Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Monday, 1-Feb-1999

Posting date: Mon, 01-Feb-99 11:55:08 AM PST

Hi fellow PC fans,

First I wanted to say that I'm happy that my two sweeties
were on today: Matt & Garcia. It's always nice to see
them. They looked great as always. (swoon)

Here's today's update:

Victor and Kevin are at the lighthouse, Kevin is getting ready to go to the police station to see Julie. (It was also nice to see Kevin again. He looks great without the missing link attached to his hip). Anyway, Victor was going on about how the whole thing was his fault. He blames himself about his affair with Greg's mother and what a lousy husband and father he is. (I wanted to give Victor a hug). He decided to go with Kevin to see Julie.

Chris was telling Eve what happened at Lark's birthday
party. He said that Frank was wasted, blotto, gone. He
even toasted himself about getting reinstated at the
hospital. Eve asked Chris what did he do? (We get a
flashback of Chris drugging Frank's drink). He of course
said that he didn't do anything. (Same ole Chris: deny,
deny, deny. I still want to kick his ass).

Lark questioned Frank about why did he got so drunk at her
party. Frank said all he had was two beers. Lark felt
that he was on something. Lark left for school and Frank
called Karen. He asked for her help.

Matt and Ellen were at the nurse's station and Matt asked
her what she did last night. She told him about Lucy's
idea to market a line of romantic clothing and Lucy wanted
to use her story to sell it. Matt of course wanted to hear her story. Ellen told him about her adventure at Mardi
Gras. How she never got his name or saw his face. Matt
said that he knows why the guy didn't take off his mask:
LOSER! (Matt makes the L sign with his thumb and index finger). Matt then asked her why she didn't use a passionate story involving him. (I wanted to know the answer to that). Ellen didn't get a chance to answer, so Matt figures that she had no romantic stories involving him. So he took it as a challenge.

Lee tells Kevin and Victor that he felt that Julie isn't
fit to stand trial. Garcia lets Kevin and Victor know
that Julie is in the interrogation room. Victor went in
first. Julie is being sarcastic. Victor was offering him
his support. Julie is halucinating a conversation with her dead father. She then starts thinking that Victor is her
dead father.

Karen got to the Scanlon house to help Frank. He felt it
was the after effect of the DL-56. Frank apologized for
kissing her in a drunking state. He thanked her for being
his friend. Karen leaves and Lee calls Frank to tell him
that they're moving Julie to Ferncliff and to come down to
the police station if he wants to see her one more time.

Karen and Eve are at the Nurses' station and Eve mentioned
that she heard that Frank lost it. Karen tells her that
Chris just pushed Frank's buttons and took a swing at him.
Matt comes along and asked Karen and Eve what romantic things do women fantasize about. They both giggled and Karen told him that he should be asking Ellen that question. Matt wants to surprise her. (What a sweetie). Eve told him that she likes quirky and unexpected. Karen agrees, and she told Matt how Joe proposed to her, he put the ring in a box of carmel corn. Eve mentioned her little fling in the thrift store with Kevin only she doesn't tell Matt and Karen that it was with Kevin. Matt decides to think of something offbeat. Eve warns him not to scare her.

Frank gets down to the police station, Kevin is in talking
to Julie. Kevin tells her that she isn't able to stand trial. Julie tells Kevin that her father is back and wants to hurt her. Julie want to get as far away from him as possible. Garcia tells Kevin that Frank is here to see Julie but she doesn't want to see him.

Matt gives Ellen a gift. It's an outfit that Elvis would wear. Also in the box were tickets to Las Vegas. Matt is taking Ellen away for a romantic getaway. Matt: where else can you get a heart shaped bed with a velveteen spread and a marbleize mirror overhead. Ellen wants to find her go go boots to go with his Elvis outfit. Matt then dons a pair of shades. (He looks great in them, of course).

Garcia tells Julie that he doesn't feel that she a stone cold killer. He's also glad that she's going to get the help she needs. Frank is angry with himself for coming down to see her. Julie tells Frank not to visit her at the hospital. Frank said that he won't and says goodbye to Julie.

Chris is on the phone telling someone that Frank was drunk or stone while treating patients. (Why that low down snake in the grass. I still want to kick his ass).

The End.

PS: I want to put in my nominations for the PCO awards. Matt for the sweetheart award and Chris for the jerk award.

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