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From: maclatch Subject: PC:Update, Wednesday, 11 November 1998 Date: Thu, 12 Nov 1998 12:10:31 -0400 PC Update, Wednesday 11 October 1998 Remembrance Day (Canada), Veteran's Day (US), also the birthday of Abigail Adams in 1744, who, according to my calendar, was an early advocate for women's rights (an an American First Lady) We get closer to the solution... At the nurse's station, Garcia tells the bomb squad leader that a bomb explosion caused the elevator to fall and that there is a second bomb on top of the elevator. There are seven passengers on the elevator, with two of them being injured. The best access is through the roof, so the squad goes to get their gear. On the roof, Victor recognizes the type of bomb because he was trained in demolition. Scott is skeptical, but Kevin knows that with Victor anything is possible. Kevin tells Victor where the timer is, and that it's counting down. Scott gets in a jibe that it's counting down because Kevin pulled the note off. They have twenty minutes left, and no time to argue about who did what. Frank arrives on the roof. He wants to go down, but Victor tells him that it's unstable and the elevator may not take more weight. The elevator suddenly shifts. By walkie-talkie, Matt tells them it may be maintenance working from below to try to lower the elevator. There are only eighteen minutes left. Inside the elevator, Julie is getting more and more anxious and is thinking about the single strand that may be holding them up. Lucy tells her to stop. Julie says they're going to fall to their deaths and Karen tries to calm her. Eve feels weak and knows that the bleeding's not stopping. Ellen reassures her that they are going to get her sewn up as soon as they can. Lucy tries to kid her that as a vampire she'll have no problem replacing her lost blood. But as a doctor, Eve realizes what's happening ö that she could bleed to death. Lucy tells her only the good die young and that she never figured Eve to be a quitter. Eve says she's being realistic. Besides, why does Lucy care if she lives or dies? Lucy says she is just getting better manners. Eve asks Lucy outright if Lucy thinks that she killed all those people. Lucy says maybe, maybe not. Eve wants to know why she's helping her. Lucy says she'd rather see her in prison blue than bleeding to death. Scott and Kevin finally talk to the people in the elevator. Ellen tells them Eve and Mary are hurt. Kevin and Scott tell them they know that from the monitor. They need Joe to open the hatch from the inside. Karen and Julie help lift him. The hatch is stuck. They need something to pry it open. The squad arrives. They try to send everyone off the roof. Victor rhapsodizes about the wonderful bomb; Frank refuses to go. Kevin and Scott ask for a crowbar. Mr. Leader-of-the- bomb-squad starts to go down. Then, all of a sudden, the secondary cables snap! The elevator dropped again. Mary is OK, Eve is getting more shocky. Ellen encourages her to fight it off. Julie is anxious and wants out of the elevator! Eve tells her to cool it, Julie tells her if she wants Eve's opinion, she'll ask for it. Ellen referees. Julie is really freaking out. She snipes at everyone, including Ellen and Karen. Kevin and Scott are OK. The elevator seems secure, but there's beams in the way now, so no one else can get down. It's going to take maintenance an hour to come in from below. They only have 13 minutes left. Lark wants Frank to meet her on the 8th floor in the supply room. She thinks she has a way to get to the elevator, from when she was hiding out at the hospital. Garcia lets her go. Mary wants to know if anyone's there yet. She doesn't understand why they're not inside yet. Karen tells her their working on the door. Mary's cold ö Julie gives her her lab coat. Mary tells Joe not to be scared (when he was a little boy he cried in elevators). Joe wants help again with the hatch ö he can't just sit and do nothing. He tries again and they get the hatch. They pull Joe up and sign for him to be quiet when he sees the bomb. They explain that they can't get anyone out as there's no where to go. There are eight minutes left on the bomb. Frank and Lark are in the air ducts. They find a bag of Lark's disguises. They get to the access panel, but he can't get it open. There's a girder in front of it, but they can't move it from inside the shaft. Kevin tells Frank to get out of there asap. Kevin tells Scott they're going to have to disarm the bomb themselves. Frank and Lark are out of the ducts; Frank is trying to get her to think of any other options. Lark wants to leave, but Frank won't leave. Lark tells him they've done everything they can. Frank won't leave his family. Lark says that it's her family, too. Frank wants her to leave because he cares about her and doesn't want her hurt. Lark cryptically says that he doesn't understand, and then hugs him good-bye. The adoption papers aren't finalized yet, and she doesn't want him to die before they are. Frank is going into another shaft. Lark leaves. Frank calls Matt. He wants the building blueprints, but Matt tells him the east corridor won't get him anywhere. Matt tells him to get out ö he's at ground zero. Matt's staying, for Ellen, as long as he can. But he's on the first floor, so he'll be insulated if the bomb goes off. Matt tells him to get to the roof. Mary and Joe wouldn't want him to risk his life. Frank says he'll go to the roof. Frank punches the wall. It's going to be fifteen minutes until the beams can be moved. Scott tells Victor they're going to disarm the bomb. There is no sense, says Victor, to moving the people up the ladder ö there's enough power in the bomb to blow up two floors. Joe goes down and tells everyone in the elevator that there's a bomb. Eve jokes she won't have to worry about bleeding to death. They finally seem to remember the suture kit and Ellen goes to start. Eve doesn't like needles and she asks Ellen to wait until they know if she'd going to need the suturing or not. Eve agrees. Joe and Karen tell each other they love each other. Scott has a pocket knife with scissors. They are going to use that to cut the wire. The bomb guy tells them to not jerk the wires when they cut. There are three minutes left. Bomb guy then instructs them to look for a glass ampule with mercury inside. There are three wires running out of it. The green wire is running to the timer, and they are instructed to cut that one to stop the timer. Scott hesitates and looks at Kevin ö Kevin tells him they can talk about all of that later. Scott cuts the wire. No explosion, but the timer didn't stop. They need to cut the wire that closes the circuit ö the one to the power supply on the elevator. Bomb guy instructs them to cut that wire (the red one). Victor yells ö he doesn't want them to cut that one. Victor thinks it's a trick, which he remembers from looking at the bomb before. He wants them to cut the wire to the alternate source. The bomb squad guy wants Victor off the roof. Scott asks Kevin which one first.