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Port Charles Update for Monday, 15-Feb-1999

Author: mefan
Posting date: Mon, 15-Feb-99 6:39:59 PM PST

Hello everyone--

First of all, no Matt today :( Now that the important part is out of the way on with the show...

The show opens with Scott on the phone with a manufacturer. He tells Lucy he's found someone to manufacture the dresses (nightgowns!) for the Serena line. Only problem is they'd have to charge $500 a dress to break even. Lucy protests that she made THE DRESS to bring romance to all women, not just the rich (I'm so touched) She asks about his overseas connection. He says they could be made really cheap, if she didn't mind using 8 year olds in sweatshops, paying them 35 cents a day. Of course, Lucy does mind. Scott beings to rail about mankind, as Lucy interrupts saying she's had zillions of orders (zillions? Oh, puhleez, for a glorified nightgown?) and now they'll have to refund all that beautiful money.

Victor is at the wheel of his "rig", harmonizing on "Oh, Susannah" with Mary (very cute). Then K'Eve appear, cuddling. Kevy says this isn't what he had in mind when he asked her away for the weekend. She says it's not his fault. The first thing he wants to do at the hotel,is get in the hot tub. Eve suggests the second be ordering room service. "And the third?" Kevin leers, as the rig lurches to a stop. Victor has taken a wrong turn. The road is too narrow to go forward, and to dark to back up. They are stuck right where they are till morning.

Lucy asks Scott if they can't sue the manufacturerers since they had a legal contract, and enforce the contract. Scott says they would win, but it would take 3 years to go to trial. Lucy laments that people love this gown (who?) they are responding just the way she knew they would. She wonders why she can't get it made. Scott tells her to take heart, reminding her they've been through worse, such as alligators, snakes, and hurricanes. A little production problems aren't going to cause them trouble, as he starts to kiss her. They're interrupted by Serena and big (Neil). Scott catches them with a stack of video tapes--corny love stories. They claim (not very convincingly) they are making Valentine's cards, and need ideas. Working together to solve a problem reminds Lucy and Scott of the old days. Scott recalls being right there on the edge together, and taking breaks, as he kisses her. He says that with kids running around, they need to choose breaks at the right time. Lucy says that if they put their heads together, they can solve that problem. Scott suggests putting their lips together, as he kisses her.

Upstairs, big doesn't want to watch yucky movies about love. Serena says they aren't watching them to be watching movies. They need to find a way to get Lucy to move back in. big suggests asking Karen, since she got Joe to move back in with her. Serena says that's because they're getting married (uh,uh, she's not marrying ANYONE but Chris!) big replies, "Duh, I know, he's my dad" He explains about Joe being his dad (this week). Serena compares his situation with Joe and John with her relationship to Lucy. Serena says Lucy won't move back in till Scott marries her, so they need to find a way to get him to ask her. She picks out "Ghost" a movie where two people got together with the help of a fortune teller. big doesn't know any fortune tellers, but Serena has an idea.

Victor reports there must be a leak in the propane tank, it's empty, meaning no heat. Mary questions Eve about her and Kevy not bringing any warm clothes. Eve claims Kevin didn't think they'd need any (can you not think for yourself?) Kevin protests that he didn't plan on being stranded in an unheated motor home (it's a "rig" Kevy). As Mary takes Eve to get her extra jacket, Victor wails "I've ruined the weekend (good job Kevy!) He says "tonight won't be what either of us expected" He was planning to propose to Mary. "You were to going to..."Kevin says excitedly..."Shhh" Victor hushes as Mary and Eve return. Eve says "What do you think dahhling" as she models the coat. "Very chic" is Kevy's answer. Eve noticed there's only one bed. Victor says he and Mary will pitch the tent outside. Kevin says he and Eve will use the tent. Victor and Kevy proceed to argue. Victor says "I was the one who took the wrong turn" Kevin counters that they went out of their way to rescue them from a stranded limo. Eve interrupts to say if they want to rough it, they can take the tent and she and Mary will take the bed. Looking at each other the men say "NO!" Mary suggests flipping a coin. Kevin grabs the coin midair, says "heads", he and Eve will take the tent.

Mary tells Eve they weren't headed anywhere in particular, Victor just wanted to get away. "Victor is such a card" says Eve. "He's just so sweet, and so generous, and he's thoughtful" Mary gushes. "Someone has a crush" Eve notices. Mary says she's a mature woman with two grown sons, but she feels like a school girl, worried about her hair and her makeup, worried about saying something stupid. Eve said she thought she was the only one who felt that way. "Something about those Collins men" says Mary.

Victor and Kevin are outside setting up the tent. Victor says he feel like he's in highschool, worried that his hair and clothes are okay, worried that he'll say something stupid (Aww) "You're in love" Kevy observes. Victor wants Mary to be happy. Kevin says she seems to be happy with him. "You think she'll accept?" Victor hopes. Kevin doesn't see why not. "That really worries me" Victor confides. He says he made such a mess of his first marriage, he couldn't stand to botch this one too. Kevin says he was a different person then. "You raised me, I knew you then and I know you now. You're a good friend and a loving father. Mary would be lucky to have you as her husband" Kevin counsels, wishing him luck, as they hug.

big appears in a black cape, a flashlight held to his throat. He introduces "Zelda fortune teller extrordinaire (who looks suspiciously like Serena!) Scott asks if she sees a decent hair cut in his future, she just stares disdainfully at him. Lucy wonders if maybe she'll see a manufacturer in her crystal ball. Serena says she sees a wedding with Lucy Coe and Scott Baldwin. Scott looks and says he sees two kids going upstairs and brushing their teeth. The new manufacturer calls, it seems the numbers are going to work out fine. Rejoicing over the news, they kiss.

Mary enters, seeing the candles Victor has lit. "It's not how I planned on things going. I hoped it would be a night to remember" Victor laments. Mary says she hoped they would be alone together and they are. She notices he's nervous and says she knows why. As he looks shocked, she says he feels shy because Kevin is just outside. She would feel the same way if Joe or Frank were there. Victor says "That's not it, this is the part where I get down on one knee"
"One knee?" Mary asks, surprised. Victor says he has arthritis so she may need to help him up. He kneels saying "Mary Sara Scanlon, I love you, Will you marry me?"

Outside, Eve worries that the calamities they've faced when trying to make love (don't get me started on these Nokia moments and blantant stealing of K/L history) are becoming normal. But she likes it, she's never been so turned on (I'm sorry, I'm really trying to bite my tongue, I don't like K'Eve but I know others do. But here, *major gag*) She says she may never be able to make love in a normal bed again (oh, great, just like Courtney?)

Scott says there are many reasons to make an 8 year old fortune teller very happy. Listing--great sex, fun going to movies, great sex, fun scuba diving, great sex...Lucy looks into the crystal ball, seeing herself as a bride, as Scott goes to check on the kids. When he returns she tells him about seeing herself getting married. When he asks if he was the groom, she says she doesn't know, she didn't see the groom, but she knows it's going to happen. And the show is


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