Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Wednesday, 18-Nov-1998

Author: RamseyFan
Posting date: Wed, 18-Nov-98 11:48:12 AM PST

Here's todays update (which was NOT a Chris day, so I'm kinda bummed, cause every day should be a Chris day , but Victor was on so that kinda makes up for it ) . . .

Lucy is at the firehouse, sitting on the couch holding Dirty Kitty. Scott comes downstairs -- he's glad she's there, cause he doesn't know what will happen in court today. Lucy still upset that she's not pregnant. Scott comforts her. Doorbell rings -- it's Lee & Gail -- they're VERY surprised to see Lucy there in her bathrobe!

At the hospital -- Kevin goes to tell Eve that he went to visit Cooper last night, and Cooper ID'd her as visiting him in the hospital.

At Chez Scanlon, Julie calls Kevin, she wants to talk to him. Then she takes a bottle of poison out of her purse (yeah I carry one with me everywhere -- doesn't everyone? ) and dips her umbrella tip in the poison, then walks out the door (what a freak!).

Back at the firehouse -- Scott explains to Lee and Gail that Lucy received a death threat from the killer and is staying there. Serena comes downstairs, and the doorbell rings. Stop the presses! It's Ellen Burgess -- she's actually on! And she has dialogue! And she'll have more than one scene today! Am I halucinnating???? She'll be babysitting Serena during the trial.

Victor and Kevin are at the lighthouse -- Kevin tells Victor that Julie is coming over. Victor gives Kevin a bullet-proof vest (really!) and says he's going to check all of his antidotes, cause of Julie's fascination with poison (LMAO!!!!). Julie walks in with her (poisoned) umbrella. Victor grabs the umbrella and breaks it apart to find a hidden weapon -- there's nothing. He drops it, and the tip almost hits Julie's foot -- she jumps back. Victor apologizes and says he'll try to fix it.

Julie talks to Kevin -- she's frustrated at how everyone is treating her like a murder (well if the shoe fits . . . ). She talks about more of her dreams (which I think she's making up) and shows her journal to Kevin (which I think is totally fabricated). She sees a flyer for Jasmine Island -- Victor is selling the house. Victor comes out, says he couldn't fix the umbrella and the trash men have it. Julie's not a happy camper. Kevin says to give her one of their umbrellas. Julie shakes Kevins hand before she leaves, and says she'd shake Victor's but is afraid she may kill him with her poisoned ring (ROTFLMAO!!!!).

At the courthouse -- Eve and Karen are in the hallway. Karen doesn't hold anything against Eve. Scott and Eve talk -- Eve wants to lie to protect Scott (will this girl EVER get her brains back?), he says no. He also says he's not sorry he tried to protect her.

Ellen & Serena are having fun at the firehouse -- Ellen tries to come up with something creative for Serena to surprise Scott & Lucy with. Serena suggests that they make a map that will lead them to a surprise, and pulls out this map that Scott found on his big adventure that they can use as a model.

At court, Eve is called to the stand.

Back at the firehouse, Ellen & Serena are looking at the map Scott brough back -- I have a feeling this map is gonna lead into a new storyline . . .

At court, Eve is being grilled by the DA. Scott gets frustrated, and says he wants to change his plea. The judge calls a recess.

Victor & Kevin are at the lighthouse. They're discussing Cooper. Victor brings up Julie again, calls her "Dr. Death" (LMAO!) -- just then we see Julie on the phone, calling a realtor to set up an appointment to look at the house on Jasmine Island . . . .

Well folks, that's it for today! Keep watching!


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