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Port Charles Update for Thursday, 11-Feb-1999

Author: TammyR
Posting date: Thu, 11-Feb-99 5:09:44 PM PST

The elves who guard the wall between PC and GH have seriously fallen down on the job (I guess it worked when I snuck them all that fine champagne that I took from K/E's limo - I didn't want them getting too happy) because Mike is alive and well and running the Recovery Room. What a welcome sight! Now if we could just sneak Garcia over permanently - Luke and Filly over for visits -

Mike discussed employment and second chances with Frank. Courtney slithered - um - went over and taunted Frank about Chris's coming out ahead. Frank is more than willing to make their devil's bargain work - a Chris for a Joe (I know which I would pick) - actually Chris's downfall for Joe's warm and willing body.

Joe and Karen suck face in front of a fireplace and discuss moving in. Joe is worried about telling Neil. Kevin - looking very very fine in a black tux - walks toward a limo. Did I mention he looked very fine? Oh - he did have someone with him - blindfolded - yes this is his and Eve's getaway. She is ecstatic. Eve has never been in a limo before (poor thing) and discusses her less than happy childhood with Kevin and the fact she doesn't even know what her father looks like (oh my gosh - is that a future storyline I spy?). She tells Kevin she used to fantasize about another Kevin - Kevin Bacon during his "Footloose" days. She used to dream he would tell off her mom and her current boyfriend, dance the night away with her and whisk her away to parts unknown in his private limo. Kevy wonders if Eve had any other limo fantasies - it turns out she had.

Joe breaks the moving out news to Neil. Courtney wants to wait to get Chris - her first mission is to break up Karen and Joe. Frank agrees to make nicey-nice to Joe so that when he bulldozes K/J Joe won't even see it coming. It seems Frank doesn't like people who won't lie for him (he should get along well with Courtney.) After the earth moves for Kevin and Eve (and I am resisting the urge to say yuck here - oops) the ride gets bumpy. The timing belt broke which seems to be an important thing for a limo. Victor passes a message on to Kevin for him to call - which Kevin does. Victor asks for a few lines from "SHe Walks In Beauty" which Kevin happens to know by heart. It turns out K/E are in luck - Victor and Mary are having their own romantic getaway and once again it is Victor to the rescue (when does that man get his own cape?)

Karen asks Mike for burgers and discusses Jason (I tell you the elves are very drunk). Courtney pretends to admire Karen and her handling of Frank. Frank apologizes to Joe and then - oops - mentions the fact that he kissed Karen. And oh gosh gee whiz he would have never have said anything if he had known Karen hadn't. Joe is steaming and Frank is gleaming.

Victor and Mary are courting in a motor home - but Victor prefers the word rig. After Kevin and Eve admire the well stocked little home away from home - Victor gets on the CB announcing he is HuggyBear and Mary is Irish Lass. Mary offers cookies. All four are happy little creatures. Sulky Joe wonders why Karen hasn't been honest with him. Karen points out that she never once questioned his activities with Courtney. He apologizes but she is not truly convinced. Frank and Courtney are very happy they have taken the first step toward the ruin of J/K (a quadrangle with action I am loving this - no longing allowed here). They intend to make J/K's attempt at living together their means to end J/K before wedding bells can even think of chiming.

And that's it folks -

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