Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Monday, 30-Nov-1998

Author: jcsmom
Posting date: Mon, 30-Nov-98 8:12:24 PM PST

Today was a continuation of the Thanksgiving episode! It starts with Serena and Gail setting the table for dinner at the firehouse. Serena is talking about how much she wished her daddy were there when the phone rings: It's Scotty!! (Using his 1 phone call, no doubt)He tells Serena that Garcia had a heart and let him call her for the holidays.

Kevin is surprised and pleased to see that Lucy has come by to wish him and Victor a happy Thanksgiving and to make sure they're OK. They are having a nice conversation when the doorbell rings and it's Eve, wanting to visit "her favorite shrink". Lucy makes a tactful exit.

Eve tells Kevin and Victor that she's there to rescue them and to make them see there's life after Julie and Doctor Demented. She's taking them out for a night of Karioke singing at Johnny Lala's. The Collins men are dubious, but figure anything's better than sitting home reminising about Sigmund the duck, so they come along.

Jump to dinner at the Firehouse. Joe and Karen are sitting there looking bloated (after all, they've just come from a fun-filled evening almost eating poison plum pudding at Chez Scanlon!!) Lee tries to rescue the evening by telling stories about Scotty and his dog named Fats, but Serena's not buying it. Lucy saves the day by giving Serena what she really wants: Thanksgiving Dinner with her Daddy!!

We next are at the Police Station. Scotty is blustering at Garcia, who takes him into the Conference Room. Surprise!! The Baldwin Thanksgiving Dinner has been moved into the slammer!!!! (Gail left the apple pies in the car!!!) Scotty's thrilled and digs in. Everyone invites Garcia, who takes the Baldwin family up on the invitation.

And now for the Piece de Resistance: the Collins men singing Karioke style!! Kevin and Eve warmed things up with Don't Go Breaking My Heart (advice: don't quit your day job!!). The stage was set for the King of Karioke: The one, the only Victor singing "I'm Too Sexy (AND WAS HE EVER!!!!) I do admit: I am a groupie!!! Kevin and Eve are loving it and Doc thanks Eve for the outing.

We finish out at the Police Station. Dinner is breaking up and Garcia's called away by an officer. He drops a bomb on the party with the news that Cooper is presumed dead, but noone's found his body!! Oh Oh!!!! Ask little sister, Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!!!!!!

Tune in tomorrow!!!!!

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