Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Thursday, 18-Mar-1999

Author: TammyR
Posting date: Thu, 18-Mar-99 4:32:55 PM PST

The very best part of the show is the ending - no words but oh-my-goodness what a look exchange. Scroll to the end to see what a mean but here is a hint - Dear PTB - I will willingly and happily sell Zoe's soul (slightly used as it may be) to get Kevin and Lucy back. In the meantime - keep spoon feeding me these magical little moments, 'kay?

Our St. Patrick's celebration (PC - the town where holiday's actual dates have no meaning - they laugh in the face of calendars!) with our fav dastardly duo - aka Frank and Courtney. Courtney fills Frankie in on her Chris scam. Neil comes in looking mighty dashing in a suit. Scott, Lucy and Serena admire Mr. b's taste in clothing. Lucy is very happy for Victor and Mary, Scott slightly less so. Victor is sorting thru a box and comes up with some cufflinks which make him frown. Mary bops in and tells Victor she has changed her mind about the duet accordion they had planned (the phrase there is a God comes to mind)
and if Victor wants to make a fool of himself solo more power to him. Victor very seriously and extremely upsetly asks Mary if she thinks he is a fool. Mary is stunned but Victor isn't about to go to a dinner with anyone who considers him foolish. She can just go without him.

Chris - looking as charming as ever - and Frank share pleasantries being that they are so close and all . Courtney decides interrupting them would be a good thing and thanks Chris for coming. Chris is surprised that Kevin and Eve are coming - considering Scott and Lucy are there. (Smart guy my Chris - my Chris - did you hear that Val?)Lucy and Scott discuss the oh-so-unmagical dresses with Karen and Joe - poor things. A new dress means a new infomercial (oh joyness). And they can't find the right actors. Darn it. And then Scott and Lucy get a brilliant idea (run Karen run Joe). Wouldn't Karen and Joe who are loveydovey-perfection be great? (I said RUN1) Karen and Joe at first are very smartly not thrilled with the idea but the persuasive duo of Lucy and Scott go hammer time on them until they are at least considering it (why haven't you runned yet?)

Victor, in very Victorly pajamas - tells a rather stunned Kevin and Eve (and wasn't I thrilled to see them together again? - no ) that he isn't going to the party. He explains he and Mary had an argument. That he is an embarrasment to Mary. And further more, he is simply not the marrying kind. Eve makes an excuse and leaves - and my fav son/father team settle down for a talk. Victor explains it was an argument - something Kevin should know plenty about. Victor knows nothing about happy marriages. Ah says my brilliant Kevin - you are thinking of Mother Undearest. Victor finds it very irritating to have a psychiatrist as a son - Kevy finds it equally so to have an accordion player for a father. What a bonding moment! Freud once said, says Victor, a cigar is sometimes just a cigar and therefore an argument is sometimes just an argument.

Mary enters the Scanlon home and everyone shouts surprise. They are in turn surprised that she is Victorless. Mary announces Victor isn't coming. And - oh is this my lucky day or what? - a Kevin and Eve scene. Kevin rehashes his conversation with Eve. Eve offers to help. Yada-ing into infinity. Mary tells the crowd that Victor had an emergency. Apparently the invisible-Lark had to work (all work and no play makes Lark the Twilight Zone queen). Lucy - and what a lucky person that Mary is - gives her a Serena-line dress. Mary does her best to hide her upsetedness.

In another attempt to make us think that Eve (who secretly loves Sebby) belong in the Lighthouse Eve "shares" with Victor her past - her stubborness - how glad she was that she opened up and got Scott - and oh Kevy - in her life. Victor opens up to Eve that the cufflinks were a 3rd anniversary present from Melanie (you know in my whole life I have never given anyone cufflinks - I guess I would never make it as soap-opera wife) - who called him a fool on many occasions - which he realized he was after he discovered what she had been doing to Ryan. Eve reassures him that he is extremely unfoolily.

Lucy realizes Mary is upset - Mary admits she and Victor had an argument. Mary thinks Victor thinks she is calling him a fool cause of his condition. Karen and Joe tell Scott that after much soul searching they have agreed to let him pay for the wedding (you know the gold-plated invitations, the Rolls, the speciality dishes flown in). Lucy tells Mary that she and Victor were meant to be together. Mary is about to go all truthful to the crowd about Victor when he and Kevy and Eve enter as he is playing "When Irish Eyes are Smiling" on the accordion. At least - I think that is what it is - I don't know a lot about Irish songs or accordions.

Beautiful says Mary. Recording says Victor bringing out the tape player. Mary and Victor apologize and explain to one another. Mary worries that she is unexciting as a nurse who has only lived in PC - but Victor has never been more centered and content in his life. They kiss - awwww. Kevin and Eve watch - ewwwww (just kidding - sort of). Another K/E moment followed by a S/L moment where they discuss Lucy sleeping over. Courtney finds Joe and Karen disgusting so Frankie suggest she go suck face with Chris and disgust Joe. Eve and Kevin admire Mary's dress (now that is acting!). Mary informs them Lucy and Scott are involved with DV. Eve and Kevy are not happy - Eve tags out of the room after Scott. Scott makes himself at home in the Scanlon refrigerator (who knows what is growing in there!) and Eve is all worried and Scott is all confidence where DV is concerned.

Courtney flirts with Chris - again. Chris and Courtney - kiss again. Frank points out the floor show to Karen and Joe. Karen pretty much thinks they deserve each other but Joe is all glowery. Kevin (and ain't he lookin' fine all clean shaven) toasts Mary and Victor for their love-ly inspiration. Victor toasts all couples lucky in love. (THe good part is coming - pay attention.) Joe and Karen kiss (that's not it). Courtney glowers. Eve kisses Kevy on the cheek (definitely not it). She leaves his side. Scott is behind Kevy. Kevin and Lucy lock eyes - and stare at each other oh-so-longily and oh-so-poignantly and for a very long moment - sigh. Come on ptb - L/K for Zoe's soul. It is such a good trade. Really. Would I lie?

Til next time - Tamm

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