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Port Charles Update for Monday, 4-Jan-1999

Author: eee9
Posting date: Fri, 15-Jan-99 6:19:13 PM PST

This is probably the first update done by a guy, but, hey, there's a first time for everything!! Anyways, here's what happened on Port Charles, Monday, January 4:

Show starts with the millionaire and his wife!!! Oops, sorry, it's Joe and Courtney. They have just built a fire and Courtney comments on how hard it is to enjoy it without Neil. Joe says that at least he's safe with his grandparents. Courtney then asks Joe if he thinks they'll be saved. He says that instead of sitting around they should build a raft and get off the island (Good plan, Joe!!)

On to Victor and Mary. Mary can't believe Joe is dead. Victor corrects her, Gunther just said that Joe and Courtney are missing. He says that people can survive dire predicaments such as ships sinking and that Joe is resourceful. Mary says that there are a lot of islands out there. Victor wishes he could stay and help but Mary refuses. Kevin is being held hostage. Victor calls Cooper a "classic sociopath". Victor wonders whether the PCPD can handle the situation (ITA with Victor considering how long it took Garcia to even realize that Julie was the killer). Mary tells Victor not to assume the worse.

On to the psychopath and his sister. Cooper is on the phone with Lucy asking her if she's willing to trade places with Eve. Lucy agrees only if Cooper will let Eve go first (this shows that Lucy STILL has some shred of intellect in her...she knows Cooper can be tricky). Cooper says no. First Lucy comes in, then he lets Eve go. Garcia refuses to let Lucy do that. Lucy tells Cooper she prefers it her way. Cooper asks Lucy if she forgot who's in control (give her SOME credit, Cooper). He threatens to kill Kevin if Lucy doesn't come in. Garcia orders for a decoy.

Meanwhile, inside the Stanton mansion, Julie (oops, Marcia. Hope she doesn't shoot me for saying that) and Cooper are still walling up Eve. Julie says that Lucy is dumb enough to fall for that trick (YOU should talk about idiots, Julie - helping Cooper - sounds dumb enough to me). Eve says the only visitors they'll get are from the SWAT team. Cooper tells her that the house is wired. Meanwhile, Kevin has regained consciousness and is trying to break off a piece of the fireplace.

Opening theme song rolls.

We interrupt Port Charles to bring you a special episode of Gilligan's Island. Courtney and Joe are discussing whether or not to build a raft. It's a long arugment and I won't get into it now so I won't bore you all. But when Joe mentions Neil, Courtney agrees they should build a raft. Joe tells her to go get some beach grass and braid in into a rope. Courtney says she'll try. Joe meanwhile will get some oil drums that washed up to shore to use for floating. Courtney worries about sharks in the water but Joe tells her not to worry. At least they won't hit any icebergs (oh, how reassuring. I want to jump straight into that raft with Joe. At least I won't hit icebergs!!)

On to Mary and Victor. Mary says that once Victor leaves she'll hire a boat to look for Joe and Courtney. Victor feels he's abandoning Mary. It's a very difficult choicem but he also feels he should be in Port Charles, since he's the one Cooper wants to hurt. Mary says it's an impossible choice, but she's making it for him.

Outside the Stanton mansion, Scott is warning Lucy not to go in the house. Lucy reminds him that Cooper said he'd kill Kevin if she doesn't. Scott tells her that it's all part of Cooper's plan and that she's not thinking rationally. Lucy says, that's right, I'm using my instinct, and my instincts tell me I should be inside that house. Lucy knows the layout of the house better than anyone, she could trick Cooper. Lucy tells Garcia to forget the decoy, she's going in. Garcia says no way. Frank suggests to shoot tear gas cannisters through the window. Chris says it can't be done, because the windows are wired to explode. Garcia has his own plan: They put the swat team on either side of the entrance Cooper lets the decoy Lucy enter. Then, they drop a flash-bomb and go in. Frank says they can't just shoot the place up. Garcia tells Frank he knows what he's doing. He then asks Scott to help him. Meanwhile, Chris asks Frank if he's ok, and he says that Garcia is going to turn this into a massacre. Chris tells Frank he shouldn't be there. He's in full-blown withdrawal. One wrong move from him, and the whole place goes up. Frank says he can handle it and asks Chris what's it to him. Chris doesn't like the idea of his friends going home in body bags.

Meanwhile, Lucy is talking to herself (as usual). She manages to find the coal chute. Meanwhile inside the house, Eve tells Cooper she would love to shove a pile of mortar down his throat and watch him suffocate. Cooper laughs at her, while Julie catches Kevin trying to sneak up on Cooper. Eve asks Kevin if he's ok. He says yes. Kevin then tries to reason with Julie, and explain to her that Cooper is using her. Julie with her limited brain capacity doesn't understand. She really has flipped out. Kevin tries to explain to her that her mother is Nicole Devlin, not Marcia Wyatt but she calls him a liar. Cooper gives Julie the jon of walling Eve up. Eve also tries to reason with Julie, but nope. Meanwhile, Scott realizes that Lucy's gone.

Victor shows Mary some maps and diagrams. He goes into a long scientific explanation which I did not attempt to understand and will not try to explain. He tells her that it's most likely that Joe and Courtney ended up on the island that shaped like a horseshoe. The scene moves to Joe and Courtney. Joe tells her that he was up on the tree and that he got a view of the whole island, and - GUESS WHAT- it's shaped like a horseshoe!!! (Victor strikes again). Courtney's worried that they'll drown and never see Neil again. In another one of those nauseating scenes, Joe comforts Courtney and they decide to test their raft.

Lucy tries to sneak up on Cooper but he catches her. Turns out he watched her on the surveillance camera and that's how he knew to expect her. He now knows the weakness in his defence (Smart move Lucy!!). Kevin and Lucy then re-unite. I thought it was sweet, Cooper doesn't seem to think so. He taunts Eve about it. Then he asks Lucy how jealous she was that Eve was with Kevin. Lucy says jealousy had nothing to do with it. Lucy then asks Cooper to let Eve go since she did what he said. Cooper laughs in her face.

Victor is getting ready to leave. He's still reluctant but his taxi's waiting. As he gets ready to leave, he sees someone across the street. Turns out it's his worse enemy that left him for dead 20 years ago. Mary tells him to go out the back but he says he can't leave. The guy has seen Mary with Victor and she's in great danger too.

Back on horseshoe island, Joe has bad news. The oil drums leak. Courtney thinks that they're stuck. Joe says if he has to build a helicopter they'll get off the island.

Scott, Frank and Chris are looking for Lucy. Chris asks what are the odds she did something stupid and went in. Scott says they're very large. Then Garcia sees Lucy inside on the surveillance camera.

Julie and Cooper are putting Lucy into a straight jacket. Julie asks Kevin if he wants to watch, he says no (I figured Julie would be smart enough to figure that out by herself - guess not). Eve calls Greg a scared, weak, little mind. Cooper doesn't fall for it. He brings Lucy up to the wall and tells her to join Eve. Lucy refuses. Cooper gives her a minute to get used to the idea. Cooper then turns to Kevin again and asks him if he still thinks he's unoriginal. Kevin tells him it only makes him twice as confused as he thought Cooper was. Cooper tells him deep down he knows Greg's a genius. Julie tells Greg he's brilliant (Julie, you wouldn't know brilliance if it slapped you in the face). Lucy and Eve hate each other so much they'll argue themselves to death (I'm sure it would be quicker if Julie just bored the two of them to death). Cooper asks Kevin who he'll miss the most.

My first PC update is done. I'll be back on January 15. Have a great day!!!

From the guy who watches PC

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