Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Thursday, 26-Nov-1998

Author: RamseyFan
Posting date: Thu, 26-Nov-98 6:01:57 PM PST

Hi all! Happy Thanksgiving! Here's a synopsis of today's fun-filled holiday episode, from my unique perspective . . .

Well, yesterday we were on the cliff at Jasmine Island. (Sorry for the written flashback -- but this is a PC update. We MUST flashback the last 2 minutes of the previous episode -- you know how forgetful we PC viewers can be. Heaven help us if we should actually have to watch all NEW material the entire episode.) Kevin, Greg and Julie were in a struggle for the gun. A shot rang out, and Greg fell down and went boom. Presumably several hundred feet down. But I don't know, cause they NEVER SHOWED US WHAT HAPPENED!!!!!!!! I guess we're just to assume that Greg is dead, Julie got carted off, kicking and screaming, to the jailhouse, Frank got medical treatment for his gunshot wound, Kevin and Victor actually got to meet up somewhere with Lucy and Scott so that they know they survived the whole ordeal, Eve got her brains back and realized what a fool she's been making of herself for half the year acting like she'll die without a man in her life -- oh wait, scratch that last one. That's straight out of fantasyland, it'll never happen.

Anyway, we don't know what happened after the big bang yesterday. My guess is that they decided to skip an episode and get back on track, so that we wouldn't be celebrating Thanksgiving in December. Either that, or TIIC just don't think we care. (Which is WHY we call them TIIC, in case you ever wondered.) Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but I for one wanted to see little miss Julie dragged off in a straighjacket, and am VERY offended that we were not allowed to be entertained by such an event. So I'm just gonna say it happenend, cause I WANTED it to! Julie got dragged off in a straigtjacket, kicking and screaming!!!! There! Take THAT, you lousy IIC!!!!!! Deprive us of a fantasy we've been awaiting for the entire summer, will you? I DON'T THINK SO!!!!!! Oh, and as for Greg -- I can only assume his body was never found. This is a soap, you know how these things work . . . .

Now, where were we? Oh yes -- today's episode. Well, today's episode goes back and forth between two places -- Motel 6 (aka the Scanlon home -- where we'll leave the light on for you. And the neighbors aren't very happy about it, either. That means YOU, Frank and Courtney! Close the blinds next time for heaven's sake!) and the Port Charles Jailhouse, aka Julie's new home sweet home. Karen enters the Scanlon kitchen with a bag of groceries, looking very upset, probably cause she's wondering how she's gonna break it to Julie that she doesn't want her to be her maid of honor any longer. I'd be upset too -- I can only assume Julie doesn't take bad news very well . . .

Anyway, Lark the happy homemaker is also in the kitchen. They discuss Julie being a serial killer. By saying "Julie's a serial killer" and not much else. What dialogue! Then Mary enters, with Joe and Victor -- it's her first day back from the hospital. But Victor doesn't stay. Bummer! :( Mary's not too happy that her son is dating a serial killer. And she's even less thrilled to know that said son is visiting said serial killer at the jailhouse as they speak . . . .

Frank brings Julie her Thanksgiving lunch. Julie thinks back to happier times, when she was dropping poison into the plum pudding that the Scanlons will eat that very afternoon. She smiles with pride . . .

Back at Chez Scanlon, the doorbell rings. It's Chris, doing his very best Eddie Haskell imitation. "Good afternoon Mrs. Scanlon. My, but that's a lovely sling you're wearing today," he says as he hands her a bouquet of flowers. Joe's not impressed. In fact, Joe looks like he'd like to take that bottle of wine Chris brought along and shove it up his . . . well, you get the idea. Matt and Ellen come in. And hey, they actually have dialogue today! Amazing! Matt states how finding out that your friend is a homicidal maniac kinda puts a damper on things. Gee Matt, you think? I don't know -- some of us out here in viewerland are kinda happy about the whole thing, seeing as how we were right all these months and all about whodunnit.

Everyone is herded into the dining room for dinner. They go around the table, and they all state what they're thankful for. And especially for all you Matt and Ellen fans, Matt said that he's thankful that he's with the woman he loves!!! (See, they DO read the Message Boards!!) When they get to Karen, she gives this whole spiel about how there should be other people here today --- Grace, Jake, John -- and how bad she feels for Dr. May's family. And she also offers up a prayer for Julie, that hopefully someday she'll find her way back to her friends.

Back at the jailhouse, Julie is insisting that Frank call her "Marsha," not Julie. Frank asks Julie about Greg -- she gives him this whole song and dance about how she never fit in with her family, how she always wanted someone to come along and tell her she wasn't related to them, and Greg did just that, yadda, yadda, yadda. Frank reminds her that Greg chained her up in his basement. "Of course he had to do that!" she states, "So that I would listen to what he had to say!" Oh, okay Julie. You know, I'll usually listen to whatever anyone has to say for a few minutes, no matter how ridiculous it sounds, just to be a nice person. Nobody's EVER thought they had to chain me up to get their point across. But, maybe she's just not a very cooperative gal, who knows. And she also seems to have forgotten that between the time when Greg was chaining her up and showing her old family photos, he also was planning to use her face as his own personal plastic surgery experiment. Ah, what a selective memory she has . . . . . not to mention what a selective memory that TIIC have! But, like I said in the beginning of this post, we PC viewers aren't the brightest bunch. We've LONG since forgotten that minor little detail by now, right!

Back at Chez Scanlon, it's time for their annual ritual of "who can make the biggest fool of themselves by attempting to display talents we don't really have." I remember last year's very well -- and the fact that Julie had NOTHING to share with the group! Guess serial killing doesn't exactly bring out the holiday spirit, so she thought she'd save it for a later date. Anyway, Joe pulls out a guitar and says that he and Neil had prepared a song. But Neil's not in the mood, so that's scrapped. (Aw Joey, and I was DYING to hear your rendition of "Stairway to Heaven." Darn!) So Lark volunteers -- she reads from a book of old Irish proverbs. Then Mary sings her obligatory Irish song. Matt tells a joke -- well it wasn't really a joke, it was -- well, I don't know WHAT it was! But it wasn't funny, I can tell you that! Don't quit your day job, honey! (Ellen tells him the same thing, so all you Matt fans don't pick on me! If his girlfriend can say it to his FACE, then I can certainly say it here!) Then the ULTIMATE entertainment for the evening begins -- yup, Dr. Ramsey is here to entertain us! And this time, instead of doing impressions, he treats us with a song. And let me tell you, I was TOTALLY blown away! The man has an INCREDIBLE singing voice! I'm a professional musician, I would NOT say this if I didn't mean it, trust me! The guy is truly a gifted man! He has the PERFECT voice for musical theater. I am in complete and total AWE!!!!!! (Can you tell I like Chris just a little? Gee, what was your first clue? But seriously, the man is VERY talented -- he really DOES have a beautiful singing voice! WOW!!!!!) By the way, in case you were wondering, Ellen said she had nothing prepared, as did Karen. And as for Courtney -- well, she really can't share what she's good at in such a public forum, especially since her kid was there in the room. And besides, Frank was still at the jailhouse with Julie (er, Marsha) . . . .

"Whine, whine, whine! Nobody ever loved me!" says Julie.

"That's not true Julie. I loved you (Yeah, so much that while you were in jail I was having a good old time with blondie in the living room, in the kitchen, in my bed -- gosh, I keep forgetting to change those sheets!). And I know you loved me too." says Frank.

"No I don't," says Julie. "It was all a lie."

"No, that's not true," says Frank. "Think back to when I was in the hospital -- you were at my side the whole time. You do have feelings for me."

Julie flashes back to when Frank was in a coma, and she was at his bedside, telling him that she loved him. Suddenly, out of the blue, Julie grows a bit of a conscience. She tells Frank that she put cyanide in the plum pudding.

At Chez Scanlon, the phone rings. Joe answers. "Don't eat the pudding!" says Frank. "Julie put poison in it!" Joe drops the phone and rushes into the dining room, and stops everyone in the nick of time from taking a bite. Gosh Joe, you could have at LEAST let Courtney have some! Darn it!

Frank thanks Julie for saving his family and friends. Julie says she doesn't know why she did it.

The end. No PC tomorrow -- though Sharika is supposed to post a special "fantasy" episode in tomorrow's update. All you ladies won't want to miss out on this one! TTFN, folks!


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