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Port Charles Update for Tuesday, 24-Nov-1998

Author: jcsmom
Posting date: Thu, 26-Nov-98 3:07:38 PM PST

Phew!! What a day on PC!! Here's a rundown:

The action starts with Scott in handcuffs getting ready to be taken to the slammer. He's desparate to find Serena and Lucy and turns to Lee in panic. Lee is ready to tell him that there's nothing he can do, but goes out on one big limb with the judge; who agrees to give Scotty 24 hours. If he's so much as a minute late, he's bunking with the Menendez brothers!! (Actually, he would get a month added to his sentence).

Lucy wakes up in the warehouse, realizes what's going on and starts yelling for Serena. Instead, we see PC's resident fruitcake, Greg Cooper! "Cooper?" Lucy gasps. "It's so nice to be remembered!!" he sneers.

While Lucy is trying to negotiate with Dr Demented, Frank catches Victor holding the gun on kid sister, aka Julie, the intern from hell. She puts on her good Julie act and tries to pass off Victor (DA MAN!!!!) as the killer. Frank falls for it and tells her to keep the gun on him while he calls the cops. Ooops!!! wrong move!!! Prepare to meet Julie the nutburger!!! Julie points the gun at loverboy and tells him to put the phone down. He finally realizes she means business when she shoots him in the leg. He joins Victor on the couch, who takes a look at his leg and tries to tell Psycho Doc that he needs medical attention. "He's a paramedic; he can fix it!!" she snaps. (OK.....)

Lucy learns that she and Serena are the stars of one of Cooper's twisted games. He says he's put Serena behind one of 2 doors. The other door has a man-eating tiger behind it!! If Lucy doesn't make a choice, Cooper's rigged it so that Serena is crushed under a slab of concrete. Lucy asks him for proof that Serena's alive. He produces a walkie-talkie and we hear Serena crying on the other end. Cooper starts an hour glass and leaves to join Julie on Jasmine Island.

Kevin is finally on to Cooper (I'm glad SOMEBODY has sense in Port C!!) and gets to search his room at Concord Psych with Eve. He searches a box of his personal items: SAT scores ("he did better than I did!!" fumes Eve) and his birth certificate with Victor listed as the father. (Marcia's his mother)They finally put 2 and 2 together and head for Jasmine Island.

Scott gets Garcia to search Julie's apartment at the Scanlons as a crime scene. Garcia's skeptical (after all, he tells Scott that he doesn't have a great track record in regards to evidence with him!!). He hits pay dirt when he finds a copy of General Homicide, with Julie's name scratched out and Marcia Cooper written in. His men also find a reciept for walkie-talkies made out to Marcia Cooper . They get the hint when they see a rental receipt for a warehouse on the outskirts of town made out to Marcia Cooper, and head out for it.

Back at the warehouse, Lucy's frantically trying to find Serena. She's doing everything she can think of, but Cooper's thought of everything. She has Serena scream as loud as she can, but the doors are soundproofed and tells her that she is going to find her, no matter what.

Kevin and Eve finally get to Jasmine Island, and walk in on Julie's hostages. "Who did this to you?? Was it Julie and Greg??" he asks Frank. Greg pops up and says this one belongs to Marcia!!! (Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!!!) Cooper proceeds to tell his version of the famous picnic on Jasmine Island where Ryan killed his mother, Victor's mistress Marcia. He says that Victor is his father. Victor says there's no way he could've spawned Cooper, because when he met Marcia Wyatt, she was already pregnant. (Thank God!!!)

"You killed our mother, and you have to pay!!!" Julie/Marcia snaps.Eve asks what do you mean, we?? Cooper says that Julie's his sister, which no one buys for a minute. Kevin tries to tell him that Ryan was responsible and he's dead, but Cooper isn't having any of it. The episode ends with Cooper and Julie/Marcia (whoever!!!) getting ready to off the room.

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