Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Monday, 1-Mar-1999

Author: magic_sparkles
Posting date: Mon, 01-Mar-99 5:08:50 PM PST


Ha ha.......yes that's right. You read correctly, just when you thought it was safe..... I Gracie, PCO's resident wacko, have crossed over into Daily Update-dom. There is no escape, don't even try. Your worst nightmare has just been realized, you cannot hide, prepare to see PC through my eyes. That rhymed, it rhymed & you know it! LOL

Okay, just a little "disclaimer" if you will before we get started. Please note that opinions, thoughts, feelings, & the uhh---"surprises" that are bound to come up as it is *I* (me? ) that is writing this, are purely my own. They are all 100% from the far reaches of the mind of Gracie. I will however, tell the truth about the actual details of the episode . The opinions in this post do not necessarily reflect those of PC/PCO & anyone affilated with the afore mentioned. That goes for everyone else mentioned in this update as well LOL And, I would like to thank Jeff as this is the 3rd update I've signed up for, but only the 1st that I've posted due to "technical difficulties", thanks for not kicking me out LOL

Alrighty then, let's get the show on the road, put the petal to the metal, step on it, & all that.

We open with Eve & D.V. Kevin walks through the door to see D.V. with his hands on Eve, so he punches him in the mouth. D.V. comments that Kevin "hits like a boyfriend" & proceeds to tell Kevin that he & Eve are "old friends, practically family, kissing cousins," at this point he is thrown out. As he leaves he tells Eve, "We'll do this again---real soon." Give me a break.

Cut to Joe & Karen (YAY!) still wondering who in the world would want to spy on them. Joe informs Karen that Garcia is on his way. Frank & Courtney---well, Courtney, is wondering aloud whether the bug will be traced back to them. In reference to the "listening unit" for the bug, Courtney, the genius that she is, once again states the obvious by saying," Well we can't leave it here, if the cops search the place they'll find it." The PCPD????? Are you sure about that Courtney? I think it'd be a pretty safe bet to say there is no danger of them finding it. Frank & Courtney still want to spy on Chris, Courtney announces that she has a plan. ( Oh God.)

~~~ opening credits~~~~~

Lucy has just informed Don about the uhh---"situation" with The Serena Line. Scott is still convinced that it is sabatoge---it *has* to be. Well good luck finding the guilty party there Scott. I can think of at least seventeen thousand people who would just as well see those magic dresses burn, & that's just off the top of my head. The name Zoe springs to mind for some odd reason..........Scott says that Gracia is looking into it. At this point I begin to worry, "Oh no, the bug & the dresses! That's two things AT THE SAME TIME------ I don't know if the PCPD can handle that........."


Eve tells Kevin about D.V. He is one of her old Johns. She only went into "the business" to get money for her sister's surgery. Eve was convinced that what happened to Julia Roberts in PRETTY WOMAN would happen to her too. She thought D.V. was it-----he was *nice* to her (ooh), bought her nice things, took her to the best resturaunts, etc. At this point I am asking myself, "So she is comparing *D.V.* to Richard *Gere*?????? I don't think so." ---- She told D.V. she wanted to be with him (eew!) he "rejected" her. This was all Eve telling Kevin what happend YEARS AGO BTW, this didn't actually happen in today's episode LOL

Garcia determines that it *is* in fact, a bug. I *told* you---the man's a genius---he *did* make it to the ranks of the detective elite of the PCPD after all------- He wonders if Sonny planted it, Karen doesn't think so. Garcia states "Look Karen, I know that I'm just grasping at straws......." (ME:) "No kidding."

Cut to Frank & Courtney, they are discussing Courtney's "plan" whatever it is. Frank actually used the word "brilliant" in reference to something that came from the mind of Courtney Kanelos, go figure. Golly, that DL56 is stronger that I thought........... He tells her to take the "unit" to the post office---what, are they going to MAIL it away? Well apparently so as Courtney has put about a gagillion stamps on it. Frank tells her that he is going to Karen's to work damage control.


Fade out to a commercial for Motrin IB. We see a young man in a gym with a bunch of little kids. (Yes I actually sat through these commercials ON MY TAPE & wrote about them, my only desire being the tiny chance that it will entertain someone---Gracie's done it again! LOL)

"I get aches & pains all day long." Poor Kyle. Yes his name is Kyle---I named him. We see Kyle trying painfully to sit down, his face contorted so much so that it is unrecognizable. Rick, the announcer man, says in a deep, voice-over guy-type voice, "Tough pain needs the fast relief of Motrin IB Gelcaps.........." Good, 'cause Kyle has been getting aches & pains all day long. Kyle slam dunks a basketball, I guess this is suppose to indicate to us that Kyle is feeling better & I'm right because the next words out of his mouth are, "Feel better-----beautiful." And I am wondering why he said "beautiful"---unless of course he was talking to me. And I am also wondering how we can be sure that he even took the stupid pill---I mean for all we know, Kyle could be happy because he just had a Fig Newton---which leads me to our next commercial.

We hear a woman telling a young boy that, "A proper gentleman eats his cookies one at a time." The boy informs her that, "They're not cookies---they're *Newtons*," so the woman dumps the rest in her purse. Boy, she must have been starving to eat all those, I mean, "Newton's" taste like burnt flour over rubberbands. We then see the same woman eating some on a bench, some birds in the background. I am hoping they will peck at her a la THE BIRDS, but to no avail. She is eating new Newtons---" moister than ever"---oh goody---burnt flour over *wet* rubberbands.

We then go through two Bioré commercials, & one for First Response. We are back to PC after a Chap-Stick ad that actually uses the word "radical.", not-to-mention, tells us it "Protects like Chap-Stick, tastes like fun" Now I ask, what does fun taste like exactly?


Fade into Kevin & Eve---apparently D.V. stole Eve's money---Kevin is compelled to call him a "son-of-a-gun" Kind of anyway LOL Eve went to Minnesota & didn't see him again 'til last night. She said he was "so sociable today, like he had seen me just yesterday." Well call me crazy Eve, but you JUST SAID that he *did* see you yesterday. Kevin asks her to stay with him for a few days. After saying no several times, she finally agrees.


Lucy is writing a letter to all "Serena Line" customers, explaining what is going on. She gets a call---during which we learn the Scott lives at 477 Douglas Street, write that down. It was David Bordiso (Vordiso? sp?) he wants to talk about the dresses. Lucy is ecstatic---apparently he is a bog shot in the fashion industry. Scott is suspicious.


Frank shows up at Joe & Karen's ( I adore saying that )---after Joe tells him what's going on, he tells Garcia that his prints will be all over the place & hey! Since Joe brought the CD holder from Casa Scanlon, the bug was probably already on it! That's good---I mean that's right! Sounds logical to Garcia, wished he would've thought of it himself.......


Courtney sends the "package" on it's way. A few more boring commercials (Pedialyte: " Besides, she doesn't need anymore sugar.......she's sweet enough already" gag me.), an AMC promo, & we are back once more.

Garcia finds another (planted) bug over at Chez Scanlon. Frank suggests that maybe Julie did it---Joe, obviously under the evil influence that is LML, says that that is just the type of thing Cooper would have her do to keep tabs on them. Oh come on. Julie is nuts---*deal* with it. Remember how we all always said she was insane back when the show started & TPTB apparently though it was just us being mean? NO, we actually meant that she has literally lost her mind. LOL Oh well, Lynn-You-Will-Like-It----You-***WILL***!!!!!-Latham obviously doesn't care what we want, one simple torturesome death of Courtney, that's all I ask, just one. But will LML give it to me? Nnnnnnnoooooo.............she makes me sick. But I digress.

JOE asks KAREN if she wants to go home or see the movie. Neil asks if it's the same movie they missed last night, the one he thought he heard Joe talking about that morning in Frank's room.


Cut to Chris playing that "Shoot the Ducks" video game whose name escapes me at the moment with a blue gun. Eve tells him about D.V. & that she is going to stay with Kevin for awhile, while I am still thinking "God that man looks good with a gun."


Scott volunteers to eat the three old yucky munchies. Lucy gets the door & SURPRISE!! TA-DA!!!!!!! It's *D.V.*!!!!!!! *Big* surprise there, *he* is the fashion guru who will save the day! I am proven RIGHT once more LOL Although if he saves that stupid magic dress from its well-deserved fate I will murder him.............

Lucy recognizes him as the man she saw in her crystal ball.

Some more commercials (Sparkle papertowels reduce germs up to 99%! Yeah right.)


Fade in.

We see Courtney on the Scanlon couch, Joe & Karen right behind her. Joe picks up the lamp, the heavy one, & proceeds to heave it on her, smashing it over Courtney's head a la Frank as Karen sits back in glee & laughs----oh wait. Nevermind, I just imagined that.


Well that's it for me, I hope I made y'all smile at least. And I *swear* every bit if this happened. "That's my story & I'm sticking to it."

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