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Port Charles Update for Tuesday, 20-Apr-1999

Author: gk1411
Posting date: Tue, 20-Apr-99 11:29:49 AM PDT

Welcome all. Everybody has heard that song that dispenses advice to the class of 1999 on the radio by now. Today I am going to give advice to the characters of PC. I will dispense this advice now. Sing along if you wish .

First off Mike, Matt and Frank need to see a doctor now. The Recovery Room is obviously made from pure asbestos. We all know that the bike shop is attached to the bar. The original intention was to knock down the walls and expand the bar. Frank informed us that the bar only has water and smoke damage (and just in the kitchen no less) my conclusion is that the place must be made from that very non-healthy fire resistant substance. Can we say carcinogen class?

Karen, Joe, and Frank (and my I give props to Frank for recognizing the fire siren yesterday – hey, this guy is no dummy ) are at the bar (man it must be hot in there ). They are saddened by the news of Lucky Spencer’s death. Off camera, Mike is devastated. Joe goes to the back to console him. Frank says Karen must be having a difficult time dealing with Lucky’s death and finding the book of matches in Joe’s locker all in the same day (did I just say this guy was no dummy? He is equating the death of a child, the child of Karen’s father’s former wife no less, to that of finding matches. What a boob.) Note to Frank: Trying being a little more subtle. Karen says given the unfortunate circumstances of the day she would rather not confront Joe.

Chris is at the loony bin wrapping up his deal with the devil. Note to Chris: YOU DO NOT MAKE DEALS WITH SERIAL KILLERS. Julie tells Chris that Lee needs to approve of any deals they make.

Kevin, Eve, Victor and Mary are making wedding plans at the lighthouse. Victor and Kevin are concerned about Lucy (who’s Lucy? Oh, I remember. She was this feisty, smart and beautiful powerhouse of a person. Hope she remembers that soon.). Kevin calls Scotty but there is no answer. Eve gets up from the couch and faints (I give her a 5.9 – low degree of difficulty on the dive, otherwise it would have been a higher grade.).

Julie and Chris try to come up with a way to get Lee on their side. Note to Julie: You are crazy. No way Lee lets you give away your money.

Frank is setting up for a hot night of business at the Recovery Room . Frank brings up the matchbook situation again (guess he hasn’t learned the art of subtlety in the five minutes since I suggested it). Frank offers to follow Joe. Karen declines the offer. But she is clearly concerned. Joe comes back from seeing Mike (at least someone on PC sees him). Karen shows Joe the matches.

Eve is awake. Note to the Lighthouse folk: You are a nurse, two doctors and a genius – take Eve to the hospital you pinheads!! Eve tries to prove that she is well by standing up. She quickly feels faint and falls back to the couch (2.1 – no degree of difficulty at all on this dive). Kevin finally suggests a trip to the hospital. Eve is hesitant. Kevin says the Eve he knows doesn’t have fainting spells (that’s true, the Eve Kevin knows has sex in kid’s racecar beds). Victor tells tales of dating stars and playing baseball in Hollywood (Note: Thank heaven there is medication available to treat Victor’s condition. It would be such a shame to just dismiss a vital human being because of a medical condition.)

Joe is upset about Karen’s implied accusation. Joe wants to call the police. Frank baits Joe about maybe hiding something.

Lee arrives to meet with Julie and Chris. Julie says she wants to give some of the DL-56 money to Chris. He deserves it she says. Chris leaves so Lee and Julie can discuss this in private. Lee has no interest in giving Chris anything except a swift kick. Lee thinks Julie has an ulterior motive (Note: Lee is the one person in the whole town who doesn’t need advice). Julie says her only motivation is to make amends for her father’s misdeeds. Lee is not convinced. He refuses to give Chris the money. Julie is not happy (Note to Lee: (guess I was wrong about that not needing any advice thing) Don’t tick off a serial killer. It’s not good for business).

Courtney arrives at the Recovery Room. She thinks Chris has found the bug in his apartment. Frank tells Courtney that the match book plan isn’t working. Courtney’s fangs come out as she says she doesn’t want to hear anymore about Karen. Frank says they need to catch Joe red-handed to make Karen believe.

Kevin tells Eve about Lucky’s death. Kevin knows that Lucy is going to be devastated. Eve has had a MRI and is waiting for the results. MRI shows nothing wrong. Eve wants to check on Sebby. Kevin goes off to call Scotty for an update. Chris is at the nurse’s station. Chris is looking over a file. In a split second Chris realizes that the file is that of a pregnant woman. It is Eve’s file. Note to Chris: Forget all the scamming man. You could be the best doctor in that hospital. You really wouldn’t have that much competition.

That's it for today folks -- Enjoy!

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