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Port Charles Update for Wednesday, 10-Feb-1999

Author: key_north
Posting date: Wed, 10-Feb-99 2:09:37 PM PST

Today's show opened at the lighthouse, with Victor & Kevin discussing Lucy's infomercial. Victor still thinks Lucy & Kevin belong together. Meanwhile at GH, Chris tells Eve he's been re-instated. She hugs him & says she knew something was up because she'd heard rumors of a big deal he signed with Lance Pharmaceuticals. He invites her to celebrate with him over martinis. Alas, she has a date with Kevin. But, she wants to talk to Chris later about how it feels to make "your first million." She walks away, & Chris looks sad. Is it because of his hidden love for Eve, or his guilt over what he did to make all that money? I'll let you decide. At the Scanlon house, Courtney (who looks really dorky in pigtails) is reading the newspaper. "New Deal Made at General Hospital" is the headline, & there's a big picture of Chris. Frank enters, & Courtney starts reading the article, including a smaller one entitled "Local Paramedic Responsible for Super Flu Outbreak." Courtney reminds Frank of the deal she offered him. He says getting revenge on Chris is not worth breaking up Joe & Karen. Eve shows up at the lighthouse. Victor walks in on Kevin & Eve kissing. At GH, Karen is furious with Chris, because he took the credit for all her work on DL-56. Chris tells her that she bailed on the research when she thought it had unsafe side effects. He made the drug safe. Karen said that DL-56 has made Frank's personality unstable. Chris said it's not about Frank, Karen's just jealous. Like his dad said, "If you snooze, you lose."
Back at Casa de Scanlon, Mary is ticked because her boys didn't tell her the truth about Frank's DL-56 adddiction. Frank says he's surprised that Joe (the answer to truth, justice, & the American way) kept his mouth shut. Too bad he didn't do that during the hearing. Mary tells Frank she can get him a job at The Recovery Room. He says there's no way he's flipping burgers. Joe says it's a start. Frank says Joe always gets the breaks, & starts in about how he gave up his dream to be a doctor to put Joe through med school. (I *love* Frank, but this spiel about how he sacrificed everything for Joe is getting a little old, IMO) Mary tells the boys to work things out. Joe's angry because Frank helped Chris screw Karen out of the recognition she deserved for inventing DL-56. Joe tells Frank he'll cover the rent til Frank can afford it. Frank basically tells Joe to go to Hell.
At Chez Collins, Eve & Kevin discuss the fact that Lucy's new dress is the talk of the town. Eve knows Victor doesn't like her, & would rather Kevin be with Lucy. Kevin tells Eve that Victor's very fond of her. Kevin suggests that he & Eve go on vacation. Victor interrupts another kiss. Frank drops by the hospital to pick up a few things. He apologizes to Karen for letting Chris sell DL-56 to Lance. He tells Mary he'll take the Recovery Room job. Mary asks Chris how he sleeps at night. He tells her he was trying to help Frank. He says "At least Frank's healthy." (I *love* you Chris, but sometimes you're a real jerk!) Mary tells Chris that Frank's going to be OK, despite what Chris did to him. She tells him about Frank's new job. (BIG mistake!) She keeps mouthing off to Chris, & he says something about restocking the supply closet, "NURSE Scanlon." She makes a smart comeback to "DOCTOR Ramsey." Courtney walks up to Chris with some comment about him being richer than Edward Quartermaine. He says he's not quite that rich. Then Frank walks up, & Chris gets in a dig about his new job. (Like I said, I love the guy, but sometimes I want to slap him!) Victor overhears Kevin's vacation plans, & tells Kevin that he has vacation plans of his own. Karen asks Joe to move in with her. He says yes. He thinks that's the best way of keeping Neil out of the fights between him & Frank. Since "nice guys finish last," Frank agrees to Courtney's plan. He'll help split up Joe & Karen if she'll help get revenge on Chris.

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