Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Wednesday, 6-Jan-1999

Posting date: Wed, 06-Jan-99 2:15:49 PM PST

Hi fellow PC fans,
I'm going to start off right away by saying that I'm very
bummed that Matt and Ellen weren't on today. I just wanted to let you know now because it might show during this

Here's today's update:

Scott and Chris are in the hall of the Stanton mansion.
Chris is standing on a booby trap. If he moves his foot,
he and Scott will be blown to smithereens. Scott tells
Chris that he doesn't want to walk through the pearly gates with him. Scott also called him Goober. (I loved that. The name of my favorite character from the Andy Griffith Show).

Lucy and Eve are still in straight jackets inside the wall. Frank and Garcia are going to look around for another way
to get in.

Kevin, Greg and Julie are in some dark tunnel. Kevin is
holding a rock. Greg is holding a gun on Kevin. Greg
thought he heard a noise. Kevin said that it's his guilty
conscience. (I thought that was funny, but I didn't think
Greg had a conscience). Julie trips, Greg turned to see if she was ok and Kevin hits Greg with the rock and Greg
shoots Kevin.

Victor and Mary are ready to bash someone sneaking in. It's Gunther. He offers to drive them to Port of Piraeus.

Garcia and Frank find Kevin. Kevin told them that he hit
Greg with a rock and that Greg shot him in the arm. Garcia and Frank continue to look for Greg and Julie.

Chris using references from the movie Raiders of the Lost
Ark (didn't see the movie), has Scott to get something with the same weight as him to put on the booby trap. They
managed to do it and continue to look for Lucy and Eve.

Eve managed to free herself from the straight jacket. She
helps free Lucy from hers. They're losing oxygen fast.
Scott and Chris finds them. They're trying to break down
the wall. Not working.

Victor and Mary are in back of a truck full of medical
supplies. Victor is angish to get back to Port Charles and to Kevin. Victor tells Mary how happy he is to be with

After banging on the wall a few more times, Scott and Chris decide to go around it. Kevin finds them. Scott knock on
the wall next to the bricks. He sees Lucy and Eve, but
they passed out.

Greg and Julie are still in the tunnel. Greg is bleeding
from the head and Julie wants to take a look at it, but
he's very ticked off at her. He blames her for Kevin
hitting him with the rock. Garcia and Frank finds them,
Greg and Garcia have their guns drawn.

Greg is holding Julie threatening to kill her. Greg wants
Garcia and Frank to back off, but they won't. Garcia
threatens to shoot them both. Julie tells Greg that it's
over and that they got them. Greg tells her that he's glad that he isn't really related to somone as stupid as she is
and he pushes Julie towards Garcia and Frank. Greg is about to shoot, but realizes that he has no bullets. Frank rushes him and is choking him. Garcia is trying to get Frank to
let him go. Frank lets go and Garcia grabs him.

Victor and Mary make plans to go on a cruise after the
trouble with Kevin and they find Joe and Neil. They
unfortuately are trapped in the truck.

Lucy and Eve are rescued from the wall. Chris is checking
on how Eve is doing. She doesn't recognized him. (Poor
baby). Eve asked for Kevin, Chris looked very thrilled
about that. (I keep telling you Chris/Eve fans that it's
not going to happen). Kevin tells Eve that the police
caught Greg and Julie. Lucy and Scott hug as does Kevin
and Eve. Once again, Chris is left out in the cold.

The End.

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