Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Thursday, 21-Jan-1999

Author: jcsmom
Posting date: Thu, 21-Jan-99 5:20:17 PM PST

What a day! Julie's sanity hearing and Victor and the rest of the Muskateers getting off the island!! Here's a rundown....

The action starts at Julie's sanity hearing. Karen is waiting with Lee when Frank walks in. Surprised that Frank isn't there to wish Julie a long walk off a short pier, Karen and Lee are surprised when the court-ordered shrink walks in and says that he's already examined her: without the prescence of her lawyer!! Frank says that even though Julie's a nutburger, etc; Scanlan men stand by their women; even though they don't know how to pick 'em. (I'm sure Karen just loved that one!!)

Back on the island, Victor, the one true hero, is working on a plan with Joe. He decides to take a page from the Odyessy and drug everyone with opium from poppies; so they can get the heck out of Dodge and back to Port Charles with Neil. They clue everyone in on the plan, and Courtney decides to use her acting skills (now THERE's a stretch!!) and convince the Kaneloses that she's decided to stay on the island with Neil. Mary walks in (she's in on the scheme, too) and plays along. She asks Courtney later if she liked her acting and Courtney says she didn't think she was!!!

Julie is answering questions at her competency hearing. Things start out fine, but go from bad to worse when all of a sudden, she sees Daddy Dearest; Bennett Devlin, instead of the shrink. (I'm sure this is a ploy to have Julie bunking at Ferncliff for awhile....) Garcia's freaked out when she says she's dizzy and wants to go back to her cell, and tells Karen and Frank that she needs medical attention.

There's a big fly in the ointment on the island: the cook burned the soup, so Courtney will have to put the opium in something else on the menu. She goes for the rice, but naturally doesn't get to first base. Joe takes matters into his own hands and sneaks into the kitchen when Costa starts Greek dancing. Victor has a heart attack when Neil walks in with a plate of food and throws it to the floor! Sigh....my hero.....
Joe comes out and tells everyone to stay away from one of the Greek dishes on the menu. No problem, 'cept Victor didn't get the message and he's yawning as the show ends! This can be a problem, as Victor is the only one who knows how to fly the helocopter! Stay tuned!!!!

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