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Port Charles Update for Friday, 22-Jan-1999

Author: eee9
Posting date: Fri, 22-Jan-99 11:00:26 AM PST

I'm back! Here's another update from the guy who watches PC:

Today's show starts with Garcia, Frank, and Karen outside the interrogation room. Garcia says that Julie needs a doctor. Frank reminds him that Julie pretended to be sick before and tried to escape. Garcia says he's not an idiot (actually.....). He tells Karen that judging by Julie's physical appearance something's wrong. Karen thinks maybe it's a reaction to her hallucination. Garcia doesn't know. Julie refuses to see any doctors. He wants Karen to take a look at Julie. Karen knows Julie won't be happy to see her but she agrees to check her. Just then the cops bring Julie in. She sees Frank and Karen and says how lucky she is to first be interrogated by a shrink, and then Frank and Karen show up for a visit. Frank says this isn't a visit. Julie says she can read Frank's mind: He wants the old Julie back. She says it'll never happen.

Over to Mary at the Kanelos mansion. The grandparents are out like a light (and thank god, too!). Mary makes a comment about how them falling asleep got the dinner party cancelled. Meanwhile, Courtney and Joe are holding Victor and are trying to get him to wake up. No luck. Neil walks in and says that all the guards are out. Then he asks if his grandparents are all right. Joe says yes they are. Joe says they're going to go straight into the chopper, even with Victor out. Mary wants to know what they'll do when they get into the choopper? Victor's the only one who can fly.

Back at the interrogation room, Karen asks Julie if she can examine her. Julie says: "If you dare. Karen starts taking Julie's temperature. Julie asks Karen if she remembers what it was like to begin her internship. Karen does. Julie says she was trained at saving lives, but then she had to be trained at taking them. Karen wants Julie to tell her what it was
like. Julie asks Karen if she came to see if Julie has any regrets. Karen says "I guess so". Julie says only humans have regrets, but she isn't one, since she became a murderer. There's no going back. Karen says that Julie DOES have a conscience. Julie makes a sarcastic remark. She says she'll send cards to the victim's families A.S.A.P. She tells
Karen she's pathetic and just as gullible as Frank. The point Julie makes is that there's no old Julie. But Karen and Frank don't accept that. Julie warns Karen not to be in the same room with her.

Outside the Kanelos house and near the chopper, Victor collapses. Mary gives him black coffee. Neil suggests that they use the radio to call for help. Courtney tells him they can't because they had a little disagreement with the Greek government (that's putting it mildly, Courtney. You're there illegally for god's sakes!!), so they should try working it out on their own. Joe says the only way to do it is fly out of there. Mary says that they can't do that, they have no pilot. Joe says the plan is on. Mary says she can't fly the chopper. Joe says he can do it. He says he has some flight experience. Mary asks since when. Joe says he can sky dive. He learned it in college, and of course he didn't tell Mary. He knew she would worry. Neil thinks it's cool. Joe says that his pal used to let him fly the plane before they would bungee jump. Mary asks Joe if he wants to give her another stroke. Joe says that he has enough experience to fly them out. Courtney says that just
because she let Neil sit on her lap one time and drive, doesn't mean she wants him to drive to the store (nice comparison!!!). Mary again tries to get Victor to wake up. No luck again. Joe says the situation isn't ideal but they don't have a choice. Victor is too sleepy.

Karen tries to check Julie's blood pressure. Julie tells her to get real. She reminds her that she tried to kill her, Joe, and Scott (not to mention she did kill her father, Grace, Jake and Dr. May). Karen realizes that and she didn't think she'd come back after her last visit.
Julie makes another remark about how the former drug-addict/stripper can give the serial killer the benefit of the doubt (watch your mouth, I like Karen!!!). She asks Karen who the nut job here is. Karen says the Julie she knew is worth the benefit of the doubt. She says that Julie's B.P. is a little high and she's experiencing dizziness. Julie says it's
because of lack of sleep. She then goes on to describe a dream she has every night. These balloons come out at her and then she realizes it's Karen and Frank's smily faces. They follow her every where until she takes out a hat pin and stabs them both, killing them (Yup, I'd say the lady has completely flipped out!). Karen wants to treat Julie not as a
former friend but as her doctor. Julie says she doesn't want a doctor and doesn't need a friend. Karen reminds Julie that she doesn't have many people breaking down the door to help her (Go Karen!!!). Julie asks her if that makes her feel better. She then starts screaming like a maniac (actually the word like shouldn't be there) at Karen to leave.
Garcia and another cop walk in. Garcia tells Julie to sit down. She says Karen was just leaving.

Courtney and Joe are reading the chopper's manual. Victor is still out. Joe says they have to take their chances before the guards and the Kaneloses wake up. Joe figures out how to fly the chopper (sort of) using a diagram of the engine. Victor is coming to but Joe says they can't wait. Victor wakes up but he's still acting weird. Joe and Courtney get Victor into the chopper. Joe tells Mary not to worry. They are able to start the chopper and fly (we don't see that part because of a commercial break). Mary wishes Victor was flying just as he wakes up (Yay!!!!!!!). Joe asks Victor if he wants to take over, but Victor says
Joe's doing ok. Victor asks what happened. Courtney and Neil explain that he ate the tzaziki after Joe spiked it. Joe wishes Victor would take over. Victor explains to him something about how to fly the jet (sorry, I didn't get it. Seems like every time I do an update, Victor is going into one of his detailed explanations) . Neil then says that on TV
they pilots always keep a log of what they're doing. He asks if he can do it. Courtney says sure, as soon as she finds it. She gives it to him. Victor asks him if he can read army time. Neil says yes, he has a 24 hour watch. Courtney asks him where he got it. Neil says Papou gave it to him.

Meanwhile the Kaneloses come to (just when I was beginning to enjoy the episode too). Ppous says the guards are out and Neil is gone. The grandmother cries but he tells her not to worry. Neil's watch has a tracking device. Where ever they take Neil, they'll be able to find him (are these people completely insane, or what? Maybe there's a relation to Julie??).

Back to Frank and Karen. Frank heard Julie scream all the way down the hall. Frank and Karen realize that they can't help Julie. They have to let her go. Frank says maybe this is the real Julie. Karen wanted there to be a magic pill that turns Julie into the old Julie. Frank says the only thing to do is let people who can take care of Julie do it. Karen was hoping that deep down the old Julie exists. Frank says that's what kept him going for so long, but even he has gave up hope. Karen wonders what make Julie push them away. Frank says she's so messed up they'll never know.

Meanwhile, Julie is talking to her baby (turns out she IS pregnant...dear god). She says how good an actress she is and how she can't let anyone examine her. She'd never let her child near any of those people (I assume she means Frank and Karen). She then fantasizes
about her child getting all A's on her report card and saying she has the best mother. Julie smiles.

Have a great weekend everyone. See you on the board and on my next update!!
The guy who watches PC

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