Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Wednesday, 3-Feb-1999

Posting date: Wed, 10-Feb-99 4:57:22 PM PST

Hi fellow PC fans,
I noticed that no one wrote the update for this day's show. So I'm going to do it.

Scott and Lucy are at the firehouse trying to come up with an idea to promote their clothing line. Lucy wants to use Ellen's story but she said no. Lucy also mentioned that Matt was so jealous he whisked Ellen off on a romantic getaway. (1. The story wasn't romantic, and 2. Matt wasn't jealous). Lucy wants to be whisked away somewhere. Scott offered to take Lucy places and they don't have to leave the bedroom.

Matt and Ellen are on a plane to Las Vegas but they aren't sitting together. There's a lady sitting between them knitting and won't change seats. Their plane is delayed on the ground and then they lost the air conditioning. Ellen is not a happy camper.

Chris' lawyer goes to the Scanlon house and wants Joe to testify at his hearing. Darren informs Joe about Frank's drug abuse. Also using his DEA number and ordered prescriptions for himself.

Scott and Lucy are now downstairs, still trying to come up with a story for their clothing line. Lucy still wants to use Ellen's story. Scott keeps telling her that she can't without Ellen's permission. (Scott, that's like beating a dead horse. You know Lucy does what she wants).

Matt and Ellen are now sitting together. The lady changed seats with Ellen since she's finished knitting. Ellen asks Matt was he jealous of that story she told him. Matt just said that he responds well to competition. (if that story was the best she can come up with, Matt has absolutely nothing to worry about). Matt tells Ellen that he want to take care of all of her needs. (Is he sweet or what)? Ellen has food on her mind. Matt says that he developing a appetite too but not for dinner. He gives Ellen that look of seduction. (Matt and Ellen fans know what I'm talking about). They start to kiss but turbulence hits and Ellen spill her drink on herself. Ellen blames Lucy because if it wasn't for that stupid dress, they wouldn't be on that flight from hell. Matt blames himself and asks her if it was a bad idea. Ellen reassures him that it was an inspired idea. Matt smiles at her. (Matt's smile = swoon). They try to kiss again but turbulence hits again. (Why is it they are always interrupted by someone or something)?

Frank comes home and tells Joe that he going to take another drug test. Joe tells him that he's been called to testify at Chris' hearing. Joe questions Frank about his behavior at Lark's party. Frank wants Joe to lie to cover for him even though he did nothing wrong. Joe doesn't want to lie because he doesn't want to lose his job. Frank reminds Joe that he wouldn't be a doctor if it wasn't for him. (Frank, that's really getting old).

Matt and Ellen finally arrive at their Vegas hotel room. Ellen spots a mini bar but it's empty. Matt calls room service and was told that the kitchen is closed for the night. (A restaurant closed in Las Vegas? Since when) They decided to take a shower but there is a note to forgo their evening shower to save the water table. Matt: ever seen a grown man cry? (Boy these two can't catch a break)

Scott and Lucy are making out on the couch when the phone rings. They're getting the date and time for their informicial. They have no story to tell. Lucy insist on using Ellen's story but make it unrecognizable. Scott: Ellen will come after you with a rolling pin. (that would be a sight to see). Lucy is determine to get Ellen's permission. Lucy can't reach Ellen in Las Vegas. She just insist on using Ellen's story except she's going to change the setting from Marti Gras to Venice. (Like Ellen won't recognize it)

Matt and Ellen just finish eating pizza. Ellen is happy that she finally got to eat. Matt has his shirt opened. (I wanted the shirt off, but that's just me) Matt tells Ellen that she's a trouper that she didn't hand him his head for a miserable trip out there. Ellen tells Matt that she has wicked designs upon his body. (Yeah, you and me both) Matt wants to know more, but Ellen decides to show him instead. They kiss.

Karen comes over with braised shrimp. Joe tells Karen that he has to testify at Chris' hearing and that Frank wants him to lie to cover for him. Joe wants to believe that Frank didn't call in the prescription but still has doubts. Karen tells him that Frank has to hit bottom to stop using.

Frank goes over to Chris' apartment. Chris is entertaining Courtney. (why? I have no idea) Frank accuses him of calling in the phony prescriptions and altering the results of his drug test. Chris wants Frank to leave and mentions that there is a lady present. Frank: that's no lady that's Courtney. (Good one Frank) Chris tells Courtney to call the police. Frank tries to stop her but Chris grabs him and pushes him out of his apartment. Frank grabs Chris and was going to hit him but he didn't. Chris says to him that he will see him at the hearing. Frank tells him not if he sees him first.

The End.

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