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Port Charles Update for Monday, 8-Feb-1999

Author: jcsmom
Posting date: Mon, 08-Feb-99 7:41:24 PM PST

Happy Monday!! All I can say is Lucy's infomercial: hot, hot hot!!!

Here's what happened today:
Things start off with Lucy on the cell phone telling all her friends to watch the infomercial (and wasn't Eve gorgeous in it??) She tells Scott and Serena that no, she hasn't told Ellen that she used her story yet, but Serena thinks that everything will be hunky dory and Ellen won't mind. Scott looks like he's thinking that if you believe THAT, he's got some swampland in Florida to sell you!!

Eve is sweating over her appearance before the board to testify in L'affaire Ramsey and is pleased when Doc comes by to give her moral support. Kevin says "just don't let them see you sweat" and gives her kisses for luck.

Victor stops by the firehouse bearing champagne. The sexiest man in Port Charles (yes I am A FAN!!!!) sweeps Serena off her feet, telling her she's the most beautiful blonde in PC and to turn on the Tv: it's on!!!

Switch to Vegas, and Matt and Ellen, who've just been to the cleaners, courtesy of the casino. Matt cheers Ellen up by telling her that the best things in life are free and he knows 1 thing they can do that costs no money.........

Reality check!! back to the board hearing. Eve is testifying in front of the board and is trying to tell the truth. She doesn't want to do it, but does bring up Frank's history of terrorizing her in the General Homicide killings. Things aren't looking great for Frank when it's Joe's turn to testify. He's just getting to the good part in his testimony when stupid Peter Jennings kicks in with the stupid impeachment hearing.
I think he did say he didn't call in the prescriptions, which Frank sees as a betrayal.

After Slick Willie's stuff went off, things ended with the Informerical: which Kevin, Eve , Matt & Ellen saw in bed, BTW. Both couples are fuming!! Ellen's mad that her story was stolen and Kevin puts two and two together and figures out that Lucy's making money from that crazy weekend in Florida with Scott which "changed her life". He had this "what am I: chopped liver??" look on his face.

The show ends with a businessman sitting there watching the show. "The lady of the stars!!" he gasps. Stay tuned..........

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