Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Tuesday, 23-Mar-1999

Author: magic_sparkles
Posting date: Tue, 23-Mar-99 12:44:10 PM PST

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIKKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well it appears that LML has decided that she will not go out without a fight. Today’s ep seemed to be her last hurrah---or at least her throwing a nice little fit, "No! I won’t go!! I *won’t*!!!!" And the little plot twists that came to light today were just *oozing* with that classic "You will like it, TRUST ME.--- I am LML" trademark that we all know & love------the same one that has aroused homicidal thoughts in all of us. Today followed that lovely LML Logic, "So what if it doesn’t make sense? Who cares?", giving it that fresh, this-storyline-was-just-pulled-out-of-a-hat-just-baked feel.

I have figured something out. Stop laughing, I *have*. It is *obviously* my destiny to only update episodes where Chris is nowhere to be found, where Joe & Karen are still under LML’s evil spell to break them up---good thing she’s leaving, I think we scared her with our Valentine campaign, (Operation: Valentine) LOL, & where Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dumber, AKA: Frank & Courtney, are fighting over their brain cell, scheming & plotting. Gee, I sure hope one of them doesn’t *lose* that brain cell, *then* where would they be? And Courtney *has* to have her hair in pigtails, she *must*, that’s the rule!

Today, I got the impression that the dynamic duo was suppose to come off as amusing instead of annoying, hilarious rather than aggravating, & entertaining versus so repetitive that you would willingly eat glass just so you would have something else to think about.

Now this is just me, * please don’t get me wrong. I *adore* Frank & Courtney, I really do---usually. But today was *saturated* with "Lynn wrote this!"---enough to annoy anyone, even me. LOL . Frank & Courtney were giddily (is that even a word?) discussing what Karen would do when she found the "sexy undies" (Courtney’s words, not mine) that Frank planted in Joe’s car. Courtney, wearing Karen’s ring (gag me) that accidentally fell into her pocket, gleefully acts out a scene with Frankie---imitating the yet-to-be-realized argument between Joe & Karen. It was suppose to come off as a conversation, like---if I were watching the episode with my friends, as I sometimes do---it was suppose to be as if I said to one of them, "Oh *gee*---*what* a shame---Courtney *fell* right off that *mountain*!! Not only that, but *Karen* *pushed* her!! Poor baby."But alas, LML has screwed up yet again. Instead, it only served to annoy me, more than I ever thought was humanly possible. It *was* funny to see how much fun they were having however. Plus we now know why Courtney was bouncing around that room today---& every other day---& why she actually believes that she can bring Chris down---she hears voices. Not just one, but *two* voices, AT THE SAME TIME.


Scott & Lucy realize that D.V. has set them up for one *huge* fall. Following that LML Logic that is her trademark, Latham decides she needs something to shake things up with this storyline. "AHA!" she thinks to herself, " *I* know! Why not have D.V. report Scott & Lucy as having manufactured The Serena Line via a sweatshop in Indonesia? So what if it doesn’t make sense? Who cares? Works for me!" So while Scott & Lucy argue over who gets to kill D.V., & while they realize the security tape with D.V. asking to manufacture the line has no sound, I am wondering who in the world hired this reporter??? I mean, *what* kind of journalist, in her right mind, would report a story as fact, based *solely* upon the testimony of one man, with absolutely *no* concrete proof whatsoever? LML has shattered my aspiring investigative journalistic ( again I ask, is that really a word?) dreams. I don’t want to be a reporter when I grow up anymore-- LOL.


Joe & Karen look high & low for the ring, too bad they didn’t think to check Courtney’s finger. Frank calls & says the plumber couldn’t find it. Karen looks in Joe’s car & finds the lingerie, Joe & Karen fight (yuck) & Joe storms out. *Sigh*, leave it to Latham---she has thrown her little tantrum, shattered my career goals, AND podded yet another unsuspecting PC resident, all in one fell swoop. Actually, I should have seen it coming yesterday, when Karen asked Lucy for a magic dress all her own, or the other day, when she TOOK THE RING OFF. If Joe gave *me* a ring............*sigh*, but I digress.

I cannot believe Karen suspects Joe---completely out of character, therefore she has officially been podded. Chalk it up to bad writing........LML.......whatever, same difference. Or maybe it’s just me--maybe I am spoiled by having *honest* people in my life, well--most of them anyway. But you never *ever* doubt the ones you love---you just don’t. But that’s just me. LOL

Anyway, that’s it for me, as usual, opinions reflected in this post are purely my own & do not necessarily reflect those of PCO and/or it’s posters, sponsors, or it’s webmaster Jeff. HI JEFF!! LOL --And the only intended target of my sarcasm today was the *characters*---well the characters & LML. LOL---I adore all PC actors, especially Nolan. (VBEG) And BTW---just so you all know--I was in a very strange little mood when I wrote this---almost surreal. It’s not my fault, I *swear*!!! LOL

That’s the news at noon, be sure to tune in again at 5 for more on our breaking story, "Soap writer missing. Lynn Marie Latham, former headwriter of the ABC soap opera, `Port Charles’ was reported as missing today. One Grace from Florida is the prime suspect"---more at 5. Now back to Bob & Gayle in the studio---Bob?

~~Updater Gracie

¤¤¤ HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIKKI!!!!!!!!! ¤¤¤

"I’m not sure I like this game, I don’t want to play anymore."

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