Daily Updates

Author: KeyNorth
Posting date: Mon, 02-Nov-98 3:12:47 PM PST

Joe arrived at Chez Scanlon, & told Courtney & Karen that John has 2 plane tickets to Greece. Upstairs, Julie is dreaming of her father, Frank, & Greg Cooper. When she wakes up, Frank tries to comfort her & tells her she's safe now. She's not so sure.
Victor(samurai) & Kevin (Sherlock Holmes) are ready to go to the Halloween party. Eve ( harem girl) wants to go as Kevin's date. He says no. She thinks he's ashamed to be seen with him. He tells her he's afraid for her safety.
Lucy(Cleopatra) arrives at the firehouse. Serena(Bo-Peep) shows her the trick gum & itching powder Neil gave her. Lucy takes it. Lucy tries to talk Scott(50's "Greaser") out of going to the party.
We see a green apple, a bottle of poison, & a gloved hand holding a needle.
Garcia(I honestly thought he was dressed as a pimp, but Julie referred to him as "Copper", so maybe he's from those old gangster movies), Matt(Dracula), & Ellen (Lily Munster, or Morticia Addams), Frank (Frankenstein) & Juiie(convict) are all at the party. Chris(Jason, from Friday the 13th), Courtney(nun, that's a riot!!!) & Neil (NY Yankee) arrive. Matt tells Garcia to arrest Chris, but Chris is Courtney's date, so he has every right to be there. Chris slips Frank DL-56.
Joe(knight) & Karen(damsel) arrive. Then John(same costume as Joe) arrives. The dual costumes were Neil's idea.
Victor & Mary(I have no clue what she's supposed to be. Sorry.) arrive.
Matt & Ellen have treat bags with everyone's name on them. Someone reaches into Scott's & replaces his red apple with a green one.
Lucy overhears Kevin & Eve discussing their dinner. She becomes jealous & puts the trick gum in his treat bag, & sprinkles itching powder in his cape. Eve chews the gum, & her tongue turns black. Kevin itches.
Frank gives Julie a piece of chocolate candy. She inspects the wrapping VERY closely. Can you say paranoid, boys & girls?
Scott starts to bite into his apple. Ellen stops him. They need one more apple for the apple-bobbing contest. They put his apple in with the others. Neil gets to go first, since he won musical chairs. He says he's going for the green apple.

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