Daily Updates

Port Charles Update for Monday, 12-Apr-1999

Author: mefan
Posting date: Mon, 12-Apr-99 3:16:48 PM PDT

Hi all! First, let me explain that we are doing something new and different today in this update. You will have two--count 'em--two updaters. That's right, Valerie and I are doing a joint update. Oh, and I will now be passing out towels to all to wipe the drool off of your computer screens, as today was Shirtless Chris Day! That's right! Well, don't worry if you didn't catch that, I'm sure Val will be reminding you of that fact, once or twice at least Oh, and Val and I need to point out that yes, Matt fans and Chris fans *can* work together. Who wouldathunk?

Anyway, on with the show.

The show opens with Kevy--who is looking very nice in a black shirt--answers the door, surprised to see Lucy standing there. And she goes on to jabber that she should have called, but she didn't, but
she should have, but she needed to see him right away... Got all that? Well, Kevy finally lets her in.

Lucy tells him that she and Scott are leaving for NY tomorrow. Kevy wants to know if it's for business or pleasure. Lucy assures him business, as they are going to DV's hometown to see if they can find out why DV is out to get them. Hmmm, well let's see, I think my fave reason from Tammy's list in LOW, was that he's a viewer that wrote to TIIC promising to do anything to get rid of the quad... When Kevy offers to help, Lucy asks if DV told Eve anything that might help when they had
lunch. Oops--you mean Kevy didn't know that? Well of course, he must have, as his *sanitary depends on the truth*. Eve, being all brilliant* of course would know this. Well, Lucy says she's kind of surprised that Eve didn't tell him--well not all that surprised (LOL Good one Lucy) She says Scott ran into DV and Eve (I'm so scared of him that I have to move into the lighthouse, but sitting across from him in a skimpy dress and holding his hand--that's different!) while they were having
lunch at the PC Grill.

Kevy stews on this information as we move on to Ellen's apartment, where she is--packing--cuz even though she's got this terrific guy madly in love with her, who spent a year endlessly working his way into her heart, well there's this other guy she spent a couple hours with, oh, ten years ago. And she thinks she might feel *something* for him. And he's dying so she won't be gone all that long anyway... Oh, and now I must smack that smile off of her face as she flashes back to Sebby kissing her (oh, when was this anyway? It's been so long...let's see, Friday? Gosh, we're all so busy ironing and all we must not have noticed. Thanks you SO much for the reminder!) Well, then she goes to the door to find Matt, who sees her suitcase and notes that she's going away with Sebby. Oh, so, smugly she confirms that she is. He just sits there shaking his head, as he can't believe it. (Don't feel bad,
honey, neither can I)

Now I am off for a bit, turning the reins over to Val, as we get Shirtless Chris Day---Yay! (See, aren't I sweet?) I will be off--giving Matt...a....uhm....a hug. He needs one, poor guy.

Courtney and Chris are sitting on Chris living room floor, and Chris is
SHIRTLESS! Courtney is feeding Chris some dessert, and did I mention that Chris is SHIRTLESS? Okay, just so that you know -- Chris was SHIRTLESS! Oh, was there other stuff that happened today? Uh, okay I guess I better talk about the dialogue too -- let's see how much I can remember, I mean if I forgot anything you can hardly blame me, Chris was SHIRTLESS, for cryin out loud!

Anyway, Courtney and Chris talk about Frank, and while they're talking, Frank is listening in, and throwing darts at a picture of Courtney he put up on the wall, LMAO! I won't mention the fact that A) what are the odds of him having darts nice and handy in that little apartment, and B) the picture of Courtney he put up was the same one Chris used to show to the bank lady, so obviously CHRIS took that picture, and anyway what would Frank be doing with and 8 x 10 glossy of Courtney? Cause we're not supposed to notice little details like that . . . . we viewers are WAY too busy with our ironing. Just forget I mentioned it.

Chris tells Courtney he doesn't trust her, but not to take it personally
cause he doesn't trust ANYBODY, and he picks her up and carries her to bed -- I myself am DEEPLY jealous here, too! And Chris is SHIRTLESS!

In the SECOND scene with Chris and Courtney, where Chris is once again
SHIRTLESS, they are lying in his bed (a place I'd LOVE to be in myself -- oops, did I just say that? ) and Chris tells Courtney about his father -- how old Henry Ramsey used to use him to help him with his scams. Excuse me -- just a moment, gotta go do something. La la la la la la la la la . . . . . okay, I'm back. Just had to go look out the window and see if I saw any pigs flying by. Cause the last time we were given ANY hint whatsoever to Chris' past was LAST MAY (the same month as the infamous 'Chris dripping wet in a towel' scene -- May was a good month! ). But, I saw no flying pigs -- Lynn Latham must TRULY be gone. A past that's NOT all about some other brilliant, generous and caring character -- I am shocked. Stunned. Floored. But I digress . . . . .
Anyway, Chris tells Courtney how his dad once used him when he was 14 to sell stolen fur coats, and one time Chris forgot to take one of the tags of a coat, and his dad was found out. Well, a loan shark came by looking for Henry, but Chris was home. The loan shark beat Chris up. Chris' dad told him he deserved it. Oh, this was SO sad -- see, this is what I've been saying all along -- Chris is SUCH a complex character, there is SO much more to him if the idiot writers would bother to show it! This was a WONDERFUL episode -- and not just cause Chris was SHIRTLESS, either. (Though that was nice.) And BTW, I really think Courtney was feeling for him too as he recounted the story -- it must have taken alot for him to open up to her that way. She better not stomp all over him or I'll open up a can of whoop-@$$ on her for hurting my baby!

Courtney goes back to Frank, who is NOT a happy camper. She tells him to relax -- she has Chris right where she wants him. And Chris, ever the smarty, is totally on to Courtney . . . .

BTW, I know my portion of the update is just the Chris stuff, but I HAVE to comment on a PodEllen moment -- what the hell is WRONG with that woman, not knowing what the weather is like in New Orleans, so she packs a bunch of stuff. Hello! Ellen -- ever hear of the WEATHER CHANNEL! Or the INTERNET, to check weather forcasts? DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, I'm back now. Forgive me if I have to dash--Matt may need me. Anyway, we are back to Kevy and Lucy--*sigh* it is so nice to see their names together in a sentence. Okay, Lucy is wondering since Eve didn't tell him about her lunch date, what else could she not be saying. Kevy--of course--defends Eve, being so *brilliant, generous and caring* that she is--saying that she doesn't have to report to him. Lucy says that having lunch with DV falls into that "should have told you"
category. Kevy then says that the lunch isn't what bothers him, it's Lucy's behaviour. Oh, so now trying to save her company threatens Kevy's sanity as well? You really need to keep a list. As she says that Eve has information that she's hiding from everyone, including him, Kevy tells her it's time for her to leave. As she turns to leave she says she didn't come over to assassinate whatever character Eve has. After she leaves, Kevy gets mighty upset, and leaves a message for Eve to call him.

Back to my poor Matt, and that woman who seems to answer to the name of Ellen. She tries to explain that she's not going forever, that she'll be back. She's only going b/c he's dying, it's his last wish afterall. *gag* Matt, being the smarty that he is, surmises that she's not going just b/c he's dying. PodEllen admits she does feel something for Sebby, but she can't sort it out unless she goes. Matt begs her not to go *sniff*, she maintains she's not going for a very long time, she'll be back as soon as he dies. Oh, that's nice. Matt tells her he doesn't want her going away with *any* man for even one day. When Matt asks if he had a dying old girlfriend who wanted him to go away with her,
Ellen says she hopes she would understand that there were extenuating circumstances. Oh, please, no way! Matt says she must be a bigger person than he is--nope just braindead. Ellen says it has nothing
to do with them, or how much she loves him--gee, she sure has a funny way of showing it! Matt tells her do what she has to do, and so will he and he won't be waiting when she gets back. Go Matt! As Ellen tries to stop him, he says he can't wait for her, and keep his self-respect. When she refuses to stay, he says they're over "just like that" and leaves. *sob* Excuse me, I must go give Matt another hug.....

Ugh, now Ellen arrives at Sebby's hotel room, he notices how much she's packed. As Val stated, how stupid is that? There's no way she wouldn't have a clue what the weather is going to be like there, but then again this is a woman who couldn't operate a copier, so maybe we're overestimating her abilities. Sebby then offers her the chance to back out--but of course PodEllen wants to go. She hopes in time Matt will understand, she wants the world to stop. Then Sebby collapses to the floor.

Eve returns Kevy's phone call--how *generous* of her, actually I should say Brucie's call. At this point--Ahhhhhh!!!! I'm screaming as Bruce doesn't question her dishonesty, or explain his sanity-needs. The first words out of his mouth are "Are you okay?" Ack! That's as much as I can
handle. Suffice it to say, she is not chastised. Skipping on.... As Eve hangs up the phone she turns o see Lucy glaring at her---Note: this means Lucy=Bad, for those of us too slow to catch on. Oh, joy, the resurgance of the SFIDH. Oh, the anticipation.

As Sebby arrives in the E.R. Ellen yells for the surgeon on call, and Matt appears.

And the show is


Hope you enjoyed, I'm off to take care of my Matt!

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