Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Wednesday, 23-Dec-1998

Author: KeyNorth
Posting date: Sun, 03-Jan-99 12:56:30 PM PST

Hi, this is KeyNorth, filling in for my pal, magic_sparkles. Today's show opened at Karen's apartment. She will gradually wean Frank off of DL-56. He's not a happy camper. He says there's no way he can do it. Karen tells him to do it for the baby. He wants to know how Karen found out that Julie's pregnant. He told her when he was sick, Karen says.
Meanwhile, at the lighthouse, Greg & "Marcia" are telling Kevin & Eve to hurry it up, they have to get going. And, in Greece, Joe & Courtney are on the "love boat." Courtney is whining (of course). She's scared, and sea sick. Joe makes her feel better. But then, the room starts to fill with water. Karen tells Frank that Joe would be so proud of him. Frank just wants his fix. Karen has vitamins, anti-seizure medicine, all kinds of things. Frank's gettting angrier by the minute. Of course, that doesn't stop him from trying to steal stuff from her medical bag when she leaves the room. Lucy is still a patient at GH, but she's doing much better. She's on the phone with Fellcia (Mac has been shot). Oh goody, Scott has brought flowers, & catalogs! Lucy starts telling him all the things she wants him to get - streamers, balloons, everything for Serena's birthday party that never happened, plus a Xmas tree. She tells Scott they need to discuss the things she said about Kevin when she was sick. Scott tells her there's nothing to discuss. He doesn't take her seriously when she's well. Why should he pay any attention to her when she has a 104-degree fever? They are interrupted by Garcia. Julie is missing. The presumed-dead Greg Cooper helped her escape. Garcia was hoping to talk to Kevin, but no one knows where he is. Uh oh!
Greg tells Kevin to bring along his lap-top, his disks, & his copy of General Homicide. Kevin's going to be creative, says Greg. The phone rings, but no one answers. Garcia & Scott go to the lighthouse, but no one's home. The place is messy. Kevin's a neat freak, says Scott. Kevin's computer is missing, but Eve has left behind her prescription pad. Cooper & "Marcia" have taken Kevin & Eve, but where? To the former Rex Stanton residence, that's where. Greg puts electronic ankle bracelets on Kevin & Eve. If they try to escape, they will be electrocuted. There are also cameras, so Greg can watch their every move. Greg tells his "bro" to unpack. He's wants Kevin to write the "true" version of General Homicide. An example: (Bennett Devlin - he took everything to heart. See, he was stabbed in the heart, get it?) Karen & Frank are playing cards. Frank says he can't stand listening to Karen anymore, he leaves. Karen wishes Joe were here.
Well, so do I. Unfortunately, Joe is in Greece. His love boat cruise with Courtney the whiner is quickly turning in to the Poseidon Adventure. More water is filling their room.
Meanwhile, back in good ole PC, Frank returns. He wants to try to kick DL-56, if she'll help him. I think he's sincere, at least for now.
Lucy calls the lighthouse. Scott tells her Cooper & Julie have Kevin & Eve. You can tell she's worried about her Kevy. Kevin tells Eve that his laptop has a built in modem, & he brought the cord from home, so he can send "help us" messages to everyone they know who has a modem.
Meanwhile, Joe & Courtney are up to their ... uh, knees in water. Of course, Courtney is STILL whining. Can't anyone shut her up? The man who stowed them away pays a visit. Joe tells him they need to start bailing water. It's no use, the man says. They're sinking!

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