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Port Charles Update for Tuesday, 26-Jan-1999

Author: TammyR
Posting date: Tue, 26-Jan-99 4:04:58 PM PST

This is a really REALLy sad day (wiping a tear or two away). First of all no Kevy. I thought TPTB understood that whenever I did the update that Kevin must be on - I'll let this little slipup slide - but for everyone's sake it had better not happen again. And the Greece adventure is over. Yes, that spinetingling, action filled, nail biter of a storyline - over. Will there be anything on PC worth watching now?

I'll give you a few seconds to shed a tear or two yourselves. Time over. Well that was my update - hope you enjoyed it -

Okay fine - here it is - all Kevy less -

Serena won't eat Scott's pancakes cause Lucy's are so much better (okay what kind of fifth dimension univers have we stumbled on to?). She says she won't eat anything until Lucy moves back in. Orders Scott to marry Lucy. Meanwhile the Greece gang are traveling first class back home. Joe tells Courtney that they still must remain "married" or be arrested for smuggling (don't ask me - I don't write this stuff). Frank is visiting Hangover City. Karen tells him - horrors - that he kissed her last night but is willing to forget the whole thing happened. Karen warns Frank that alcholism runs in his family. Frankie gets all defensive. Lark (who apparently did survive the Blue Flu and was not still wandering around the halls of PC stuck to that IV) is ready to party - the Greek gang's homecoming.

Mary tells Neil an Irish story while pumping him full of pretzels and ice cream. She happily informs Joe when he complains that she simply likes Neil better. Neil tells Mary he doesn't know what to call Joe - but wants to call her Grandma. Mary's day is made. Lucy pays a visit to the Firehouse bearing donuts - which Serena will eat. Serena goes to get her schoolbooks just in case Scott and Lucy want to discuss something - hint hint hint (I guess subtlety doesn't hit you until a later age). Lucy tells Scott about Ellen's visit. She needs the dresses sold quickly to save Jack's. Scott wants to be her idea man (among other things I'm sure) They flirt - and flirt - and so on -

Joe warns Courtney that they will not be a couple. Courtney says she lied on the island - though a part of her will always love Joe (that would be the part not in love with herself). Lark and Karen never had birthday parties growing up (more tears here). Frank - surprise - is throwing Lark a sweet 18 birthday party. He has never had a child turn 18 before (I am assuming that means he is now Daddy Dearest. Lark is such a lucky girl - must have broken several mirrors in her wild youth). Lark is way excited. Lucy has an idea for an ad campaign - love stories. Serena wants a porcelian duck who looks just like Siggy (this would be opposed to a porcelian duck that looked like Freddie I suppose) Scott says no - Lucy the happy shopper says yes - Serena once again admonishes her dad that it's time to be married and leaves for school.

Scott accusing Lucy of spoiling Serena - he then has an idea (see he was the idea man) to sell the dresses on tv (a tacky if not effective idea. Wonder if they can get Cher to be their spokeswoman?) Scott and Lucy continue to flirt - decide the ad campaign should be mini-romances - flirt more - yada and so on. Plan to tell Ellen's story first.

The Greece gang makes it back to Chez Scanlon - Joe and Karen quickly attempt death by squeezing (tho I guess they would go happily). Courtney and Frank attempt death by glaring. Joe and Karen really really REALLY missed one another - they are on the couch going at it in now time. Courtney and Frank see and seethe. Courtney jabbers on endlessly about how brilliant Joe was. Frank warns Courtney bitterness ages a person. Welcomes Courtney back to reality. Courtney ain't through with her prey yet.


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