Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Monday, 14-Dec-1998

Author: NovaScotiaFan
Posting date: Fri, 18-Dec-98 12:33:35 PM PST

Sorry to take so long to post, it's been a busy week!!!
Today on PC, Joe and Courtney are released, but they are put back on a plane to the US. Joe not wanting to leave until they find Neil, brides a caterer, and they sneak off the plane disguised as caterers.

Karen tells Eve and Kevin that Frank has been on DL-56 all along, and she needs some to give him or he will die. Eve figures it out that Chris must have mixed DL-56 with her flu cultures, and it mutated causing this epidemic.

The disease control center personal destroy everything in the lab, and Karen is discouraged because the DL-56 was in there. Frank begs her to make some more, but she destroyed her notes on how to make it. Matt gives Chris a dangerous drug that forces him into consciousness, and Eve is horrified because it is so hard on his heart, it could kill him. Chris tells them that the notes and formula are in the lab computer hidden under a password. After getting the password, Karen gets the notes, and is upset to learn they are in code. They are unable to give Chris another dose of the drug to get the code, because it could be lethal.

Matt stays with Ellen as she collapses in the ER, and everyone gets scares when the epidemic takes its first fatality, Mario (from the restaurant)

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