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Port Charles Update for Tuesday, 16-Feb-1999

Author: TammyR
Posting date: Tue, 16-Feb-99 4:09:51 PM PST

I just knew this was going to be my fantasy episode when it began with Kevin and Eve snuggling in the tent (oh was that sarcasm flying through the air?). Eve has a kink in her shoulder, Kevin gallantly offers to massage it out for her (this scene over yet?) Then they talk about beds and fireplaces (please let this scene end). They kiss (oh goodie) and then kiss again (times two) and then my savior and my hero Victor interrupts them with the news that the motor is frozen and they ain't going anywhere.

Karen awakes in the couch bed all alone except for a yellow rose and a love note from Joe. Joe enters bearing coffee and walnut pumpkin muffins that he had to search the town over to find for her (awwwwww). They also kiss. Courtney is sitting on the infamous Chez Scanlon couch hugging herself (I guess she couldn't find anyone else that would poor thing) when Frankie enters. Frank is also a bearer of gifts - two listening devices one for Chris and one for Joe and Karen.

Joe - apparently a man on the move - shows up at Chez Scanlon ready to move on up - ah I mean out. Neil wants to know why he is leaving, Joe promises Neil that he is the most important thing in the world to him. Joe apparently believes in child labor (as do I but I can't get my child to labor) as he trades the promise of a fort for Neil's help with his moving boxes. Joe is still a bit snippy about Frank's kiss but then falls for Frank's faux apology.

Karen dances. I am not sure why. Maybe it's because Joe is gone. Maybe it is to bring back old memories. Maybe it's because somewhere in her soul, she knows someday she will be with Chris. Okay - it's probably because she is happy and in love (and I have a feeling she had better enjoy it while it lasts.) Mary has made breakfast for the sometimes fab foursome - and with the good food is the great news that Mary and Victor are engaged! Kevin and Victor hug. Kevin welcomes Mary to the Collins family (okay I love Kevin and Victor as much as anyone - more than most in fact. Am I the only one who thinks this isn't necessarily a family to "welcome" someone into?) Victor calls Roadside Assistance. The group agree to Boggle and listen to music (and I have made it a rule that all Kevin and Eve scenes must include Victor and Mary - they are so much better that way.) The radio is a bearer of bad news - a forecast of from 12 to 36 inches of snow.

Victor - ever to the rescues - comes up with the idea of portable heaters to warm up the engine. Mary and Eve boggle while they wait until Eve tries again - and it doesn't start - and it doesn't start - and it starts! In the too good to be true department - they almost get going when thud! They have hit a boulder and they aren't going anywhere. Bummer. The cell phones no longer work. Major bummer.

Neil thinks the house is too quiet without Joe. Courtney's idea of fun isn't Neil's (and this is surprising because?) Neil wishes Joe still lived there, as his mother plainly does. Frank and Joe arrive with Joe's things. After Joe and Karen conveniently leave him alone, Frank is a bug planter. Kevin and Eve decide to take a hike - to the road to flag down a car. Mary plays Mother Hen with Eve. Joe hits Karen with a door - purely by accident. To thank him Karen returns the shoelace Joe gave her in fifth grade (boy those Scanlon boys have romance in their soul). Not to be outdone - Joe has a present of his own for Karen - a rock shaped like a heart. (How cute - but the shoelace is actually more useful.) Joe and Karen exchange words of love - Courtney and Frank are listening and not loving it.

Courtney swears to Frank she almost made Joe forget all about Karen on the island (as if). Frank intends to use Karen and Joe's secrets against them. Never underestimate the power of bugs! Until next time -


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