Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Tuesday, 8-Dec-1998

Author: aficionado
Posting date: Tue, 08-Dec-98 10:30:11 PM PST

Today on Port Charles

Frank droped the contaminated vile of DL-56 and it broke in the resteraunt, he later colapsed.
Chris didn't want Frank to be taken to the Hospital, making Eve suspiciose that Chris is up to something.
Lucy was infected with the virus when her napkin touched Lark's contaminated shoe.

Elswhere, Joe confirmed to Mary that he is Neil's father.
Neil is happy as a clam on a private jet, thinking that his mother is joining him later on a surprise trip to Greece with his "Grandparents"
Unbeknownst to Neil, but knownst to us, he is being kidnapped.
Joe and Courtney plan to fly to Greece to get Neil back.

The episode ends with Lucy beginning to feel sick at Scott's house.

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