Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Friday, 12-Mar-1999

Author: magic_sparkles
Posting date: Sun, 14-Mar-99 11:40:55 AM PST


Hehe, that's right, it's Gracie's second update ever! Yay! This is your last chance to turn back! Don't say I didn't warn you!

Okay, as some of you know, Friday was Chris-free. I was severely depressed, I mean, I have the update, & no Chris! Something is wrong with the universe. But that's okay, no problem--- I am *Grace* after all!

So, for your reading enjoyment, I will not be doing this update . Instead, I have arranged for a very special guest updater, it took a lot of persuading, but that's okay, I didn't mind. Actually, he agreed right away, ladies & gentelmen, I give you--- Dr. Christopher Ramsey!! Chris?

Thanks Grace, I'll call you later. Okay everyone---Grace came to me & asked if I would do this update thing. Well how could I say no? I mean, come on! She's GRACE! So here we go, though I am kind of confused as to how our lives were televised, oh well. Ready? Go.

Oh look!It's Lucy & Scott! *What* are they talking about? A factory in Jersey? Bordiso tampering with sprinklers? Oh wait, someone's at the door, I think it's this Bordiso guy. He looks over the contract Scott has drawn up---hang on---now there's Ellen & some guy--okay, she called him Sebastian. He mentions how she still looks great, even in a full-length coat. Full-length? Doesn't look like it to me. Anyway, he asks her to dinner & she declines.Okay, there's Eve. Why is she talking to Sebastian? She has some test results & he notes that she is not making her happy face, golly Seb, no flies on you!

Alright---what's this? Woah! It's ME! Well, & the other interns too, & some banner that says "Port Charles"---what IS this? There's Courtney--she thinks she's pretty smart. I cannot BELIEVE she thinks she is fooling me---ME! Chris! *Some* people............

Alright, whatever that was, it's over. Scott & Lucy again. Bordiso signs the contract after negotiating an extra percent of the profits for every day he delivers early, I like this guy. Lucy says she already has a second dress designed--- oh goody. Lucy & Scott try & get a story out of him for a new infomercial.

Now we see Eve & Seb. This is really weird---how come this is on T.V.? Oh well, they are discussing his condition--he is dying. Matt shows up for two seconds & leaves. Eve figures out that Seb & Ellen are the real people behind the infomercial----huh? I am really losy now---what infomercial? Grace is lucky she is so great or I would be mad......

Woah---*commercials*? *Okay*---alright, Grace has fast forwarded, she is so nice.

Anyway, Eve & Seb are talking about living your life in the moment, kinda' dull. At this point I tune out & think about my best friends, Grace & Valerie. They are awesome, funny, loyal, sweet, smart, beautiful-----what? Oh, sorry. Seb says that "fate" has brought him to PC, blah blah blah.

Oh great, Matt. I don't know why he doesn't like me. Val & Grace adore me, & they rock----oops! There I go again! Anyway, Matt & Ellen make plans for later.

D.V. starts telling Lucy & Scott a story. He owned a cafe in "gay Paris" which Scott pronounced horribly. Good thing Grace & Kate are tutoring him. Did I mention Grace rocks? Okay, I don't know about you, but this story D.V. is feeding them sounds *awfully* familiar. Oh, golly, they finally realize it is from Casablanca--gee, way to go guys. D.V. mentions a real story about Algeria, but then leaves.

Okay, what's this? More commercials? This is too weird---alright, Val has ff'ed this time, she is so helpful.

Scott says some new factory won't be ready for awhile. They discuss the second story & how the woman D.V. mentioned would be a huge help to them.

There's D.V. at the PC Hotel. What's this? He is flashing back to some old war scene. Some guy asks some other guy for help--- in French. Grace translated for me---what a sweetheart. He said to get a letter "to femme"---woman. The first guy agrees to this & to tell her that this guy loes her. He leaves & the flashback is over. Speaking of which, you should all read Flashback. Grace mentions that the guy who took the letter isn't bad to look at, my heart breaks into a million tiny pieces. But then she smiles at me, all is right with the world.

Eve tells Ellen about her discovery about the infomercial.

Matt "warns" Seb to stay away from Ellen, puh-lease. If I were Ellen, I would be just a TAD upset.

Okay, it appears to be over. This was *interesting* to say the least. But what you all didn't see was me. See, I was having a party, just me, Joe, Kevin, Val, & Grace. Alright, it's my turn to dance with Val again, I better hurry...........

Thanks for reading, gotta' go now, Valerie awaits! "I'm coming........."


YAY!!!!!! Let's all thank Chris!!!! LOL-okay, if you were expecting someting insanely hilarious like the last one, sorry to disappiont. LOL-this was written in about 10 minutes, as opposed to the other one, which took almost an hour. I simply could not get the funny juices flowing! LOL Thanks for reading anyway, that's the news & I am outta' here!

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