon house) discussing Halloween -- Courtney is distressed that her attorney says that she should allow John to take Neil to Disneyworld for 2 weeks.

Back at the lighthouse . . . Eve comes over -- Garcia is NOT happy that Kevin called Eve, since she's a prime suspect in the murders. Victor apologizes to Eve for all the mixups with his little dinner party. They begin to discuss the killer . . .

Frank and Julie are at Inspiration Point (first that diner, now this -- the PC writers must be "Happy Days" fanatics! ) or something similar to it in Frankie-baby's truck (hope he cleaned it before they got in there -- you never know where he's been with Courtney, and judging from his lack of sanitary habits last week, I wouldn't put ANYTHING past him! ), discussing a number of romantic things that freaks of nature usually discuss -- Halloween, being kidnapped, murder raps -- the usual stuff. Julie is apprehensive about going to the Halloween party -- she used to love Halloween till the Greg Cooper ordeal last year. But she decides she's gonna start to live life again (whatever THAT means) and have fun, so maybe she should go after all. Julie accidentally discovers something on the floor of Frank's truck -- it's a voice activator! Angry that a professional homicidal maniac (Hey, I can hope! ) like herself is being upstaged by a rank amateur like Frank ( -- mere speculation on my part -- or just wishful thinking! Sorry all you Julie fans out there! Don't mean to pick on her -- but it's a compulsive habit of mine!), she demands to know what it's doing there. Frank confesses that he was the one who put the body parts in Eve's Chinese takeout and called her, using the voice actiavtor (a patient that he transported left it in the ambulance -- yeah, I carry a voice activator with me EVERYWHERE I go -- doesn't everyone? Gimme a break -- what a LAME excuse!) to call her and threaten her, to try and scare her into confessing. He also admits to pushing her into the morgue and locking her in. He would do anything to get Julie free and was getting desperate. Geez Frank, why don't you go over to the GH side of town -- you and Dr. Tony Jones can start up a new business -- "Stalkers 'R' Us." A great money making idea if I ever heard one!

Back at Motel 6 -- Joe storms off to talk to John -- he doesn't trust him to take Neil to Disneyworld. Karen & Courtney, meanwhile, have a little face-off. Karen lets Courtney have it -- Yeah, Karen, you go girl! Nice to see you finally growing a backbone AND a brain!

Back at the lighthouse -- Mary calls per Victor's request to test drive the call tracing machine. It works! Kevin, meanwhile, desperately searches through General Homicide for a clue as to who the next victim might be. He then realizes who is next on the hit list -- the character in the book who was a chef was killed at Mardi Gras by a poison apple -- Kevin deduces that since both Halloween and Mardi Gras make use of costumes, the chef character is the next to go. Who is it? It's Scott, Eve realizes!

Back at Inspiration Point, Frank runs over the voice activator with his truck, per Julie's request, and promises to discard of it at the dump. They don't want to have anything around that could link Frank to the murders!

Kevin and Eve show up at Scott's door to warn him -- Serena answers. She says that daddy is in the other room trying on his Halloween costume -- she picked it out for him. Scott steps out of the room -- his costume: A Chef's Outfit!

An irate Joe goes to John's hotel room to confront him -- John tells him to butt out of Neil's life. While John answers a phone call, Joe notices airline tickets to Athens on the desk, and a passport for Neil along with it! John is planning to take Neil out of the country! Joe storms out of there, furious!

Well, that's all there is to report folks! Hope you enjoyed my little spin on things!


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