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Port Charles Update for Tuesday, 19-Jan-1999

Author: TammyR
Posting date: Tue, 19-Jan-99 4:19:22 PM PST

Today's update is presented to you by one happy little poster (have I mentioned that I really, really, really like Kevin in that leather jacket?)

Our episode begins with Kevy in the leather jacket and Eve arriving back in the Lighthouse fresh from their escapade. Eve presented Kevin with a little gift - a racecar (ahhhhh) - to remind him of their bedtime story come to life. Little Eve - no slouch in the observing department - notices the Lighthouse is different. Kevin admits he sent all Lucy's things packing - right to Scott where Lucy lives. And I am sure they said other things but I was really, really distracted by that leather jacket. Eventually they decide to do - something - yet again. I am pretty much hoping they have gotten THAT out of their system for now. Everytime they do
- Kevy takes off that jacket.

Lucy is chatting with Don about her saving the company idea of romantic dresses. They agree to meet for lunch - after Lucy moves back to the hotel. Scott overhears. And then - lucky us - we get to take that trip back to Greece (anyone else feeling queasy - I am sure it's jet lag) where a doctor proclamins that Courtney is doing just fine. Joe doesn't like the guards (I kinda thought some of them were cute.) Courtney tells the Kanelos's that she is taking Neil back. The Godfather - er - grandfather insists Neil will stay with them - with or without Courtney.

Lucy reminds Scott she told him at Mario's she was moving out. Scott then reminds Lucy that things have changed since then (especially for poor Mario). Lucy agrees - but she is still moving out. Lucy is worried they are sending the wrong message to Serena (and might I add I agree with her). Scott knows Serena wants her almost Mommy with her - Lucy knows that but what Serena wants and what Serena needs are two different things. Scott wonders if the solution is marriage but Lucy doesn't want to rush into anything (yeah the thing S/L are known for is taking things slow and easy - it's a good thing Lucy didn't have a dream about Elvis impersonators and diamond rings). Scott - almost pouting now - wants to know what about him (this is a very typical man here). Lucy says she still wants to be with Scott. She will even give him his own special key to her hotel room - and visiting hours can be 24/7.

Eve - in bed with Kevin - who had taken the jacket off but looked quite nice shirtless - asked Kevin what he thought about her when they first met. Short skirt says Kevin (another typical man here). Eve thought Kevin was rigid - formal - stuffy. Kevin proves her wrong by giving her a very unformal and unstuffy kiss.

Meanwhile - back in Groan - er - Greece Victor (the bright spot in our foreign detour) and Mary discuss the mess that they are in. Neil wonders why his Grandparents lied to him about Courtney - because they really thought she had died in the boat they replied. Grandaddy has great news - Courtney wants Neil to live with them in Greece and she would live with them too. (If that happened would tptb promise to end this storyline)

Scott informs Lucy she drives her crazy (wow - there's a newsflash). Scott thinks Lucy is wrong. Lucy replies that they are at an impasse. She simply won't discuss it - or anything else with him until he takes her back to the hotel. Scott almost kills himself laughing about the idea of a silent Lucy. Lucy tries - strains - struggles while Scott teases - taunts - and breaks her by saying that Lucy will need three rooms at the hotel - one for her - one for shoes - and one for stinky duck (okay it's one thing to be mad at Lucy - but insulting Siggy? I hope Freddie was listening and defends his pal).

Eve is hungry (gee I wonder what caused that) and Kevin's cupboard - not to mention refrigerator is bare - so after yet another kiss or two (where I do believe I heard Kevin say "Oh Tammy!") they agree to eat lunch at the Port Charles Grill.

Okay - back we go to Greece. Lots of peacockish strutting back and forth - yada yada yada about Neil and where he shall live.

Kevin and Eve flirt some more. Lucy drags Scott into - you guessed it - the Port Charles Grill for lunch. Kevin toasts "lovers out of friends" (whatever). They laugh loud enough so that Scott and Lucy can overhear. Lucy can't believe they keep running into them like this (I suggest they call first and check each other's plans) but Scott points out he and Kevy have similar tastes (LOL). Eve gets a thrill - but it's just her pager.

Scott takes the opportunity to talk to Eve. Their conversation is the epitome of the word "awkward". Lucy pops over to see Kevin - now pay attention this is the best part of the day - Kevin and Lucy- together - sigh. Where was I? Oh - Lucy thanks Kevin for the highly stylish cardboard box her things were delivered in. She then drops the bomb - she is not living at the Firehouse anymore. Stunned doesn't even begin to cover the expression on Kevin's face (maybe heartsick????). When, he manages to stammer. Today - with an amazing big smile - says Lucy. Eve - who must believe it is her solemn duty to interrupt every single Kevin and Lucy moment (I like Eve but if she keeps this up I'm going to handcuff her to Chris's bed - which would make Chris happy anyway and might save him from a certain anniversary rehappening). Lucy takes her leave. Kevin is still stunned. Eve says she has to go back to the hospital. Kevin is like - whatever - still stunned. Lucy turns back to Kevin and smiles.

And then from the meaningful to the meaningless - oops - I meant back to Greece where Courtney adn Joe are discussing how Joe is Neils father just when Mr. b (Neil) himself shows up.

End of Episode

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