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Port Charles Update for Wednesday, 25-Nov-1998

Author: TammyR
Posting date: Wed, 25-Nov-98 4:47:56 PM PST

Today's episode aka The Day of the Heroes -

Apparently believing that the PC viewers have incredibly short memories - the first scene today was a repeat of Cooper's special version of the Tiger Story - complete with the two soundproof doors and the images of concrete slabs and tigers - you got to credit the man with a healthy imagination anyway - Lucy still unable to make a decision tries to reassure Serena by walkie-talkie. You might want to check out next year's Guiness Book of World Records - I have in on good authority that she is listed there under "Kidnapped the Most Times For No Valid Storyline Purpose Other Than JerkingTears" - but I digress -

Meanwhile - noone but CrazyenoughtobeaCollins Cooper is having fun on Jasmine Island. Frank tries to convince Julie she is not Marsha and Victor pts out Marsha only had one child - not to mention the fact very few women name their children Jr - but Cooper insists that Julie indeed has the great honor of being his sibling - apparently Daddy took off with Julie and then decided that he didn't want her after all - probably just didn't want to spend all that money on hair spray (just kidding) and gave Julie to the Devlins. Kevin begins to pull out his psychiatry tricks and tells Julie he feels her pain as he was lied to all thru his childhood also and only found out as an adult - but Cooper snarls that he told Julie Kevin would pretend to believe her.

Cooper gleefully tells the gang that time is quickly running out for them. Undecisive Lucy again can't pick a door and so is rescued by the hunky duo of Garcia and Scott - why can't they ever have a woman be the rescuer instead of always the rescuee??? altho I would probably kidnap myself if I thought Garcia would come to my rescue - oh Alex - sorry again for the digression - where was I? Oh, Lucy tells the whole sordid fairy tale to Scott and it is Garcia who proves he does spend enough time on the braincell filled side - ie PC - and says he will simply shoot anything unwanted that comes from the door. Scott opens,the door, Garcia stands all coplike and gunready and they face a big,bad stuffed tiger. Oh the horror - Lucy wants to open the other door but Scott insists it is a manly job - and so manly Scott and manly Garcia face down yet another stuffed tiger - my heroes

Cooper tells his captive audience that Frankie baby ruined his original plans - which was to kill Daddy and halfbrother Kevy in the Forrest Hill fire. But things worked out for the best anyway - cooper muses in his Annie-ish way - cause he got a hold of some interesting reading material while at Concord and decided it would be most fun to drive Kevin crazy by reenacting his book. Kevin tells Cooper he almsot succeeded.

Eve pts out to Julie that she has met Julie's mother - and her mother's name is Nicole. Julie it seems is a little unhappy with Mommy Nicole running off to Europe during her trial and thinks her real mother would have supported her killerforadaughter. Kevin -always with the intellectual curiousity - asks why Julie killed Devlin - he would like to know that before he died.

Scott gets on the walkie-talkie and asks Serena to pretend to be blind again and tell him what she heard. Serena thinks, and remembers creaky sounds - and now she hears humming sounds. Garcia, growing brain cells by the second - remembers there is a wooden bridge that leads to a power plant -

Julie remembers a different version of the cooper kidnapping then we were originally shown. Apparently in between attempts to cut her face into interesting shapes - Cooper showed Julie pictures of "her mother" and otherwise filled her head full of interesting info. Cooper informs Eve he's sorry she didn't go on trial for the murders - esp since he and Julie went to a great deal of trouble to frame her. Julie remembers confronting Devlin about pushing Buddy to his suicide - but my eggheaded Kevy realizes she didn't kill Devlin - then -

Julie apparently took the time to call Cooper who informed her Devlin must die and how to do it - Julie then waited for Devlin - Devlin finally realized his daughter was a flag without a pole when she started calling herself Marsha but it was too late for him - insert one pen. cooper wonders if Julie would like to see the spot where "their" mother died.

The trio finds Serena but alas the door is stuck - Scott begins using his hemanish strength to open the door. The Jasmine Island gang arrive at the imfamous spot - where Kevin again uses his skills to convince Julie that cooper has a strange way of showing brotherly love - Cooper let her do all the dirty work - he let her stand trial - he could have obviously escaped from the asylum at any time - Cooper decides that Kevin has the honor of being the first to go and orders Julie to kill him.

Scott gets the door open and - my hero - rescues Serena. Lucy finds yet another stuffed tiger - were they cheaper by the dozen - with a note. The note congrats Lucy for finding Serena but informs her that Kevin is now dead. Lucy's eyes fills up with tears.

Kevin pts out to Julie that she loves Frank and that if Greg really cared about her he wouldn't ask her to kill Frank (however if Julie knew a thing or two she might have aimed that gun at a different spot from Frank's leg LOL) Frank declares his undying love. Julie is by now totally confused. Greg demands the gun - Julie goes to give it to him - Kevin proves he's not all talk by rushing Julie - Julie, Cooper, and Kevin fight over the gun when a shot rings out - they seperate - Greg stumbles back and over the cliff his mother died on - Julie reaches for him but my hero Kevin stops her - the end

Now what are we going to do for bad guys until they bring Ryan back???

I hope everyone has a happy Thanksgiving - enjoy all the food and the company


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